2024-2025 Catalog



PSY-415 Organizational Psychology

This course focuses on the improvement of effective workplace relationships through assessment and interventions. Topics include the role of human resources, professional administration, marketing, consulting, training and development, and ethical leadership.


PSY-420 Relationship Development 2

This course will explore the psychological principles of systems, including couples and families. Careful attention will be given to aspects of systems theory that contribute to healthy couples, families, and organizational relationships. Special consideration will be given to the application of course principles to the capstone project. Prerequisite: PSY-357


PSY-425 Ethical Issues in Psychology

This course is designed to introduce psychology students to the standards and issues related to professional conduct. Topics to be covered focus on ethical conduct from a Christian worldview in psychological practice and research, as well as the decision-making foundations for resolving ethical issues.


PSY-430 Techniques in Motivation and Change

In this course, students will enhance their understanding of how to foster and maintain healthy and productive change for an individual, a group, and an organization based on motivational theory. This course includes an introduction to motivational concepts based on the Trans-theoretical Model of Change. The application of Motivational Interviewing will also be emphasized.


PSY-440 Psychology and Spiritual Formation

This course is a synthesis of spiritual and psychosocial development, including spiritual formation as a part of individual and relational developmental theories. Spiritual disciplines and practices of spiritual direction that contribute to healthy psychosocial-spiritual development are emphasized.


PSY-471 Faculty/Student Collaborative Research Psychology: Research

Experience through individual projects involving design, execution, analysis, and reporting individually initiated research. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. May be repeated.

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PSY-473 Supervised Practicum

Practical experience in social agencies and other counseling settings. May be repeated.

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PSY-475 Special Topics

In-depth literature search and analysis of specified topic. May be repeated.

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PSY-484 Pre-Art Therapy Practicum

This course is a practical study of the fundamental concepts, theory, and uses of the visual arts in a therapeutic context. This course integrates academic insight, knowledge, and development through practical community application of the visual arts and various populations. Prerequisite: PSY-210.


PSY-485 Theories of Counseling

Surveys various approaches to counseling with emphasis on philosophy underlying the theory. Senior majors begin to write their own theory of counseling as part of this class.


PSY-487 Techniques of Counseling

Students will be exposed to many techniques used in counseling to facilitate client change and growth. Role-playing and some supervised "hands on" experiences give students practical experience. Offered Spring semester.


PSY-490 Senior Capstone

Completion of personal assessment portfolio compiled from several courses in the major. Will include integration papers. Instruction on preparing for the GRE and applying for graduate school or placement.


PSY-491 Capstone in Psychology and Human Relations

The Capstone experience consists of long-term, investigative assignments that guide the student into a deeper understanding and synthesis of the knowledge gained and the personal growth attained during four Capstone thread courses. In this course, students will synthesize and apply key concepts, theories, and practices presented throughout their program into a final Capstone project. The approved project will focus on the application of personal, social, and spiritual knowledge and experience with the intent of generating hope in the world through relationships. Prerequisite: successful completion of all core courses


PSY-493 Integration of Psychology and Christianity

A study of integration models and a conceptual framework for integrating psychological research and the Christian faith. Examination of the potential tensions and resolutions in integrating psychological and Christian approaches to understand the nature of man, mental illness, development, and counseling. Will consider the nature of religious experience, conversion, the meaning of religious images, the significance of individual difference in religious faith, and other pertinent topics in the psychology of religion. Prerequisite: 12 hours in Psychology and/or Religion (exclusive of General Education courses).


PSY-495 History and Systems of Psychology

A study of the historical foundations of psychology and its development as a distinct discipline. Consideration will be given to the major concepts and personalities of the various systems of psychological thought. Limited to upper classmen, enrollment only by permission of instructor. May be offered as a hybrid course (combined classroom and online).

Indiana Weselayan