2024-2025 Catalog


MNG - Management

MNG-210 Management Principles

A study of management principles as they apply to all organizations. The functions of planning, organizing, directing, motivating, and controlling are examined. Prerequisite: BUS-100 or LDR-200.


MNG-324 Small Business Management

This course provides an introduction to the world of small business and to the fundamentals of effective small-business management. Fundamentals of such diverse activities as organizing and controlling, pricing, advertising, financial analysis, record keeping, budgeting, purchasing, controlling inventory, franchising, and acquiring capital are covered. An aim of the course is to integrate the functional disciplines such as management, marketing, finance, accountancy, and management information systems. Prerequisites: Either MNG-210 or LDR-200. Admission to the Business Division.


MNG-328 Human Resource Management

A study of the various functions considered vital to the efficient use of the firm's most valuable asset, its human resources. Covers the areas of staffing, employee development and training, creation of a favorable work environment, and the operation of management-labor relations. Prerequisites: MNG-210 or LDR-200. Admission to the Business Division.


MNG-334 Production and Operations Management

An introduction to the field of production and operations management. The course represents a blend of concepts from industrial engineering, cost accounting, general management, quantitative methods, and statistics. Production and operations activities, such as forecasting, choosing a location for an office or plant, allocating resources, designing products and services, scheduling activities, and assuring quality are core subjects covered in the course. Prerequisites: BUS-320 and MNG-210 and Admission to the Business Division.


MNG-378 Comparative Management Styles

A study of how management philosophies pervade organizations. Attention is focused on what organizations stand for and how organizations express values to their constituencies. Course participants will observe progressive management practices in action at various organizations. Prerequisites: LDR-200; or ACC-201, ACC-202, BUS-100, ECO-211, ECO-212, and the appropriate major area gateway course(s).


MNG-385 Management Internship

An opportunity for advanced students to obtain valuable work experience and gain expertise in relating classroom material to actual business endeavor. A professional-quality paper analyzing one or more business applications will be prepared under departmental faculty supervision. Prerequisites: MNG-210, one 300/400 level Management major course and Admission to the Business Division.

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MNG-399 Service Learning

Service-Learning is an educational experience in which students participate in organized service activities that meet identified community and/or university needs. Prerequisite: Admission to the Business Division.

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MNG-443 Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior is concerned with the study of the behavior, attitudes, and performance of workers in an organizational setting; the organization's and informal group's effect on the worker's perceptions, feelings, and actions; the environment's effect on the organization and its human resources and goals; and the effect of the workers on the organization and its effectiveness. Special emphasis is placed on management theory with an eye to developing a Biblical philosophy of management. Prerequisites: MNG-210 or LDR-200. Admission to the Business Division.


MNG-475 Independent Learning in Management

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue further study in a management field of interest in which they have exhausted catalog offerings. Prerequisites: MNG-210 and Admission to the Business Division.

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MNG-488 Special Topics in Management

This course covers one or more special topics in Management that is not covered in the normal curriculum. It is always offered with a subheading describing the specific topic(s) to be covered and is repeatable under a different subheading. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

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MNG-498 Management Seminar - Research

A seminar course intended to develop the senior management major's research skills and professional writing skills in anticipation of the major seminar presentation to be delivered publicly in the following semester. Prerequisites: ACC-201, ACC-202, BUS-100, ECO-211, ECO-212, FIN-340, MKG-298, MNG-280, and either senior classification or written permission of the Business Division.


MNG-499 Management Seminar -Presentation

A seminar course intended to develop the senior management major's professional presentation skills as he/she prepares and delivers the results of the research in MNG-498 from the previous semester. Prerequisite: MNG-498.

Indiana Weselayan