2024-2025 Catalog



MUS-300 Arranging

An introduction to orchestration, transcription, and arranging. Emphasis on the acquisition and development of the practical skills necessary to adapt and arrange music for a variety of uses and mediums. Prerequisites: MUS-162, MUS-261, and MUS-264.


MUS-301 Applied Study-Level III (majors)

Study of applied music at junior level of study, requires private lesson fee. Meets one hour each week. (Repeat up to 4 credits, with no more than 2 credits repeated in one section)


MUS-301P Applied Study Performance - Level 3

This course provides individual instruction in the performance techniques and literature of the instruments and voice. Emphasis is placed on the development of a sound technical foundation, familiarity with the performance approaches and the study of the instrument's vast literature. Upon successful completion, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in technical skills and repertoire through performance. An additional fee per semester is required.


MUS-302P Applied Study Perfor Level 3

This course provides individual instruction in the performance techniques and literature of the instruments and voice. Emphasis is placed on the development of a sound technical foundation, familiarity with the performance approaches and the study of the instrument's vast literature. Upon successful completion, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in technical skills and repertoire through performance. An additional fee per semester is required.


MUS-302S Songwriting Lab 3

Songwriting Lab is a collaborative lab setting in which various songwriters, whether they favor the lyrical or musical discipline, can present their own works and have them evaluated by their peers and instructors. Songwriting Lab will focus on the individual projects of the students/groups of students but will also provide exercises which will help each of the student's progress in the field of songwriting. No prerequisites but strongly encourages that the student take MUS-134 and/or MUS-234 in conjunction with one of the lab sessions.


MUS-305 Class Piano Level IV

This course is for more advanced level of competency in keyboard playing and includes technical studies (2 octave scales and arpeggios in all keys, hands together), late intermediate repertoire, harmonization using secondary dominant with stylized accompaniment, 3-4 part vocal score reading, art song accompaniment, selected patriotic songs, and 4 part texture transposition to neighboring keys.


MUS-306 Assessment and Evaluation Techniques For Music Therapy

Assessment and Evaluation Techniques for Music Therapy is a study of current assessment and evaluation procedures used in music therapy and the application of observational recording and behavior modification techniques in educational, social, and therapeutic settings. A data-based model of providing music therapy services is explored in detail. Research models are also explored. Prerequisites: PSY-150, MUS-104, and MUS-206.


MUS-307 Current Trends in Music Therapy

This course examines the psychological basis of music and human behavior. Study will include music perception, cognition, response, and creation as it relates to the influence of music on behavior. Prerequisite: MUS-104, MUS-206, MUS-207 and MUS-209. Must be completed prior to taking this course.


MUS-308 Psychology of Music

Psychology of Music examines music and the human psyche. Topics include auditory and musical perception, music cognition, creativity and esthetic experience, listening styles and strategies, music and human emotions, and the social psychology of musical activities. In addition, the course will touch on aspects related to performance, music and the brain, and methodological issues in music research. Prerequisites: PSY-150, MUS-104. MUS-206, MUS-207 and MUS-209. Must be completed prior to taking this course.


MUS-311 Applied Study - (music Minors)

Study of applied music for the music minor at the advanced level of study, requires a private lesson fee. Meets one-half hour each week. Prerequisites: MUS-111, MUS-112, MUS-211 and MUS-212.


MUS-318 Orchestration

Study of the characteristics of orchestra and other instruments and techniques for scoring for these instruments in various combinations. Prerequisite: MUS-261.


MUS-319 Music Therapy Practicum II

Music therapy practicum level 2 continues to provide the practicum student with opportunities to explore the therapeutic process and the dynamics of client-therapist relationships through clinical sessions and observations. The course encourages the development of musical and clinical skills to become a competent music therapist. The course focuses on the application of academic theories, concepts and skills in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: MUS-104, MUS-206, and MUS-207.


MUS-321 Keyboard Skills II

Designed for Piano majors to increase advanced functional skill as pianists. Harmonization of melodies involving primary, substitute, secondary dominant and seventh chords, modulation, by-ear playing and improvisation, transposition of hymns at sight, more challenging assignments in vocal and instrumental scores, accompaniments, patriotic songs, and sight-reading (solo, ensemble), hymns with adaptations. Prerequisite: MUS-119.


MUS-329 Music Therapy Practicum III

Music therapy practicum, level 3, provides the first-time practicum student with opportunities to explore the therapeutic process and the dynamics of client-therapist relationships through clinical sessions and observations. The course encourages the development of musical and clinical skills to become a competent music therapist. The course focuses on the application of academic theories, concepts and skills in the clinical setting. Prerequisites: MUS-104, MUS-206 and MUS-207.


MUS-342P Junior Recital

This course is a partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of Music in performance and theory/composition. The course includes individual instruction in the performance techniques and literature of the instruments and voice. Upon completion, students will have developed a 30 minute program of music and be required to give a public performance. The program should demonstrate a proficiency of various periods, contrasting styles, genres and languages (vocal). An additional fee per semester is required. Prerequisites: Students must have passed their Upper Divisional Hearing and had at least 4 semesters of applied study prior to this course.


MUS-345 Piano Pedagogy

Designed for music majors and electives who may become independent piano teachers; study of teaching methods, materials, and literature emphasizing early through intermediate levels; student observation/teaching experiences; business aspects. Offered alternate years.


MUS-354 Music Ministry Philosophy and Practice

Designed to assist the pastor in working with the musician, aid the musician in using music to create the desired environment for worship, and assist the member of the congregation in his understanding of the worship service. A basic study of hymnology is included.


MUS-363 Instrumental Methods

A comprehensive investigation of the instrumental music program. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the band and orchestra program including literature, teaching techniques, marching band, orchestra, concert band, jazz band, chamber music, and school, community, and parent support.


MUS-364 Organ Pedagogy

Required of organ majors; techniques of teaching as applied to organ teaching; involves a review of organ methods and teaching guides. A pedagogy student will do a limited amount of student teaching. Offered on demand.


MUS-365 Vocal Pedagogy

A comprehensive course covering the instruction skills necessary for vocal studio practice. Topics include vocal anatomy, diagnostic skills and philosophies and methods of teaching correct vocal production. This class includes a brief overview of private studio business practices. Offered Spring (every other year).


MUS-366 Song Literature

Designed for the upper class voice major to introduce significant song composers and to perform representative selections from their works. Students will become acquainted with composer styles, art songs, opera and oratorio excerpts, and song cycles through listening and performance. Prerequisite: MUS-125 or MUS-225 and at least three semesters of applied vocal studies. Offered Spring.


MUS-371 Music History and Literature I

A survey of the history of music through the work of the great composers. The course covers the evolution of style and form to about 1750.


MUS-372 Music History and Literature II

A survey of the history of music through the work of the great composers, past and present. The course covers the evolution of style and form from 1750 into the Twentieth Century.


MUS-375 Symphonic Literature

This course introduces students to standard Symphonic/Orchestral Literature. Students become acquainted with the development of the orchestra from the late baroque through present day and are familiarized with the most significant composers of Symphonic Literature through representative works. Prerequisites: MUS-265 and MUS-180.


MUS-380 Private Studies in Conducting

Advanced studies of conducting. For upper-class majors. By permission of the instructor. Requires applied lesson fee. Offered on demand.


MUS-383 Elementary Music Methods for Music Education Majors

This course is designed to present an introduction to the general music program in the elementary schools. Its purpose is to sharpen musical skills and sensitivity, create and teach lessons based on specific concepts at appropriate grade levels, and develop insights into current music education approaches and methodology (Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze, etc.). Performance skills in soprano recorder, autoharp, and guitar will also be included.


MUS-383P Elementary Music Practicum

This course provides a practicum experience for K-12 music education majors in elementary-level classrooms in public or private schools. Students will observe/assist an experienced elementary music teacher who will serve as the cooperating teacher for the practicum. Students will teach a minimum of three lessons in the elementary classroom, and will be observed and evaluated by both IWU Music Education faculty and Education Division faculty. Graded as a Credit/No Credit class. Co-requisite: MUS-383. Permission of the Music Education faculty and Division of Education to take this course in conjunction with EDU-382C.


MUS-385 Music Technology for Music Educators

An introduction to computer applications in music with an emphasis on programs of particular pertinence to music educators.


MUS-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Students will work under a faculty mentor in their major and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.

Indiana Weselayan