2024-2025 Catalog


EEE - Electrical Engineering

EEE-220 Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

A continuation of EGR 270 Electric Circuits and Instrumentation emphasizing the use of frequency response in linear circuit analysis and design. Topics include operational amplifiers, RLC circuits, transformers, circuit analysis with Laplace transforms, and filter analysis and design. Includes use of circuit analysis software. Prerequisite: EGR-270.


EEE-310 Signals and Systems

This course introduces students to analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) continuous and discrete-time systems using both time and frequency domain methods. It also includes coverage of convolution and impulse response, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Laplace transform, sampling, z-transform, state variable analysis, and transfer functions. Both analytical and computer-based solutions are explored and connection is made to engineering applications. Prerequisites: EGR-270 and MAT-265.


EEE-320 Electronic Devices and Circuits I

An introduction to semiconductors and their use in electronic circuits. The theory and functionality of diodes, MOS and bipolar transistors, and operational amplifiers is discussed. Course emphasizes the analysis and design of basic amplifiers and logic circuits. Lab experiments involve design and construction of circuits with diodes, transistors and op amps. Prerequisite: EGR-270.


EEE-340 Electrical Machines

Introduction to electrical machinery, including magnetic materials and fields, transformers, basics of AC machines, synchronous and poly-phase induction machines, power factor, and speed control. Simulation models used to illustrate the dynamic behavior of machines. Prerequisites: EGR-270 and PHY-222.


EEE-350 Automatic Control

This course introduces students to analysis and design of both continuous and discrete-time linear control systems. Focus is placed on modeling of the plant and closed loop systems, transfer functions and system response, basics of feedback control, and root locus and frequency design methods. The course also includes an introduction to the computer modeling of discrete-time feedback systems and digital icrocontrollers. Prerequisite: EEE-310.


EEE-360 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

This course introduces the fundamentals and engineering applications of electromagnetic fields and waves. Topics covered include vector analysis, transmission lines, static electric and magnetic fields, dielectrics and magnetic materials, Maxwell's equations for time-varying fields, and wave propagation. Prerequisites: PHY-222, MAT-255, MAT-265, and EGR-270.


EEE-396 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

A course in topics of current interest in electrical engineering. Specific content varies term by term but will be announced before registration begins for the semester of offering. Prerequisite: Permission of the Division Chair.

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EEE-420 Electronic Devices and Circuits II

A continuation of EEE 320 (Electronic Devices and Circuits I). Course emphasizes multistage and power amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, switches, and digital circuits. Circuits are analyzed in the context of frequency response, feedback, stability, power consumption, size, DC bias, etc. Prerequisite: EEE-320.


EEE-430 Communications Engineering

This course introduces students to a study of the theory and application of analog and digital communication systems. Discussion and comparison of common analog and digital modulation techniques, as well as wave characteristics, spectrum, filtering, bandwidth, channel capacity, multiplexing, and error control, are included. Brief introduction to random processes, noise, and performance analysis are also included. Associated laboratory illustrates theoretical principles using modulation equipment. Prerequisites: EEE-310 and EEE-320.


EEE-440 Digital Signal Processing

This course introduces students to digital signal processing. Special focus is placed on characteristics of discrete time signals, analysis of discrete-time linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, z-transform, discrete convolution, discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, classification of filter types, and FIR and IIR filter design. Prerequisites: CPE-210 and EGR-320.


EEE-495 Independent Study and/or Research in Electrical Engineering

Students will engage in a research project or an independent study in conjunction with a faculty member. Designed for engineering majors with an electrical engineering concentration who either plan on graduate level work or has a special interest in certain area of electrical engineering. This course has a cap of 2 credit hours and cannot be repeated except in case of a 1+1 arrangement (1 credit hour in one semester and another credit hour in another semester). Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.

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Indiana Weselayan