2024-2025 Catalog


BIL - Biblical Literature

BIL-101 Old Testament Survey

A study of the Old Testament, highlighting the cultural background underlying the books of the Old Testament. Topics include major archaeological finds, Old Testament culture as it relates to today's culture, and the foundational relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-102 New Testament Survey

This course covers the literature of the New Testament. Special attention will be given to the life of Christ and the history of the early church, including the life of Paul.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-103 Bible Land Tour

This course comprises daily lectures on a tour to the Near East with Israel as the main focus. It involves a study of actual Biblical sites, especially those revealed by archaeological excavations. While the major emphasis will be the biblical history in its geographical setting, much will be learned about the religions of Judaism and Islam, the present social structures of society in Israel, and the existing tensions between Jew and Arab.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-105 Bible Lands Geography

The course is a physical and topographical study of the lands of the Old and New Testament with a blending of historical and ethnic backgrounds. Although the concentration of study will be on Canaan or Israel proper, a general survey of the Semitic and Mediterranean world will be included. Prerequisites: BIL-101 and BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-107 Psalms and Proverbs for Life

This course engages the Old Testament books of Psalms and Proverbs with a view to personal and corporate spiritual formation. Prerequisite: BIL-101.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-111 Introduction to Old Testament

This course presents an overview of the Old Testament. The authorship, date, historical background, design, and redemptive theme of each book along with associated map studies will be addressed. Not open to students with credit in BIL-101.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-112 Introduction to New Testament

This course is an overview of the New Testament, with emphasis on a comprehensive reading of the full New Testament canon. Attention will be given to basic introductory matters for each book (authorship, date, themes), as well as to the canonical development of the New Testament. Not open to students with credit in BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-113 Biblical Perspectives on Suffering and Disability

Every person, at some point in life, faces suffering, illness, and some degree of disability. The Bible offers several perspectives on the nature and meaning of suffering and disability. This course will provide a brief introduction to major portions of scripture and survey the insights that they offer on suffering and disability. The course materials contain several connections to real stories and personal experiences of suffering and disability. The learning culminates by summarizing biblical materials around theological themes that frame the development of Christian character in the midst of suffering and disability.


BIL-114 Christian Faith, Character, and Virtue

The Christian faith and the Bible offer distinctive perspectives on good character and the development of character and virtue. This course will present biblical foundations, emphasizing the life of Jesus, for an understanding of Christian character and how character and virtue are formed. The course will present several concrete approaches to developing and practicing Christian character and virtue.


BIL-115 Life and Faith in the New Testament

The New Testament contains twenty-seven books that can be gathered into a few major blocks: Synoptic Gospels, Luke-Acts, the writings of John, the letters of Paul, the General Epistles, and Revelation. This course presents basic tools for studying the New Testament and investigates the use of scripture in Christian worship. The course surveys the special emphases of the major blocks of the New Testament and traces themes of life, faith, and salvation through each of them.


BIL-120 Themes in Biblical Literature

This course will explore Biblical passages which exemplify major themes of the Bible in order that the student will gain an overall understanding of the message of this significant historical, literary, and religious text. Themes which will be explored include the nature of God, creation, sin and human nature, covenant, the Messiah, atonement, faith, eternal life and the resurrection, hope, and the ethic of love. The impact of these themes on history and current life will be emphasized.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-111ES Introduction to Old Testament

This course presents an overview of the Old Testament. The authorship, date, historical background, geography, literary design, and redemptive theme of each book in the Old Testament will be addressed. Not open to students with credit in BIL-101. / Este curso presenta un panorama del Antiguo Testamento, que abarca las cuestiones de paternidad literaria, fechas, trasfondo histórico, geografía, diseño literario y temas de redención en cada libro del Antiguo Testamento. No está abierto para los estudiantes con créditos en BIL-101.


BIL-111FR Introduction to Old Testament

This course presents an overview of the Old Testament. The authorship, date, historical background, design, and redemptive theme of each book along with associated map studies will be addressed. Not open to students with credit in BIL-101.


BIL-112ES Introduction to New Testament

This course is an overview of the New Testament with emphasis on authorship, date, historical background, geography, and themes of the books of the New Testament. Included in this is a historical review of the intertestamental period which helps define the spiritual, political, and sociological matrix of the New Testament. Not open to students with credit in BIL-102. / Este curso es un panorama del Nuevo Testamento con concentración en la paternidad literaria, la fecha, el trasfondo histórico, la geografía y los temas clave de los libros del Nuevo Testamento. Incluye una reseña histórica del período inter-testamental que ayuda a definir la matriz espiritual, política y sociológica del Nuevo Testamento. No está abierto para estudiantes con créditos en BIL-102.


BIL-112FR Introduction to New Testament

This course is an overview of the New Testament with emphasis on key people, events, dates, and themes of the various sections. Included in this is a historical review of the intertestamental period which helps define the spiritual, political, and sociological matrix of the New Testament. The major themes of each book will be discussed along with map studies of major geographic features, towns, and political boundaries. Not open to students with credit in BIL-102.


BIL-200 Hermeneutics

This course is an introduction to basic principles of biblical interpretation. It emphasizes the application of these principles to personal Bible study and provides an important basis for the preparation of sermons and Bible studies.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-201 Methods in Bible Study

A study of assumptions, procedures, and guidelines to be used in understanding the Bible. Emphasis is upon refinement of the student's skills in observation and interpretation. The course is designed to develop the student's ability to study the Scriptures accurately, systematically, and independently as a basis for all further personal and professional use of the Bible. Not open to students with credit in BIL-202. Prerequisites: BIL-111, BIL-112


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-202 Inductive Bible Study

Students will learn the principles and steps of the Inductive Bible Study Method, including observation, interpretation, and appropriation. The course will also provide theological foundations of the nature and authority of scripture. Prerequisite: BIL-101 and BIL-102, or HNR-170 and HNR-180. Not available to students with credit in BIL-201.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-203 Advanced Inductive Bible Study

This course reviews, develops, and extends the skills involved in Inductive Bible Study. Students will survey a medium length book of scripture, cultivate the process of observation and survey, expand their skills of interpretation, and formulate concrete applications. This course will also provide opportunities for students to learn the tasks of evaluating and applying interpretations. Students will consider the role of Scripture and the study of Scripture as part of spiritual formation. Prerequisite: BIL-201


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-235 Life and Letters of Paul

This course surveys the life, ministry, letters, and thinking of the apostle Paul as found in the book of Acts and his own letters.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-240 Teaching the Bible to Youth and Adults

A course exploring the methods of teaching the Bible to youth and adults seeking life change. The course content includes learning theory, teaching methods, and small group leadership skills. As part of the course each student completes a segment of practice teaching both in and out of the classroom which is evaluated professionally with an eye toward improvement. Prerequisites BIL-101 and BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-252 Biblical Theology of Social Justice

This course explores social justice in the context of Old and New Testament. Special attention is given to helping students develop a biblical and theological basis for engaging the pressing issues in contemporary society. Prerequisites: BIL-101, BIL-102, THE-101.


BIL-254 Biblical Foundations of Worship

Explores worship in the Old and New Testaments in context with other worship patterns of the day. Traces liturgy, Scripture, music, sacred sign-acts, symbolism, festivals, and sacred space as elements of worship through Bible history. Also examines passages relevant to understanding a biblical theology of worship.


BIL-256 Biblical Theology of Missions

This course explores missiological paradigms in the Old and New Testament, with special attention given to helping students develop a biblical and theological foundation for effective engagement in God's mission in the world today.


BIL-280 Lands of the Bible

A study of the historical and geographical contexts of the biblical world. Emphasis will be given to the geographical and topographical features of the land that bring insight and understanding to the biblical narrative. Additional focus will be given to important cities and events in the lands of the Bible from the time of the Patriarchs through the 1st century AD. Prerequisite: BIL 101 and BIL 102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-281 Jerusalem and Its People

This course will investigate the importance and development of the city of Jerusalem from its initial settlement through the modern era. Particular attention will be given to Jerusalem's geographical setting and archaeological remains. In addition, the city's theological significance for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will be discussed. Pre-requisites: BIL-101 and BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-286 Introduction to Pastoral Epistles

This course is an introductory study of the Pastoral Epistles utilizing Inductive Bible Study method. Historical, cultural, grammatical, and social contexts will be addressed to interpret the text and make application for ministers and pastoral ministry. Prerequisite: BIL-202


BIL-290 Tools and Resources for Biblical Studies

Effective, in-depth, and theologically meaningful study of the Bible is aided by a number of specialized tools and resources. This course will give students the ability to decipher Greek and Hebrew words. Students will learn about principles and resources for finding and using relevant historical, archaeological, literary, and cultural evidence appropriate to both the Old Testament and New Testament. Finally, students will explore a variety of types of commentaries and how to employ them critically in theological interpretation.


BIL-293 Topics in Biblical Studies: Colossians

In this course, you will identify the content and message of Paul's letter to the Colossians. Students will describe the dual nature of Jesus the Messiah and explain the value of relationship and union with Jesus Christ found in Paul's letter to the Colossians.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-294 Topics in Biblical Studies: Ephesians

In this course, you will identify the content and message of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Students will describe central focus of Jesus the Messiah in all of history and explain God's eternal plan of salvation in Ephesians.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-200ES Hermeneutics

This course is an introduction to basic principles of biblical interpretation. It emphasizes the application of these principles to personal Bible study and provides an important basis for the preparation of sermons and Bible studies. / Este curso es una introducción a los principios fundamentales de la interpretación bíblica. Enfatiza la aplicación de estos principios al estudio bíblico personal y provee una base importante para la preparación de sermones y estudios bíblicos.


BIL-200FR Hermeneutics

This course is an introduction to basic principles of biblical interpretation. It emphasizes the application of these principles to personal Bible study and provides an important basis for the preparation of sermons and Bible studies.


BIL-201ES Methods in Bible Study

A study of assumptions, procedures, and guidelines to be used in understanding the Bible. Emphasis is upon refinement of the student's skills in observation and interpretation. The course is designed to develop the student's ability to study the Scriptures accurately, systematically, and independently as a basis for all further personal and professional use of the Bible. Not open to students with credit in BIL-202. Prerequisites: BIL-111, BIL-112


BIL-301 Pentateuch

The first five books of the Bible are studied as organized wholes. The origin of the world, the creation of man, the calling of Israel, and her place in the plan of redemption are noted throughout. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-302 Historical Books

A study of each of the historical books from Joshua to Esther, tracing the history of Israel from the entrance into Canaan through the exile and return. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-303 Synoptic Gospels

An intensive study of the Gospel of Mark, with attention given to the parallel accounts in Matthew and/or Luke. Examination of unique material in the first and third gospels. Special note will also be made of various solutions to the synoptic problem and to such concepts as the Messiah and the Kingdom of God. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-304 The Writings of John

This course provides a survey of the Gospel and Letters of John with a few points of deeper analysis using the inductive Bible study approach. The course will also consider main themes in the writings of John (e.g., light, love, Spirit, truth) in relation to one's spiritual growth and interaction with Scripture. Prerequisite: BIL-203 and REL-424 Not open to students with credit in BIL-312.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-305 Poetic Books

A study of the poetic books of the Old Testament including the nature of Hebrew poetry and wisdom. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


BIL-307 Minor Prophets

The twelve books designated as minor are studied in similar manner as the Major Prophets. Prerequisite: BIL-201 or BIL-202 or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.


BIL-310 Book of Genesis

This course uses the inductive approach to study the book of Genesis. The inductive lessons help the student reflect on key passages of Genesis, seeking practical applications. Special attention is given to the theological theme of creation. Prerequisite: BIL-203


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-311 Synoptic Gospels

An intensive study of the Gospel of Mark, with attention given to the parallel accounts in Matthew and/or Luke. Examination of unique material in the first and third gospels. Special note will also be made of various solutions to the synoptic problem and to such concepts as the Messiah and the Kingdom of God. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


BIL-312 Johannine Literature

A study of the Gospel of John and the three Epistles. Such concepts as Logos, truth, life, light, and love will be given special attention. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


BIL-314 Paul's Earlier Epistles

A detailed and analytic study of the letters to the Romans, Corinthians, the Galatians, and the Thessalonians. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


BIL-315 Paul's Later Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of the prison epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon) and the pastoral epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


BIL-317 Hebrews and General Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


BIL-320 The Apocalyptic Literature

A careful study of the Revelation and its relationship to the book of Daniel and to other apocalyptic writings. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.


BIL-333 Biblical Foundations of Worship

Explores worship in the Old and New Testaments in context with other worship patterns of the day. Traces liturgy, Scripture, music, sacred sign-acts, symbolism, festivals, and sacred space as elements of worship through Bible history. Also examines passages relevant to understanding a biblical theology of worship.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-350 Old Testament Theology

Students will describe a biblical theology of the Old Testament by examination of the text. They will assess history of interpretation over the past two centuries. Students explain critical scriptural themes from varying perspectives including narrative theologies of the history of redemption, dogmatic themes emerging from the text, and biblical theology's relationship to exegesis and systematic theology. The course aids students in the application of biblical theology for teaching and preaching. Prerequisites: BIL-310, BIL-420


BIL-355 New Testament Theology

Students will describe a biblical theology of the New Testament by examination of the text. They will analyze how the Old Testament is used and interpreted in the New Testament. Students explain critical scriptural themes from varying perspectives including narrative theologies of the history of redemption, dogmatic themes emerging from the text, and biblical theology's relationship to exegesis and systematic theology. The course aids students in the application of biblical theology for teaching and preaching. Prerequisites: BIL-310, BIL-420, BIL-350


BIL-380 Scripture in Context I

An exegetical study of the biblical narrative in its historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the contexts of Scripture enlighten expository teaching and preaching. This course is part of the Summer in the Holy Lands Program. Prerequisites: BIL-202.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-381 Scripture in Context II

An advanced exegetical study of the biblical narrative in its historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. Particular emphasis will be placed on how the contexts of Scripture enlighten expository teaching and preaching. This course is part of the Summer in the Holy Lands Program. Prerequisites: BIL-202 and BIL-280.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-382 Inter-Testament Literature

A study of the history and literature of the period between Malachi and the New Testament. Special emphasis will be on the background from which New Testament movements came. Offered alternate years. This course satisfies either Old or New Testament requirements.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-391 Directed Studies in Biblical Literature

This course prepares students to perform basic research in which they learn to use Off Campus Library Services (OCLS), electronic periodical indexes, and information resources. Students will identify and select appropriate material for inclusion in a college level research project which will be submitted at the conclusion of the course.

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BIL-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.


BIL-310ES Book of Genesis

This course uses the inductive approach to study the book of Genesis. The inductive lessons help the student reflect on key passages of Genesis, seeking practical applications. Special attention is given to the theological theme of creation.


BIL-401 Poetic Books

A study of the poetic books of the Old Testament including the nature of Hebrew poetry and wisdom. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-402 Major Prophets

The office and function of Hebrew prophecy is noted and the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are studied in the light of their own times. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-403 Minor Prophets

The twelve books designated as minor are studied in similar manner as the Major Prophets. Prerequisite: BIL-201 or BIL-202 or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-404 Acts of the Apostles

Primarily a study of the Book of Acts. Attention will be given to the development of the concept of the church, as well as its historical setting in the first two centuries of the Christian era. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-406 Paul's Later Epistles

This course covers the prison epistles (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon) and the pastoral epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus. A detailed and analytic study of these books. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


BIL-407 The General Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-408 Revelation and Apocalyptic

Revelation is the only book of the Bible written in the genre of an apocalypse. However, several other apocalyptic elements are found in other portions of the Bible (Daniel, the speeches of Jesus, 2 Thessalonians). This course will survey the nature of apocalyptic literature in the biblical world and discuss principles for interpreting apocalyptic. The study of Revelation will entail surveying the structure and contents of the book, examining its history of interpretation, interpreting key passages, and developing a sound approach for applying the book in our contemporary context. Not open to students with credit in BIL-320. Prerequisite: BIL-310 or BIL-420


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-409 The Four Gospels

This course is an inductive study of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Special focus will be placed on outstanding events and teachings in the life of Christ. Major events will be studied including His miracles, crucifixion, and bodily resurrection. The course will cover Christ's teachings including His parables, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Olivet discourse. The course will also examine the synoptic program and the humanity and divinity of Christ. The principles and methods of inductive Bible study will be explained and practiced throughout this course.


BIL-410 Wisdom Literature

A detailed and analytical study of the wisdom books in the Old Testament, specifically, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of department.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-411 Psalms

A detailed and analytical study of the Book of Psalms. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-412 Romans and Galatians

A detailed and analytical study of Paul's letters to the Romans and the Galatians. Prerequisite: BIL-201, BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of department.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-413 The Corinthian and Thessalonian Letters

A detailed and analytical study of Paul's letters to the Corinthians and the Thessalonians. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-414 The Prison Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-415 Pastoral Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-416 Hebrews

A detailed and analytical study of Hebrews. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-420 Gospel of Mark

This course utilizes an inductive Bible Study approach to the Gospel of Mark. Students will reflect on key passages of Mark and Mark's overall structure to aid in interpretation. Students will make personal, ministry, and leadership applications. Prerequisite: BIL-203


BIL-422 Greek Bible

A study of selected New Testament passages in the original Greek. This course expands vocabulary and builds depth in one's understanding of Greek morphology, syntax, and semantics. Prerequisite: Beginning Greek competence or permission of department. Can be repeated.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-430 Advanced Topic in Biblical Studies

This course covers a specialized and advanced topic in biblical studies that is not covered in the normal curriculum. It is always offered with a subheading and is repeatable under a different subheading. Prerequisite: BIL-202.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-434 Luke-Acts

An exegetical study of the narrative of Luke-Acts. Attention will be given to the unifying themes of Luke-Acts, especially, the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus and the Apostles in carrying out God's plan of salvation. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or by permission of the professor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-440 Biblical Interpretation in Global Perspective

Christianity is a global faith with communities on multiple continents and in many cultures translating, interpreting, and applying the Bible. This course will introduce students to perspectives on the methods, aims, and themes of biblical interpretation from diverse Christian voices around the globe. Students will gain an appreciation for and incorporate other Christian voices into their own work with scripture. Prerequisite: BIL-203


BIL-450 Biblical Theology

This course will begin by surveying the various approaches that have been taken toward Biblical Theology (e.g., historical, canonical, thematic, salvation history, constructive). With this larger methodological basis, the course assignments will focus on two tasks: summarizing the main theological themes of a particular book of scripture and synthesizing a theme across both testaments of the Bible. Students will review examples of both approaches and do their own creative work in each arena using their interpretive skills. Prerequisites: 6 credit hours in 400 level BIL courses


BIL-475 Independent Learning in Biblical Literature

Individually arranged research into biblical problems, languages, and/or doctrines. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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BIL-480 Archaeology of Syria-Palestine

This class will be held in the land of Israel and will require student participation in archaeological field work. While digging, areas of focus will include archaeological techniques and methods, and the analysis of pottery and stratigraphy. In addition, the interpretation of stratigraphy and artifacts at key archaeological sites in Israel will be considered as well as current debates and discussions among archaeologists. Prerequisite: BIL-101 and BIL-102 or permission of Division.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-404ES Acts of the Apostles

Primarily a study of the Book of Acts. Attention will be given to the development of the concept of the church, as well as its historical setting in the first two centuries of the Christian era. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or BIL-203 or permission of instructor.


BIL-409ES The Four Gospels

This course is an inductive study of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Special focus will be placed on outstanding events and teachings in the life of Christ. Major events will be studied including His miracles, crucifixion, and bodily resurrection. The course will cover Christ's teachings including His parables, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Olivet discourse. The course will also examine the synoptic program and the humanity and divinity of Christ. The principles and methods of inductive Bible study will be explained and practiced throughout this course.


BIL-415ES Pastoral Epistles

A detailed and analytical study of Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or permission of department. Offered alternate years.


BIL-500 Survey of the Bible

This course examines the foundational relationship bewteen the Old Testament and the New Testament; the literary, historical, cultural and geographical contexts of the Bible; and the application of biblical principles to contemporary situations.


BIL-505 An Exegetical Analysis of the Gospels

This course offers an in-depth exegesis of the Gospels. Special attention is given to their content, literary context, and historical background. Different approaches used to study the Gospels throughout church history will be explored. The student will also apply the Gospels for diverse ministries in the church and for personal growth.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-510 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course introduces the student to the process of inductive Bible study: observation, interpretation, integration, and appropriation. Hermeneutical strategies for reading the biblical texts as Christian Scripture are considered. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in BIL-500 or BIL-101 and BIL-102.


BIL-520 Hermeneutics for Ministry

This course uses tools provided by the study of hermeneutics to help students articulate and implement a philosophy of hermeneutics for the interpretation of scriptural texts and Christian practices in the context of local church ministry. Prerequisite: BIL-510.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-525 Biblical Theology and Themes

This course provides an advanced survey of biblical theology. Scriptural themes will be explored from multiple perspectives. The course engages ministers in the use of biblical theology for teaching and preaching. Prerequisite: BIL-510.


BIL-581 Historical Contexts of Scripture

This course explores the context of the biblical narrative (both Old and New Testaments). Topics of interest will include the historical, cultural, and religious settings of the biblical world. Travel expenses and all applicable fees may be required. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or higher in both BIL-101 and BIL-102; OR BIL-500.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-582 Old Testament World

This course studies the historical, literary, and socio-cultural background of the Old Testament. Background literature and inscriptional evidence relevant to the Old Testament will be examined, as well as key historical events, figures, and locations. A possible timeline for the writing of the Old Testament books will be developed, engaging key critical theories. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or higher in both BIL-101 and BIL-102; or BIL-500.


BIL-583 New Testament World

This course studies the historical, literary, and socio-cultural background to the New Testament. Beginning with intertestamental Jewish literature and Jewish history in the Maccabean period, the course proceeds to the New Testament's first century Jewish and Greco-Roman context. A possible timeline for the writing of the New Testament books will be developed. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or higher in both BIL-101 and BIL-102; or BIL-500.


BIL-588 Special Topics in Old Testament

This course covers a specialized and advanced topic in biblical studies. The course focuses on advanced exegesis for preaching and teaching from a particular section of Christian scripture. Prerequisite: BIL-510. May be repeated under different topics.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-590 Special Topics in New Testament

This course covers a specialized and advanced topic in biblical studies. The course focuses on advanced exegesis for preaching and teaching from a particular section of Christian scripture. Prerequisite: BIL-510. May be repeated under different topics.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-505ES An Exegetical Analysis of the Gospels

This course offers an in-depth exegesis of the Gospels. Special attention is given to their content, literary context, and historical background. Different approaches used to study the Gospels throughout church history will be explored. The student will also apply the Gospels for diverse ministries in the church and for personal growth.


BIL-505FR An Exegetical Analysis of the Gospels

This course offers an in-depth exegesis of the Gospels. Special attention is given to their content, literary context, and historical background. Different approaches used to study the Gospels throughout church history will be explored. The student will also apply the Gospels for diverse ministries in the church and for personal growth.

Indiana Weselayan