2024-2025 Catalog



PSY-131 Physics II with lab for Health Sciences

Non-calculus based physics course covering principles of wave motion, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics with application to the health sciences. Prerequisite: PHY-130


PSY-150 General Psychology

Students will be introduced to the basic schools of thought within the field of psychology. Four major aspects of psychology will then be considered: (a) theories of personality and human development, (b) stress and adaptation, (c) interpersonal relationships and (d) psychopathology and therapy. These concepts will be explored in the light of research, personal experience, and a consideration of Biblical principles that apply to the study of human behavior. Throughout this introductory overview of the field, students will be assessed in, reflect upon, discuss, and write about the insights gained about themselves.


PSY-151 Introduction to Psychology

This course examines the concepts of basic psychology. It covers the topics of motivation, motor development, social behavior, and functional disorders. Not open to students with credit in PSY-150.


PSY-152 General Psychology II

This course exposes psychology majors to psychology's scientific methods, biological foundations of human behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, memory, thinking and language, intelligence, and motivation and emotion.


PSY-155 Personal Adjustment

This course encompasses a study of stress management and coping skills, the factors that contribute to self-esteem and the maintenance of healthy interpersonal relationships, and the skills required for successful conflict resolution. The course will focus on strategies for developing and maintaining positive mental health. A theoretical framework is presented with a strong emphasis on practical application.

Indiana Weselayan