2024-2025 Catalog


MKG - Marketing

MKG-210 Marketing Principles

This course emphasizes the principles of marketing and will focus on the social process that directs an economy's flow of goods and services from producers to consumers in a way that accomplishes the goals of society. This course also examines marketing from the perspective of the organization. Prerequisite: BUS-100.


MKG-220 Introduction to Marketing

Students will describe the role of marketing in an organization's decision-making processes and explain methods of environmental scanning, as well as ways to target markets. Students will explain the marketing mix variables as they relate to marketing decision-making and describe the use of models of consumer behavior in marketing, all within a biblical framework.


MKG-340 Advertising to Generations

Marketing is a quickly changing discipline. Technology has radically changed the way a company reaches their customer. In this course, the student will explain the characteristics and consumer behaviors of the five current generations in the marketplace. By comparison and contrast of the characteristics and consumer behaviors of these five generations, the student will describe the effect each generation has on marketing strategy. In addition, the student will analyze the ethical implications of marketing to each generation in the marketplace from a biblical worldview. Prerequisite: MKG-421


MKG-345 Non-Profit Marketing

Using a biblical framework to measure success of mission and goals of non-profit organizations, the student will evaluate competitive advantages and core competencies of these organizations. All elements of the marketing mix as it relates to non-profit organizations will be studied through comparison and contrast of these elements. A thorough study of fundraising and donor development strategies will be completed by the student. By appraising governance mechanisms of non-profit organizations, the student will be able to identify how public relations strategies are used by non-profit organizations.


MKG-346 Consumer Behavior

A study of major factors that influence consumer purchase behavior. Such factors as cultural, social, personal, and psychological are studied. Special emphasis is given to the buyer decision-making process. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-348 Service Marketing

A study of the marketing of services as opposed to the marketing of products. Topics include distinct aspects of service marketing, management of service marketing systems, and positioning the service organization. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-350 Information Technology for Marketers

The students will explore PC to enterprise level computer hardware, software, and databases used to make marketing decisions and create e-commerce solutions. By surveying rapidly changing customer service management in a digital environment from a biblical perspective, the student will learn best practices and information technology systems marketers use to establish customer life cycle processes and enterprise level marketing applications. The student will also evaluate marketing leadership careers and their relationship to information systems.


MKG-351 Statistics for Marketers

The student will compare and contrast numerical descriptive statistics used to make marketing decisions. By describing data used for market decision making, the student will learn how to organize and visualize market data used in business presentations for maximum audience impact.


MKG-353 Selling and Relationship Management

A study of sales effectiveness, management of sales activities, the character of the marketplace, and development of creative selling skills. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-357 Advertising and Promotion

An in-depth study of the administration of advertising, consumer advertising, industrial advertising, and professional and trade advertising. Actual advertisements are developed and tested for effectiveness. MKG210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-358 Digital Promotions

The rapid fluctuation of strategies for promoting products to consumers may create havoc for the marketer. In this class, the student will build a foundation on promotions by describing the evolution of promotional activity, its effect on marketing strategy, and demonstration of promotional ROI measurement. In addition, the student will explain the selling process and determine the types of promotions used to develop long term relationships with consumers. The student will also evaluate the use and effectiveness of sponsorships, public relations, trade fairs, and exhibitions. Moreover, the students will discuss regulatory and ethical environments of promotions from a biblical worldview. Prerequisite: MKG-421


MKG-359 Social Media Business Strategies

Students will learn how to evaluate social media platforms used to achieve strategic goals. The effective use of audio, visual, and written social media communication strategies within a marketing campaign will be explored. The use of traditional media and social media will be compared when forming communication strategies. Students will be able to identify trends and explain how social media impacts business and society. Biblical and ethical principles will be integrated into social media business strategy development.


MKG-361 Social Media and Consumer Behavior

As the consumer profile is rapidly changing, the student will identify current and future consumer behavior trends in relationship to social media. By using a biblical framework to determine social media engagement strategies, the student will appraise social engagement success in relationship to company mission and goals. A thorough evaluation of social media as it relates to generational differences will be included as cultural, social, psychological, and individual factors of consumer behavior in relationship to social media are explained. In addition, the student will compare and contrast platforms used for social engagement using social media.


MKG-363 Social Networking in Business Strategy

Using a biblical framework to evaluate social networking business strategies, students will explain the impact of using social media and social networking in marketing strategy, business strategy, and society. The students will evaluate social networking platforms use for reaching company goals. By using comparison and contrast, generation differences in social networking will be used to identify current and future trends in social networking. In addition, students will appraise how personal, mobile, and professional social networking contributes to business success.


MKG-370 Digital Marketing

The course is an introduction to Digital Marketing that explores the field and provides an understanding of basic tools needed to be a successful digital marketer. This course examines the role of digital marketing within the larger organization. Prerequisites: Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-386 Marketing Internship

An opportunity for advanced students to obtain valuable work experience and gain expertise in relating classroom material to actual business endeavor. A professional-quality paper analyzing one or more business applications will be prepared under departmental faculty supervision. Prerequisites: MKG-210, one 300/400 level Marketing major course and Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-398 Marketing Research

This course is an in-depth study of market research ranging from its role in decision-making to process and design to analysis and reporting. Multiple research methods will be reviewed and evaluated through application questions, exercises and case studies. Special emphasis will be placed on sampling, questionnaire design, and applying statistics in quantitative research. Ethical issues and considerations will be addressed during the course. Prerequisite: residential students - MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or permission of the instructor; IWU-National and Global students - MKG-421 or equivalent foundational marketing course and MKG-351 or equivalent entry level statistics course


MKG-399 Service Learning

Service-Learning is an educational experience in which students participate in organized service activities that meet identified community and/or university needs. Prerequisite: Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-411 Healthcare Marketing

Students in this course analyze basic marketing principles and apply them to health care, and compare and contrast the marketing needs of individual patients versus corporate America as a customer, recognizing the diversity of the healthcare consumer's perceptions of care and wellness. Students investigate the various healthcare delivery models as changers of healthcare marketing. Students determine advancement strategies for donor development, donor relations, grants, network development, branding, and corporate sponsorships that result in sustainable funding. Students develop a biblically based integrated marketing strategy that guides communications with all stakeholders.


MKG-421 Foundations of Marketing

Students will evaluate the relationship of the rapidly changing market environment to ethical and legal marketing decisions using a biblical framework. Students will identify the target market and effective market strategies using market data. Students will compare and contrast social media, traditional media sources, and branding strategies while appraising marketing mix variables and marketing channels for effectiveness in implementing marketing strategies.


MKG-424 Strategic Marketing

The planning and administration of marketing programs is the primary emphasis of this course. This course centers on the analysis of marketing opportunities and the development of strategies for achieving marketing plan goals and objectives. Prerequisites: Two upper-level Marketing courses and Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-430 Marketing for Government Funded Organizations

With a thorough understanding of the differences between government funded and non-government funded organizations, the student will use a biblical framework to evaluate the image strategies for government funded organizations. The student will evaluate governance structures of government funded organizations in relationship to political interactions, partnerships and marketing. By comparing and contrasting the elements of the marketing mix for government funded organizations, measures of success and competitive advantage for these organization will be identified. In addition, grant and contract funding sources necessary for mission and goal fulfillment are appraised.


MKG-435 Digital Branding

Brand is an often misused and confusing word to the consumer. In this course, effective brand management will be studied by defining the foundational concepts of brand, brand loyalty, equity, and brand value. By analyzing the connection between the concepts of localization, personalization, and globalization in brand management, the student will be able to analyze the effects of digital integrated marketing communications on brand strategies. In addition, the student will demonstrate use of the brand business scorecard and data analytics to develop and manage brands. Using a biblical worldview, the student will evaluate how trust affects brand leadership and management. Prerequisite: MKG-421


MKG-444 Branding

This course explores the branding process by creating a long-term branding solution for a "firm's brand." Students will also develop their own "individual brand." The branding process will involve the evaluation and development of brand: meaning, objectives, target markets, barriers, packaging, pricing, rebranding and promotion. Prerequisites: Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-450 Foundations of Marketing Analytics

In a rapidly changing marketing environment, the student will examine terminology, trends, importance, and effectiveness of marketing analytics. By explaining measurement variables used in marketing analytics, the student will learn to establish customer behavior patterns that drive marketing decisions. A survey of analytics tools used to interpret market analytical data will be conducted to lay the foundation for using marketing analytics to drive effective marketing decisions from a culturally diverse and biblical perspective.


MKG-452 Social Publishing Strategies

Using a biblical framework to determine social media content and publishing strategies, the student will evaluate social publishing platforms for use in reaching company goals. With the rapid expansion of social publishing modalities, the student will analyze audio, visual, and written publishing methods and strategies. Social publishing strategies will be studied through comparison and contrast of traditional and social forms of media. In addition, the student will identify current and future trends in social media publishing.


MKG-460 Predictive Marketing Analytics

The student will explain the sources, organization, management, and access of market data from a biblical and culturally diverse perspective. Market data using models and tools used in predictive analytics, including commercial and open source technology, will be analyzed by the student. The student will learn to apply market data results to communicate customer and competitive intelligence to teams and senior management.


MKG-462 Social Commerce

Using a biblical framework to analyze social commerce strategies, students will identify current and future selling trends using social commerce. With a thorough study of the intersection between e-commerce and social media, students will appraise multiple social commerce strategies needed to reach company goals. Social commerce platforms will be evaluated and include comparison and contrast of payment processing platforms in relation to social commerce.


MKG-465 Digital Advertising

Advertising has seen enormous transitions by the use of technology. To build a foundation in digital advertising, the student will discuss the evolution of digital advertising and its role in the marketing mix of an organization. In addition, the student will demonstrate the strategic and creative process for the selection, creation, and production of digital advertising. The student will also analyze how the concept of integrated marketing communications and digital advertising intersect to develop consumer relationships. Moreover, the student will explain the economic, social, and regulatory aspects of advertising from an ethical and biblical worldview. Prerequisite: Successful completion of marketing program courses with the exception of MKG-435 which may be taken concurrently with MKG-465


MKG-470 Data Mining for Marketers

The student will define terminology related to data mining and the use of data to make customer centric business decisions. Through developing a working knowledge of database management, the student will explore marketing applications of data-driven marketing tools for use in making marketing business decisions. By illustrating the processes used to select, model, and deploy data, the student will learn to implement data driven marketing programs. Privacy concerns and ethics of working with customer data from a biblical worldview is presented. Prerequisite: Successful completion of marketing program courses with the exception of MKG-460 which may be taken concurrently with MKG-470


MKG-471 Applied Research in Marketing and Economics

Students in this course will explore key economic and marketing principles through the lens of an entrepreneur. Topics such as market structures, demand analysis, consumer behavior, and pricing strategies will be covered with an emphasis on how markets operate, and consumer decision-making. Students will learn to apply research methodologies to real-world economic and marketing scenarios, addressing contemporary challenges, and opportunities from an ethical and biblical perspective.


MKG-476 Independent Learning in Marketing

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue further study in a marketing field of interest in which they have exhausted catalog offerings. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-498 Marketing Seminar - Research

A seminar course intended to develop the senior marketing major's research skills and professional writing skills in anticipation of the major seminar presentation to be delivered publicly in the following semester. Prerequisites: ACC-201, ACC-202, BUS-100, BUS-362, ECO-211, ECO-212, FIN-340, MKG-210, MNG-280 and either senior classification or written permission of the Business Division.

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MKG-499 Marketing Seminar - Presentation

A seminar course intended to develop the senior marketing major's professional presentation skills as he/she prepares and delivers the results of the research in MKG-498 from the previous semester. Prerequisite: MKG-498.

Indiana Weselayan