2024-2025 Catalog


DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy

DPT-701 Movement Science I - Human Anatomy

The 5-course Movement Science Series investigates basic science principles, structures and function, and its correlation and application into patient management taught in other concurrent courses. MS1, the 1st course in the five course series, will investigate the anatomy of the human body with an emphasis placed on integrating knowledge gained through admission prerequisite coursework with an in-depth knowledge of the relationships of the skeletal, muscular, vascular, and nervous systems. The lab component of this course will include guided group cadaver dissection to gain significant appreciation for the anatomical relationships between structures in the human body.


DPT-702 Movement Science II - Human Physiology/ Pathophysiology

The 5-course Movement Science Series investigates basic science principles, structures and functions, and its correlation and application into patient management taught in other concurrent courses. MS2, the 2nd of 5 courses, investigates the fundamentals of human physiology relating to basic cell function, embryology, and select body systems; specifically the cardiopulmonary, circulatory, neuromuscular, and body defense systems in health and disease. Course content is organized along five themes: homeostasis & control systems, metabolism, structure/function relationships, communication, and pathophysiology. Clinical case scenarios integrate course content with concurrent courses and within the scope of PT practice.


DPT-703 Movement Science III - Human Applied Physiology

The 5-course Movement Science Series investigates basic science principles, structures, and functions and its correlation and application into patient management taught in other concurrent courses. MS3 builds on concepts introduced in MS2. Specific emphasis is on systems and pathology germane to the practice of physical therapy including connective tissue, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, and exercise physiology throughout the lifespan in health and disease. Consistent with a holistic approach to wellness, health and fitness during aging and nutrition and the physical therapist will be explored. Clinical case scenarios integrate course content with concurrent courses and within the scope of PT practice.


DPT-704 Movement Science IV - Human Movement & Kinesiology

The 5-course Movement Science Series investigates basic science principles, structures, and function and its correlation and application into patient management taught in other concurrent courses. MS4, the 4th of the 5-course series, explores the principles and concepts of kinesiology and the analysis of human movement including osteokinematic and arthrokinematic joint motion and muscular control of limb movement. This information is applied to assessment, prevention, and rehabilitation of common neuromuscular and skeletal disorders.


DPT-705 Movement Science V - Neuroscience & Motor Control

This course is the fifth and final in the Movement Science series and investigates the functional anatomy and physiology of the human nervous system and the pathophysiology of nervous system disease and injury as well as recovery and repair. Anatomical structures and function, including motor and sensory systems and higher cognitive regions are discussed and correlated with clinical neurologic dysfunction. Particular focus is on those structure/functions of greatest importance to physical therapy. Principles and theories of motor control and motor learning are integrated with nervous system function.


DPT-711 Research/Critical Inquiry I

This 4-course Research/ Critical Inquiry Series is designed to foster the assessment, utilization, and production of research into physical therapy practice to optimize patient outcomes. Students will be equipped with the ability to critically appraise literature relevant to the practice of physical therapy. Research/Critical Inquiry 1 introduces the student to the elements of thought and the logic of critical thinking. This course broadly introduces the student to evidence-based physical therapy practice and the concepts of clinical research methodology and measurement. The research portfolio is introduced.


DPT-712 Research/Critical Inquiry II

This 4-course Research/Critical Inquiry Series is designed to foster the assessment, utilization, and production of research into physical therapy practice to optimize patient outcomes. Students will be equipped with the ability to critically appraise literature relevant to the practice of physical therapy. This specific course explores the concepts of evidenced based physical therapy practice and clinical research methodology and measurement including specific design types, analysis, and reporting. Descriptive and inferential statistics relevant to physical therapy and clinical research will be applied to common research designs.


DPT-713 Research/Critical Inquiry III

This course, the fourth and final course in the four course Research/Critical Inquiry series, will include research dissemination options and use of research for clinical decision-making including critically appraised topics and evidence based practice. The course will expand upon the concepts of evidenced based physical therapy practice and clinical research methodology and measurement including specific design types, analysis, and reporting.


DPT-714 Research/Critical Inquiry IV

This 4-course Research/ Critical Inquiry series is designed to foster the assessment, utilization, and production of research into physical therapy practice to optimize patient outcomes. Students will be equipped with the ability to critically appraise literature relevant to the practice of physical therapy. This specific course will expand upon the previous series' courses with emphasis placed on the synthesis of research for clinical decision making, including applying the principles of evidence based practice to a specific clinical question. Scholarly activities and advancing evidence are explored. This course prepares students for writing and presenting case report research required during clinical experiences.


DPT-721 Therapeutic Skills I

The 7-course Therapeutic Skills Series investigates clinical management concepts from the Guide to PT Practice. In this series, holistic patient approaches are presented for PT examination, assessment, and intervention of the patient with increasing complexity requiring an advancing ability to clinically reason, critically think, prioritize, and administer bestpractice care. Therapeutic Skills 1, the first of seven courses in the series, introduces the student to patient interaction and interview skills, visual assessment and screening, palpation skills, and massage. Static & intermittent compression will be explored including indications, contraindications, therapeutic effects, and treatment selection and application.


DPT-722 Therapeutic Skills II

The 7-course Therapeutic Skills Series investigates clinical management concepts from the Guide to PT Practice. Holistic patient approaches are presented for PT examination, assessment, and intervention of the patient with increasing complexity requiring an advancing ability to clinically reason, critically think, prioritize, and administer bestpractice care. TS2, the 2nd of the 7 course series, equips students to select and perform basic patient care skills safely and efficiently including positioning, transfers, bed mobility, and gait training. Medical record documentation is introduced. Heat transfer principles are introduced and superficial thermal modalities explored including indications, contraindications, therapeutic effects, treatment selection, and application.


DPT-723 Therapeutic Skills III

The 7-course Therapeutic Skills Series investigates clinical management concepts from the Guide to PT Practice. Holistic patient approaches are presented for PT examination, assessment, and intervention of the patient with increasing complexity requiring an advancing ability to clinically reason, critically think, prioritize, and administer best-practice care. In Therapeutic Skills 3, the 3rd of the 7-course series, students learn principles and application of systems review and basic examination techniques with in-depth extremity assessment from an orthopedic perspective. Therapeutic modalities investigated include ultrasound, diathermy, UV, laser, and hydrotherapy. Pediatric developmental measurement outcome scales and aquatic therapy principles, goals, and techniques are explored.


DPT-724 Therapeutic Skills IV

Therapeutic Skills 4, the fourth of the seven course series, examines therapeutic exercise principles and techniques for patient management of movement dysfunction in adult and pediatric populations. Basic manual therapy techniques are applied to patients with orthopedic dysfunction. Therapeutic modalities investigated include cervical and lumbar traction, electrotherapy basics and the application of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), Interferential (IF), Iontophoresis, Phonophoresis, High-volt-pulsed-galvanic (HVPG) and other non-invasive electrical stimulation modalities.


DPT-725 Therapeutic Skills V

Therapeutic Skills 5, the fifth of the seven course Therapeutic Skills series, applies neuroscience fundamentals to the clinical presentation of neurologic diagnoses across the lifespan. Functionally based, progressive intervention including orthotic and wheelchair prescription for patients with neurological dysfunction are investigated. Electrotherapy for muscle re-education and functional return (Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES), and Biofeedback) is explored to include indications, contraindications, effects, treatment selection, and application.


DPT-726 Therapeutic Skills VI

Therapeutic Skills 6, the sixth of seven courses in the Therapeutic Skills series, investigates the physical therapy management of patients in the acute care setting across the lifespan. Emphasis is place on integration of prior instruction on cardiopulmonary health and pathology and its impact on function. Issues of advancing age are discussed in regards to its impact on health recovery.


DPT-727 Therapeutic Skills VII

This course, the final of the seven course series, focuses on advanced knowledge and skills necessary for special populations. Clinical decision-making skills are advanced through analysis of clients with complex, divergent disorders. Topical areas include women's and men's health, work hardening, vestibular rehab, lymph edema, burns and wounds, chronic pain, oncology, patients with amputations, prosthetic and orthotic devices, and bariatrics.


DPT-731 Clinical Management I

This 5-course series integrates the principles of medical and pharmacological treatment of diseases and injuries concurrently introduced in Movement Science series courses. This series further integrates with physical therapy patient management in the Therapeutic Skills series. Topics covered include etiology, pathology, diagnostic imaging, progression, prognosis, as well as medical, surgical, and pharmacological patient management. Application and coordination with physical therapy is emphasized. This 1st course in the 5-course series uses a case-based format to investigate the inflammation and tissue healing process, screening and referral, and basic pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties.


DPT-732 Clinical Management II

Course two in the five course Clinical Management series uses a case-based format to investigate the medical and pharmacological management of select pathologies relevant to the musculoskeletal system. Common orthopedic pathology, wound healing, and peripheral nerve injury with corresponding diagnostic imaging is examined.


DPT-733 Clinical Management III

This 3rd course in the 5-course series entitled Clinical Management uses a case-based format to investigate medical and pharmacological management of pathologies relevant to pediatric and neurologic rehabilitation settings including acute and chronic central and peripheral nervous system disorders and developmental delays.


DPT-734 Clinical Management IV

This 4th course in the five course Clinical Management series uses a case-based format to investigate issues common with disorders of the cardiopulmonary systems across the lifespan and geriatrics including the aging process and dementia. PT practice is explored within the acute care setting.


DPT-735 Clinical Management V

Course five in the five course series uses a case-based format to investigate chronic disorders with concurrent physical therapy management including diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and other systemic, lifelong illnesses including cancer and the medical management of limb amputation.


DPT-741 Professional Development & Advocacy I

This 9-course series introduces students to the profession of physical therapy and expands the students' spiritual, social, and ethical self-awareness for professional identity. Additional instruction and preparation is on the policies, procedures, expectations, and issues inherent in Clinical Education. The portfolio system's use for progressive growth tracking is an integral part of this series. This 1st-course in the 9-course series explores the scope of physical therapy and preparation for Integrated Clinical Experiences (ICE) including OSHA and HIPAA training. The model of health and disability supported by the World Health Organization, the ICF model, is introduced as foundational to patientcentered care.


DPT-742 Professional Development & Advocacy II

Professional Development and Advocacy 2 is the 2nd of a 9-course series that introduces students to the profession of physical therapy and expands the students' spiritual, social, and ethical self-awareness for professional identity. Course-2 explores the history of physical therapy, ethical issues, and professionalism. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), its mission and clinician responsibility are introduced. The student is guided through the process of developing a professional resume and establishing a professional social media account. Interprofessional Education (IPE) is introduced and explored.


DPT-743 Professional Development & Advocacy III

This 9-course series introduces students to the profession of physical therapy and expands the students' spiritual, social, and ethical self-awareness for professional identity. Additional instruction and preparation is on the policies, procedures, expectations, and issues inherent in Clinical Education. The portfolio system's use for progressive growth tracking is an integral part of this series. Course-3 explores cultural awareness within a Christian worldview. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) core values and Generic Abilities are introduced as measurement tools for professional development. Students submit their first professional behaviors reflection in this course as part of the annual credentialing process and prepare for Early Clinical Experiences.


DPT-744 Professional Development & Advocacy IV

Course four in the nine course series entitled Professional Development and Advocacy, compares the PT Practice Act for multiple states and synthesizes the implications of noted differences and similarities. Cultural competencies, healthcare barriers, and inherent personal bias recognition are examined. Perspectives and regulation on disability and progressing Clinical Instructor/Student communication in light upcoming ECEs will be discussed.


DPT-745 Professional Development & Advocacy V

This course is the fifth in the nine course Professional Development and Advocacy series. Course-5 continues discussion begun in Course-4 with in-depth investigation of ethics, law, professional communication, and interprofessional collaborative patient care. The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) resources and purpose are explored. Preparation work for upcoming Terminal Clinical Experiences (TCE) is begun.


DPT-746 Professional Development & Advocacy VI

Course Six in the nine course series entitled Professional Development and Advocacy includes final preparation for Terminal Clinical Experiences, use of the Clinical Performance Instrument, and clinical education project requirements. The second professional behaviors reflection is submitted in this course as part of Annual Clinical Credentialing. Electronic medical records and appropriate parameters for support staff delegation are explored.


DPT-747 Professional Development & Advocacy VII

Course seven in the nine course series focuses on self-assessment of therapeutic skill and goal setting while on Terminal Clinical Experiences (TCEs). Complex issues of clinician responsibility toward evidence of abuse of vulnerable populations and clinical abuse and fraud are discussed within an ethical framework and a foundation of Christian, legal, and APTA guidelines.


DPT-748 Professional Development & Advocacy VIII

Course eight of the nine course series focuses on strategies for preparation for successful licensure testing, time management skills, and financial planning. On-line discussion on clinical and IPE issues facilitate collaborative support and communication skill refinement. Initial resume and a professional on-line networking account developed in DPT-742 will be reviewed to assure currency.


DPT-751 Practice Management & Leadership 1 - Administration

This course, course one of a three course series entitled Practice Management & Leadership, focuses on administration and management as they apply to physical therapy services in a variety of settings. Basic administrative concepts explored include communication, planning and decision-making, budgeting, fiscal management (including billing and coding), and marketing applied to the implementation of clinical services.


DPT-752 Practice Management & Leadership 2 - Interprofessional Global Experience

This course is the second of the three course series entitled Practice Management and Leadership and is interprofessional. Global or cross-cultural travel occurs in small groups of OTD and DPT students with faculty facilitators. Students discuss global healthcare, specific healthcare in their travel region, and reflections on the experience. This experiential course integrates communication and observation skills developing in other coursework and immerses students in a culture different from their own.


DPT-753 Practice Management & Leadership 3 - Leadership and Spirituality

This course, the third in the three course series entitled Practice Management & Leadership, provides a framework for leadership development through knowledge of leadership strategies, experiential learning, self-reflection, mentoring, and professional developmental planning. Students will gain an understanding of the healthcare professional/patient relationship, the art of listening, and the impact of one's own and the patient's spiritual beliefs in the context of a Christian world view.


DPT-761 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 1

ICE consists of one ½-day per week in a local inpatient, outpatient or community setting in student teams with a clinical instructor to implement newly learned skills in a progressive and purposeful manner. Opportunities to participate in/lead community health activities and mentor peers are included. ICE 1, the 1st in the six course series, introduces students to patient interactions in an inpatient setting with mentoring by DPT3 students on ICE6. Practice, supervision and skill development is in setting observation, patient history, systems screening, visual appraisal, and palpation. Students participate in facilitating a community health event for half of the sessions.


DPT-762 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 2

ICE 2 is the 2nd in a 6-course series. This series consists of one ½ day per week in a local inpatient, outpatient, or community setting in student teams with a clinical instructor to implement newly learned skills in a progressive and purposeful manner. Opportunities to participate in and lead community health activities and mentor peers is included. ICE 2 occurs in an inpatient setting and includes DPT 2 mentors who are on ICE 4. Practice, supervision, and skill development is facilitated in the following areas: transfers, bed mobility, gait, positioning, chart review, vital signs, draping, and equipment management.


DPT-763 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 3

This series consists of one ½ day per week in a local inpatient, outpatient or community setting in student teams with a clinical instructor to implement newly learned skills in a progressive and purposeful manner. Opportunities to participate in and lead community health activities and mentor peers is part of this series. One-half of ICE 3 will be in an outpatient setting with practice, supervision, and skill development in documentation, basic exam, ROM, posture, and functional screenings. The other half of the sessions will involve participation in conducting a community health activity with DPT 2 students on ICE 5.


DPT-764 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 4

ICE 4 is the fourth of a six course series and will occur in an inpatient setting. Practice, supervision, and skill development will be facilitated in the following areas: working with the patient with neurological diagnoses as well as all other skills acquired to date. Students will mentor DPT 1 students who are on ICE 2.


DPT-765 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 5

ICE 5, the fifth of six courses in the Integrated Clinical Experiences series, includes active mentoring of DPT 1 students on ICE 2. Half of the sessions occur in an outpatient setting with an orthopedic focus including spine and extremities assessment and intervention. The other half of the weekly sessions will involve leading a community health activity.


DPT-771 Early Clinical Experience (ECE)

Early Clinical Experience (ECE) is a full-time (37+hours/week), four week clinical experiences scheduled after the first didactic year in any type of clinical setting; inpatient or out-patient. Students are expected to apply knowledge and skills learned from their coursework to treat patients with Clinical Instructor supervision and assistance. Though students are not expected to demonstrate mastery of clinical skills or reasoning, they are expected to acclimate to the clinical culture and pursue opportunities for direct interaction and practice with patients and their families, health-care providers, and personnel.


DPT-772 Early Clinical Experience (ECE) II

Early Clinical Experiences (ECEs) are full-time (37+hours/week), two week clinical experiences scheduled after the first didactic year. ECE2 is one two-week session in the outpatient setting. Students are expected to apply knowledge and skills learned from their coursework to treat patients with Clinical Instructor supervision and assistance. Though students are not expected to demonstrate mastery of clinical skills or reasoning, they are expected to acclimate to the clinical culture and pursue opportunities for direct interaction and practice with patients and their families, health-care providers, and personnel.


DPT-849 Professional Development & Advocacy IX

Course nine in the nine course series completes professional goal setting and investigates interprofessional experiences and complex patient management. Discussion of complex interprofessional scenarios facilitate refinement of advanced communication skills. Students submit their final professional behaviors reflection in this course as part of the annual credentialing process.


DPT-866 Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) 6

ICE 6 occurs in an inpatient setting for half of the sessions while the other half will involve leading a community health activity. Practice, supervision, and skill development will be facilitated in complex patient care. Students will be paired with 1st year students who are on ICE 1.


DPT-881 Terminal Clinical Experience (TCE) 1

Terminal Clinical Experiences (TCE) 1 is a full time (37+ hours/week) 8-week clinical experience with opportunities for supervised patient management in examination, evaluation, program planning, discharge planning, and intervention for patients in an assigned practice setting. Student outcomes are assessed using the nationally standardized Clinical Performance Index (CPI). Expectations for students' performance are incrementally higher than on previous clinical experiences in the areas of supervision/guidance, quality, complexity, consistency, and efficiency as defined by the APTA Clinical Performance Instrument. By the end of this course, students should be rated on the CPI at or above intermediate level in all categories.


DPT-882 Terminal Clinical Experience (TCE) 2

Terminal Clinical Experiences (TCE) 2 is a full time (37+ hours/week) 10-week supervised clinical experience with opportunities to synthesize and apply previous learning. Student outcomes are assessed using the nationally standardized Clinical Performance Index (CPI). By the end of this course, students should be rated on the CPI at or above advanced intermediate level in all categories. The student is expected to be a mature, self-directed learner and demonstrate increasingly competent behaviors in professional interaction, communication, consultation, and management. Time management, ethical decision-making, and integration of assessment and goal setting will be further refined.


DPT-883 Terminal Clinical Experience (TCE) 3

Terminal Clinical Experiences (TCE) 3 is a full time (37+ hours/week) 12-week supervised clinical. Student outcomes are assessed using the nationally standardized Clinical Performance Index (CPI). As TCE 3 is a culminating experience, students should achieve CPI ratings at or above entry-level in all categories by the end of this rotation. Expectations for students' performance are incrementally higher than on previous clinical experiences in the areas of supervision/guidance, quality, complexity, consistency, and efficiency as defined by the CPI. The student is expected to be a mature, self-directed learner and demonstrate increasingly competent behaviors in professional interaction, communication, consultation, and management.


DPT-895 Advanced Practice in Physical Therapy

This course allows students options in seeking advanced practice topics for further exploration in a seminar, weekend, distance learning or other non-traditional format. Different course sections will be offered that examine current, relevant, emerging topics in physical therapy practice, and research. Selections may vary year-to-year dependent on clinical, healthcare, or research trends, and expertise availability. Students will be required to choose a combination of sections/topics to achieve three credit hours of electives. This course is repeatable up to 3 credits.

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Indiana Weselayan