2024-2025 Catalog


OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant

OTA-110 Foundations of OT 1: Balance of Performance and Well-Being and Professional Responsibilities

Introduction to occupational performance/occupational deprivation and balance in health and wellness with an emphasis on one's own personal narrative and self-knowledge in a global and multicultural world from a personal and professional perspective. History of OT coinciding with the church and care of the sick and marginalized. Introduction to the foundations of OT practice.


OTA-120 Foundations of OT II: Models, Theories, Evidenced-Based Practice, and Intraprofessional/Interprofessional Communication

Introduction to evidenced-based practice, documentation, and reimbursement. Occupational therapy role delineation and supervision models further reviewed. Engagement in experiential case studies through intraprofessional and interprofessional experiential learning activities.


OTA-240 Functional Anatomy/Kinesiology

Identify and apply understanding of skeletal and neuromuscular systems, locating selected bones, bony landmarks, joints, muscle origins/insertions/innervations, and functional applications to occupations and the biomechanics of human motion. Application of ergonomic principles to body mechanics, lifting, and prevention education for OT practitioners and other professionals. Competency in selected assessments and clinical therapeutic applications.


OTA-250 OT Theory and Concepts

Continuation of introduction to models, theories, frames of reference, and applications in guiding selection of occupations and activities. Exploration of student's own occupational history including values clarification and cultural and spiritual influences and meanings. Development of critical thinking in performing occupation based activity analysis, developing goal-directed activities, modifications, grading, and adapting, and ensuring safety precautions through therapeutic media towards OT goal directed outcomes. Introduction to individual/group teaching-learning processes and building a therapeutic relationship and therapeutic use of self with diverse client populations in socio-cultural appropriate contexts.


OTA-260 Clinical Reasoning/Occupational Performance Patterns I: Pediatric/ Adolescence Conditions

Introduction to pediatric/adolescent development and health conditions in relation to occupational performance, participation, and holistic well-being. Impact of normal/impaired development on occupational performance. Observation skill development. Introduction to screenings/assessments, evidence-based compensatory/occupation-based intervention strategies. Introduction to feeding and eating performance/interventions, safe positioning/handling techniques, and assistive technologies/systems. Continuation of development of the teaching-learning process and effective interaction through verbal/nonverbal communication. Exploration of the occupational therapy process within the context of legislative policies; health care, education, community and other social systems; and documentation that communicates rationale for reimbursement.


OTA-270 Clinical Reasoning/Occupational Performance Patterns II: Mental Health Conditions

Continuation of the historical overview of occupational therapy practice and human occupational performance and mental health across the life span. Development of understanding/application of practice models, sound judgement in regards to safety of self/others, response strategies to symptoms/behaviors, support for spiritual and sociocultural client needs in relation to participation and well-being, therapeutic use of self, and therapeutic process in both individual and group intervention. Further exploration of the occupational therapy process within the context of legislative policies and disparity in the receipt of services; varied practice settings, including emerging practice areas; and documentation that communicates rationale for reimbursement.


OTA-300 Fieldwork IA: Community/Emerging Practice Skills Collaboration

Designed to enrich the didactic coursework, explore the role of occupational therapy in community/emerging practice settings in relation to the contextual needs and characteristics of the population, organization, and community. Emphasis on observing behavioral health, psychological, and social factors and psychosocial/behavioral symptoms/response strategies and supports for performance in the client's natural environment, participation across contexts, and well-being. Develop therapeutic-use-of-self and therapeutic relationships, use of supervision as a tool for self-directed learning, understanding of role of other professionals. Work collaboratively intraprofessionally/interprofessionally and demonstrate servant leadership towards "world changing" influence.


OTA-310 Clinical Reasoning/Occupational Performance Patterns III: Adults with Orthopedic/Non-Neurological Conditions

Introduction to non-neurological conditions that may occur across the lifespan and adult orthopedic conditions in relation to occupational performance, participation, and holistic well-being. Occupational therapy practice, processes, documentation, and reimbursement. Continued development in administration of standardized assessments. Health prevention/promotion, maintenance, and management across occupations. Preparatory methods; splinting; mobility; adaptive equipment, modifications, and universal design; and community/work integration.


OTA-320 Clinical Reasoning/Occupational Performance Patterns IV: Neurological Conditions

Introduction to adult neurological conditions and the relation to human development. Interprofessional collaboration and intraprofessional provision of occupational therapy services, documentation, discharge planning, and reimbursement. Sensory motor approaches, preparatory methods, splinting, mobility, assistive technology, and wheelchair measurement, positioning, transfers in relation to occupational performance. Emphasis on self-care, self-management, health management and maintenance, home management, and community and work integration.


OTA-330 Fieldwork IB: Therapeutic Interventions /Clinical Applications

Explore the role of the occupational therapy assistant and occupational therapist, designed to enrich the didactic coursework through directed observation and participation in selected aspects of the occupational therapy process. Develop therapeutic-use-of-self and therapeutic relationships, use of supervision as a tool for self-directed learning, understand role of other professionals. Work collaboratively intraprofessionally/interprofessionally and demonstrate servant leadership towards "world changing" influence.


OTA-340 Administration, Management, Servant Leadership, Scholarship, and Professionalism

Life calling, stewardship, and the performance patterns of a faith based practice, lifelong learning, and servant leadership. Integration of scholarship and health literacy through community service. Life-long professional commitment and responsibilities. Principles of ethical and current management/administrative practices in the delivery of occupational therapy services to individuals and organizations.


OTA-350 Clinical Reasoning and Competency/ Occupational Performance Patterns V: Life Satisfaction and Aging

Age related changes, conditions, and end of life care with emphasis on health, well-being, spirituality, life satisfaction in relation to occupational performance, participation, and holistic well-being. Older adult performance/interventions related to feeding/eating and all ADL's/IADL's, rest, work, leisure, social participation; moving in the environment/fall prevention; community mobility. Review of neurotherapeutic approaches. Continuum of care and transition, service delivery contexts, case management in relation to adults/older adults. Competency and preparation for fieldwork.


OTA-360 Fieldwork IIA

Fieldwork II experience serves to provide opportunities to apply knowledge and skills, learned through didactic interactions, in the clinical setting. Provides for opportunity to develop clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role thereby demonstrating ethical practice, professionalism, and competence in preparation for Fieldwork IIB and entry level practice. Supervision from the fieldwork educator gradually decreases as independence is gained in working with clients through the occupational therapy process. Overall this experience provides the student opportunities to demonstrate Christ-like character, evidence-based practice, and servant leadership towards "world changing" influence.


OTA-365 Fieldwork IIB

Fieldwork II experience serves to provide opportunities to apply knowledge and skills, learned through didactic interactions, in the clinical setting. Provides for opportunity to develop clinical reasoning appropriate to the occupational therapy assistant role thereby demonstrating ethical practice, professionalism, and competence in preparation for entry level practice. Supervision from the fieldwork educator gradually decreases as independence is gained in working with clients through the occupational therapy process. Overall this experience provides the student opportunities to demonstrate Christ-like character, evidence-based practice, and servant leadership towards "world changing" influence.

Indiana Weselayan