2024-2025 Catalog


PHE - Physical Education

PHE-101 Concepts of Health and Wellness

A study of overall physical fitness and healthy life-style choices. Each student will participate in fitness assessment activities in hopes of developing long and short term fitness goals. Required of all students.


PHE-102 Adult Fitness

A physical education activity course for those with physical limitations or unique circumstances facing the full time adult student. By permission of instructor.


PHE-103 Aerobic Exercise

An activity course which introduces a variety of aerobic exercises to the student for the enhancement of health related fitness.


PHE-105 Badminton

A course in the skills, rules, and strategies associated with the game of badminton. A lifetime sport course.


PHE-106 Basketball

The fundamental skills of basketball will be covered in addition to basic offenses and defenses. Participation in the activity will be used as a means toward fitness.


PHE-110 Cycling

The repair, maintenance, and general care of the bicycle will be explained. Participation in the sport of cycling will be monitored and logged throughout the lifetime fitness course.


PHE-113 Walk, Jog, Run

The course is designed to acquaint students with the basic knowledge of walking, jogging, and running. The purpose of this is to allow for overall fitness development via a lifetime activity.


PHE-114 Golf

Introduction of the lifetime sport of golf. The skills of driving, chipping, and putting will be developed. Further information will be given on golf terms, course etiquette, golf equipment, scoring, and overall protocol. (Miscellaneous expenses associated with this course.)


PHE-115 Aqua Exercise

An activity course which introduces several aqua aerobic exercises to the student for the enhancement of health related fitness.


PHE-116 Horsemanship

An introductory course in the techniques and etiquette of horsemanship. Students will be required to pay a fee and secure transportation to the riding stable.


PHE-117 Varsity Athletics

A university course for student athletes earning credit via their respective varsity sport participation. Compliance with daily workouts, attendance, work ethic, and overall attitude are criteria for grading. This course may be repeated once if a student participates in a second sport. Course may only be taken during his or her sport's primary season of competition.


PHE-120 Backpacking

An outdoor activity where outdoor living skills, safety, clothing, nutrition, and equipment will be identified. The course will require a minimum of backpacking equipment in order to enroll in the course. The activity will take place in designated backpack trail areas. (Miscellaneous expenses associated with this course.)


PHE-121 Racquetball

This lifetime fitness course is designed to acquaint students with the beginning knowledge and skills of the game of racquetball.


PHE-122 Active Recreation Games

Students in this course will lead, develop, and explain new games that are related to active participation. A goal of the course is to improve fitness, enjoy indoor and outdoor activity, and expand each student's inventory of useful games.


PHE-124 Soccer

The course is designed to understand soccer terminology and foundational strategies. Basic skills and rules of the game will be implemented. Soccer will be explained as a competitive and lifetime activity.


PHE-126 Swimming Skills

A course designed to teach the beginning techniques of swimming, water safety and health related fitness.


PHE-128 Lifeguarding

The purpose of this American Red Cross Lifeguarding course is to teach the skills necessary to help prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. This includes land and water rescue skills plus first aid and CPR/AED. (Certification fee required)


PHE-130 Tennis

A beginning outdoor activity course that introduces the student to an awareness of skills, terminology, and etiquette related to the lifetime sport of tennis. Both singles and doubles game strategies will be discussed.


PHE-131 Cross-Country Skiing

An outdoor winter activity that will take place at an alternate site with a fee being required. The beginning skills of Nordic skiing will be introduced, and the fitness benefits of this aerobic activity will be initially developed and then encouraged beyond the course.


PHE-132 Volleyball

A beginning course in the basic skills, rules, and strategies associated with the game of volleyball.


PHE-134 Weight Training

Proper techniques of weight lifting will be introduced. Various components of a sound weight-lifting program will be explained. The importance of weight lifting to an overall fitness program will be emphasized.


PHE-135 Introduction to Climbing

In this course the techniques and challenges of climbing will be developed and enhanced through participation.


PHE-140 Concepts of Wellness

A consideration of contemporary health concepts as they apply to an awareness of personal wellness.


PHE-141 Long Distance Training and Running

This course will aid the beginning, recreational, and competitive runner in developing an appropriate training program for improvement. Students will learn and practice the key elements in developing an effective training program, and understand the basic principles of physical activity. Students will conduct a variety of physical assessment tests to determine current levels of fitness and to gauge their improvement. Course activities will consist of organized group runs, classroom theory time, and guest lecturers from various exercise professionals. The completion of a significant running event as a group will be the culmination of the class.


PHE-156 Outdoor Wilderness Learning (Wise Owl Project)

Development of both outdoor living skills and recreational skills in a selected wilderness environment. Includes basic nature and conservation studies. A course offered at the IWU Canadian campus or alternate site with a focus on wisdom, leadership, group dynamics, and outdoor living skills. Incidental costs are associated with this course.


PHE-157 Rhythmics and Dance

Designed to develop skills in graded rhythmic activities, games, and gymnastic rhythms for the elementary and secondary levels.


PHE-162 Personal Health

The well person has physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal, social, and spiritual strengths, and is aware of the possibilities of accidents and diseases. The infectious diseases are now largely under control and the life-style diseases dominate the health scene. The focus of control for responsibility for health today lies largely within the individual. Life-style choices are wise investments of personal energy. The object of personal health is to develop and value optimal health behavior and establish that behavior as a routine.


PHE-163 School Health and Safety

Principles, objectives, and methods are emphasized, as well as contemporary health concepts designed to give prospective teachers and others an understanding of a well-balanced health and safety program.


PHE-165 Principles/Problems of Coaching

Required for coaching minor. A study of the many psychological and administrative aspects pertaining to coaching. Topics such as motivation, practice planning, budgeting, player/coach relations, team selection, morale, and strategy will be covered.


PHE-190 Medical Terminology

This online course will enable the student to speak, use, and understand commonly used terms in the field of medicine. This course is intended to enhance the understanding and use of the language of medicine by building, analyzing, defining, pronouncing, and spelling diagnostic terms that relate to the structure of the body systems, disease processes, laboratory tests, and clinical procedures commonly found in the health care setting.


PHE-198 Health and Wellness for Women

Explores personal health, safe behaviors, and developmental milestones for women through the life cycle from menarche and puberty to aging and menopause. Empowers individuals to take part in their own health by increasing knowledge of women's health and self-awareness. In addition, investigates social issues related to women's health.


PHE-212 Health, Wellness & Individual Performance Assessment w/Lab

Utilizing the philosophical framework of holistic health, this course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts essential to healthy living. A weekly laboratory component of the course will give students the opportunity to complete individual physical performance assessments on the five components of health-related physical fitness as well as non-physical assessments.


PHE-224 Psychology of Sport and Exercise

The examination of psychosocial implications for sport, exercise, and injury.


PHE-225 Psychology of Sport and Exercise

The examination of psycho-social implications for sport, exercise, and injury.


PHE-229 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

A techniques course leading to certification in Emergency Cardiac Care in cardiopulmonary resucitation.


PHE-230 CPR and First Aid

A standard CPR and first-aid course taught by the multimedia approach that includes knowledge and skills needed in emergency care of the injured and ill until medical care can be obtained. Also covers basic life-support techniques for victims of respiratory emergency and cardiac arrest, including AED training. Qualifying students receive a certificate in CPR and first aid.


PHE-235 Professional Experience I

Placement of majors and minors in a professional setting in order to gain hands-on experience. The YMCA, YWCA, classroom, schools, PAL Club, camps, hospitals and other fitness facilities will be utilized in this course. Additional fees may apply dependent upon placement.


PHE-236 Professional Experience II

A second placement in a professional setting to gain further insight into possible career opportunities and responsibilities. Evaluation will be by an on-site supervisor. Additional fees may apply dependent upon placement.


PHE-240S Officiating Softball

The techniques, methods, rules, mannerism of officiating softball. IHSAA certification.


PHE-240T Officiating Track and Field

The techniques, methods, rules, mannerism of officiating track and field. IHSAA certification.


PHE-242 Elementary Physical Education

The objectives, organization, methods, and activities of elementary physical education. Special emphasis on the development of basic fundamental movement skills in small children will be studied and clinical experiences in a school setting is required as a part of this course.


PHE-242P Elementary Physical Education Practicum

This course provides a practicum experience for K-12 physical education majors in elementary-level classrooms in public or private schools. Students will observe an experienced elementary physical education teacher who will serve as the supervising teacher for the experience. Students will teach a minimum of 3 lessons in the elementary physical education classroom, and will be observed and evaluated by both IWU physical education and education faculty. Graded as a Credit/No Credit class. Co-requisite: PHE-242. Permission of the Division of Education to take this course in conjunction with EDU-382C.


PHE-248 Intercultural and Sports Issues In Sport Sciences

This course will explore social, cultural, and historical components of sport and physical activity in global society. Students will gain greater knowledge and understanding on issues that face our world including, but not limited to, race and ethnicity, gender, religion, socio-economic status, ageism, and disability and how past and present influences on these topics have shaped sports culture. This course may also follow a study-tour format while in another country for sport and physical activity purposes. This course meets the general education intercultural requirement.


PHE-260 Health, Physical Activity, and Human Movement

A study of the basis of the human body; its structure, systems, and functions. Aspects of this course include nutrition for healthy lifestyles, risks of inactivity, disease prevention and recognition, benefits of activity (physical, social, and psychological), and social forces as they relate to health. The course will introduce students to developmental activities, basic movement patterns, and motor skill development. Physically active lifestyles will be addressed as to their value in regard to individual differences, self-esteem, socialization, spirituality, and enjoyment. This course is designed primarily for Elementary Education majors but is open to all students.


PHE-261 Coaching of Baseball and Softball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of baseball and softball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions. Transportation may be required.


PHE-263 Coaching of Football and Basketball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of football and basketball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course will includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions. Transportation may be required.


PHE-265 Personal Training

A course designed to prepare students for the National Strength and Conditioning Association Personal Trainer certification. There will be focus on exercise sciences, consultation and evaluation, exercise technique, program design, special populations, and legal issues.


PHE-274 Coaching of Cross Country/ Track and Field

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching cross country and track and field. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, meet, event, and race strategies, as well as sound practice sessions. Transportation may be required.


PHE-275 Coaching of Volleyball

Proper techniques will be described for various volleyball skills. Drills for practice consideration will be introduced. Diagramming of various defensive and offensive alignments will be explained. The elements of equipment, scorekeeping, and volleyball statistics will be covered.


PHE-276 Coaching of Soccer and Volleyball

This course is an introduction to the different parameters involved in coaching the games of soccer and volleyball. A strong foundation for coaching both sports will be presented. The course includes the development of a coaching philosophy, game strategies, and sound practice sessions. Transportation may be required.


PHE-277 Coaching Golf

The investigation and application of theory, techniques, skills, strategies, and administration of the sport of golf.


PHE-282 Motor Development

A course designed to help future professionals in their understanding of human motor development from conception to adulthood. Models and factors affecting motor development will be studied. The course will have applications to kinesiology, motor learning, adapted physical activity, and both elementary and secondary education.


PHE-322 Elementary Physical Education

The objectives, organization, methods, and activities of elementary physical education. Special emphasis on the development of basic fundamental movement skills in small children will be studied and clinical experiences in a school setting is required as a part of this course. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Teacher Education Program.


PHE-322P Elementary Physical Education Practicum

This course provides a practicum experience for K-12 physical education majors in elementary-level classrooms in public or private schools. Students will observe an experienced elementary physical education teacher who will serve as the supervising teacher for the experience. Students will teach a minimum of 3 lessons in the elementary physical education classroom, and will be observed and evaluated by both IWU physical education and education faculty. Graded as a Credit/No Credit class. Co-requisite: PHE-322. Permission of the Division of Education to take this course in conjunction with EDU-382C.


PHE-341 Team Sports

Designed to build skill and understanding of techniques and strategy of team sports. Also covers teaching techniques and progressions for each sport.


PHE-345 Individual/Dual Sports

Designed to build skill and understanding of techniques and strategy of individual and dual sports. Also covers teaching techniques and progressions for each sport.


PHE-352 Sport Law and Risk Management

The course is designed to develop legal insight for effective management and the avoidance of legal problems associated with sport and recreational activity. Topics to be addressed include right to participate, liability for injuries, legal status of sports organizations, risk management, assertion of legal rights, and crisis management. Other areas of sport industry law to be covered are contracts, tort liability, negligence, gender equity, and sport labor relations.


PHE-362 Nutrition for Health

Emphasis on the relationship between diet and nutrition to healthful living. Topics include fad diets, nutritional deficiencies, effect on athletic participation, and consumer information.


PHE-365 Public and Community Health

This course is offered for teachers, nurses, case workers, and other voluntary and public health agency personnel. It emphasizes the problem-solving approach through small-group interaction, case method, and critical incident techniques.


PHE-366 Alcohol and Drug Education

A discussion of the major health problems of today. Drugs, sex, mental health, plus others are stressed to give a better understanding of some of the physical, emotional, and mental problems with which our entire student body will have to deal.


PHE-375 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription

Introduction to physiological testing protocols and fitness evaluations performed in clinical and field settings. Focus is given to cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and body composition. Exercise prescription for healthy and various special populations (elderly, young children, and diseased) is also addressed.


PHE-377 Physics of Sport Movement

Study of the laws of physics and computations applied to sport motion. Prerequisite: PHE-370.


PHE-378 Tests and Measurements

A foundations course in the instruments and procedures for the assessment and evaluation of human performance. Influences from hypothesis testing, statistical nature of individual differences, error, preparation and administration of tests of physical ability and specialized motor skills, and analysis of selected research studies in the field are considered during the course.


PHE-385 Psychology of Motor Learning

An examination of the learning of new and advanced motor skills for human performance. The principles of learning, practice, retention, motivation, and feedback will be explored.


PHE-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.


PHE-410 Wellness Internship

An on-site experience in a health club, clinic, sports center, wellness center, hospital, industry, or university. Any institution where a Wellness Program exists or is being developed will suffice if a leadership experience is available.


PHE-413 Health Promotion and Wellness Management

A comprehensive course that addresses the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion and wellness programs based on various wellness components including life-style, spirituality, nutrition, cardiovascular health, exercise fitness, stress, emotions, substance abuse, sexuality, health care, and mental wholeness.


PHE-423 Adapted Physical Activity

Programs and prescription for individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities in a physical activity setting will be discussed in relation to methods and activity needs.


PHE-470 Sports Ministry Internship

An in depth experience of leadership, observation, and contribution in a Sports Ministry setting. Placement will be coordinated and arranged in cooperation with the instructor.


PHE-475 Independent Learning

Individually arranged reading, problem solving, or research in physical education.

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