2024-2025 Catalog



MUS-100 Applied Study - Non-Majors

Applied Study for non-music majors; requires a private lesson fee. Meets 1/2 hour once each week with adjunct faculty.


MUS-101 Applied Study - Level I (majors)

Study of applied music at the freshman level; requires a private lesson fee. Meets one hour each week. (Repeat up to 4 credits, with no more than 2 credits repeated in one section)


MUS-101P Applied Study Perfor- Level I

This course provides individual instruction in the performance techniques and literature of the instruments and voice. Emphasis is placed on the development of a sound technical foundation, familiarity with the performance approaches and the study of the instrument's vast literature. Upon successful completion, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in technical skills and repertoire through performance. An additional fee per semester is required.


MUS-102P Applied Study Perfor-Level 1

This course provides individual instruction in the performance techniques and literature of the instruments and voice. Emphasis is placed on the development of a sound technical foundation, familiarity with the performance approaches and the study of the instrument's vast literature. Upon successful completion, students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in technical skills and repertoire through performance. An additional fee per semester is required.


MUS-102S Songwriting Lab 1

Songwriting Lab is a collaborative lab setting in which various songwriters, whether they favor the lyrical or musical discipline, can present their own works and have them evaluated by their peers and instructors. Songwriting Lab will focus on the individual projects of the students/groups of students but will also provide exercises which will help each of the student's progress in the field of songwriting. No prerequisites but strongly encourages that the student take MUS-134 and/or MUS-234 in conjunction with one of the lab sessions.


MUS-104 Foundation and Principles of Music Therapy

Foundations of Principles of Music Therapy is an introduction to music as a therapeutic agent in the rehabilitation and reorganization of the human being into social life. A survey of the history of the American Musical Therapy Association is included as well as the processes and principles of music therapy as used by practicing music therapists.


MUS-105 Class Piano Level I

This course is designed for students with no previous piano instruction. Development of two-hand coordination, five-finger patterns, playing two independent lines simultaneously, all major tetrachords, five major scales in two octaves (hands separately), triad playing, I, IV, V chords, ensemble, transposition, pedaling and sight reading.


MUS-111 Applied Study - (music Minors)

Study of applied music for the music minor at the first semester of study, requires private lesson fee. Meets one-half hour each week.


MUS-112 Applied Study - (music Minors)

Study of applied music for the music minor at the second semester of study, requires private lesson fee. Meets one-half hour each week. Prerequisite: MUS-111.


MUS-114 Class Voice

A study of basic vocal technique, including breathing, resonant tone production, note reading, and fundamental vocabulary for singers; aims at developing healthy vocal habits. This course is open to voice electives and non-majors.


MUS-117 Beginning Piano/Non-Major I

Designed for the non-major who has not had previous piano instruction. While learning the fundamentals of music--elementary rhythms, notation, and primary chords--the student gains facility on the keyboard by playing interesting pieces in easy keys.


MUS-118 Beginning Piano/Non-Major II

Designed for the non-major with some keyboard experience. Continued study of music fundamentals including scales and triads, elementary accompaniment styles, pedaling, and elementary-intermediate repertoire as appropriate for the individual student. Prerequisite: MUS-117 or equivalent.


MUS-119 Keyboard Skills

Designed for piano majors to increase functional skills on keyboard such as sight reading, harmonization with a variety of accompaniment styles, reading of four-part vocal and instrumental scores, transposition of chord progressions and easy contrapuntal pieces, hymn & patriotic song playing with adaptations, and improvisation. Prerequisite or co-requisite: MUS-162.


MUS-124 Guitar Techniques

This course will focus on the basic understanding, practice, and application of guitar techniques. Students will learn to use guitar styles of various composers, as well as leading groups.


MUS-125 Diction for Singers 1

A comprehensive study of the rules for proper diction in the singing of English, Italian, and Latin vocal literature with practical exercises in a comparative approach for American Singers. Languages will be studied using the specific symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet.


MUS-134 Songwriting 1

Songwriting 1 studies the foundational elements of what makes a song. The course will examine and implement essential items found within the Songwriting Industry such as "the nerve," "the hook," form, and rhyme scheme. After discovering and breaking these facets in various elements, the students will analyze and identify these facets in various songs of various styles and genres.


MUS-149 Introduction to Contemporary Worship

This semester-length course provides an overview of contemporary worship music and its application in a worship service. Students will learn through experience as worship teams model the distinctives of contemporary worship music. A variety of areas will be explored: contemporary music theory, working with a praise band, arranging for the worship team, developing and leading teams, effective resources for worship.


MUS-159 Fundamentals of Music Theory

This course will teach students to read notes (pitch and rudimentary rhythm) in G and F clef and to connect graphic images to appropriate keys of the keyboard. This course will also include studies in scales, intervals and triads.


MUS-160 Introduction to Music Theory

A study of the basic fundamentals of music: major and minor scales, key signatures, triads, and introduction to functional harmony. Open to non-music majors as well as majors. Offered every semester. Prerequisite: The ability to read notes.


MUS-162 Music Theory I

Review of scales, intervals and triads. Elementary harmony is studied by writing and analysis of diatonic triads in four-part harmony, figured bass, cadences, non-harmonic tones, voice-leading, dominant seventh chords, and harmonic progression. Prerequisite: MUS-160 or permission of instructor.


MUS-164 Ear Training I

Includes the singing of all intervals and scales, melodic and interval dictation. Identification of major and minor triads. Rhythmic exercises. Sight-singing in a limited vocal range. To be taken concurrently with Music Theory I.


MUS-165 Class Piano II

This course includes two and three-part textures, I, IV, V, V7 chords in root position and inversions for progressions and harmonization, elementary accompaniment styles, seven major scales (hands together), seven minor scales (hands separately), arpeggios, alto and tenor clef score reading, and sight reading. Prerequisite: MUS-105 or equivalent; MUS-162 (Theory I) prior to or during same semester.


MUS-166 Marching Band

The IWU Marching Band is a large performing ensemble comprised of woodwind, brass, percussion instrumentalists and appropriate auxiliary personnel with an emphasis on live performances for athletic, campus, and community events. The Marching Wildcats will enter the public arena as ambassadors of IWU standards of excellence. Admittance is by audition and/or approval of the director. This course counts for the Physical Activity requirements under the Health and Wellness section for General Education.

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MUS-167 Opera Workshop

Opera Workshop is a course designed to train students in the art of auditioning for the opera genre and preparing a role, culminating in the presentation of an opera scenes program. This course may be repeated for a total of 9 hours. Must be concurrently enrolled in applied voice lessons. 0 to 3 credits. Offered Fall.

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MUS-170 Music Appreciation

A review of the history of music with the objective of providing students with aesthetic and cultural experiences. Covers some elements of music and explores works of a variety of composers from different style periods. Not open to individuals with credit in MUS-180. (For students who need to complete Humanities Core requirements and have already completed the art portion of MUS-180. Meets either the first or second half of the semester.)

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MUS-171 Studio Recording I

This course will provide an understanding of the theory and practice of studio recording and sound reinforcement. Students will gain hands-on knowledge of the equipment and techniques used in the recording studio.


MUS-172 Early Music Ensemble

The Early Music Ensemble is comprised of vocalists and instrumentalists who perform music composed before 1800 in an historically-accurate manner in the originally-intended context. Period instruments are used whenever possible. The Early Music Ensemble will perform off campus at local churches periodically throughout the semester. Students intending to enroll must seek approval of the director through a meeting and/or audition. The course meets the minor ensemble requirement for students pursuing a Bachelor of Music.

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MUS-173 Handbell Ensemble

This course will offer students an opportunity to develop their musicianship, music reading and performance skills through the study of handbell literature.

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MUS-174 Cantate

Cantate is an auditioned treble voice choir, comprised of music majors and students from other disciplines. This chorus assists in various campus and community programs and represents the university in concert. Admission is by audition and approval of the director. Participants who are enrolled in the first semester are expected to enroll again for the second semester. Rehearsals take place three times a week. This ensemble meets the requirement for large ensemble credit for music majors and minors.

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MUS-175 Chapel Ensemble

This course will provide an opportunity for singers and instrumentalists to adequately train and rehearse in preparation to lead worship for IWU Chapel. Students will form various ensembles-in agreement with their area of expertise-and from such ensembles worship music for all Chapels will be provided. This is a mandatory class for all students willing to participate in IWU Chapel Worship Teams. Can earn 1 hour credit (may be repeated for 0 hr credit).

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MUS-176 Tuba/Euphonium Quartet

This quartet provides chamber music as well as a variety of offerings from classical, to hymn arrangements and lighter selections. Entrance to the ensemble is by audition.

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MUS-177 Clarinet Quartet

The clarinet quartet is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-178 Saxophone Quartet

The saxophone quartet is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-179 Woodwind Quintet

The woodwind quartet is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-180 Humanities Fine Arts

An integrated study of history and appreciation of art and music in Western culture from ancient times to present. (Part of the Humanities Core Curriculum.)


MUS-181 Guitar Ensemble

The IWU Guitar Ensemble is a musical ensemble designed to familiarize the student with music of different styles and eras and the proper execution of that music. Included in the course will be emphasis on ensemble playing skills--balance, blend, intonation, tone, etc. Concerts will be performed by the group. This course may count for up to 2 large ensemble credits for those majoring in guitar. To count these as large ensemble credits, the student must take these during the same school year and must have already passed the Upper Divisional Exam.

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MUS-182 Piano Ensemble

The course is designed to familiarize pianists with the wide variety of literature available for piano ensemble playing, from piano duet to works for multiple pianos.

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MUS-183 IWU Jazz Combo

The IWU Jazz Combo provides the opportunity to explore the jazz medium in greater detail. The term "jazz combo" is used to describe almost any group of instruments smaller than ten pieces, which would include a rhythm section (drums, bass, piano), and at least 2 soloists. This ensemble's greatest emphasis will be in the area of improvisation and it will practice a variety of tunes drawn from the following categories: Bebop, modal, standards, ballads, rhythm and blues, blues, Latin, contemporary, and sacred. As Christian musicians, it is imperative that we strive to serve God in our music. This style is an opportunity to praise God and serve Him in a wonderful and different way.

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MUS-184 World Music Ensemble

Music of various cultures will be studied and performed, concentrating on (but not limited to) music of African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Japanese styles. Instrumentation for this ensemble includes authentic drums and non-pitched instruments as well as xylophones and metallophones. Prerequisite: permission of the Music Division.

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MUS-185 Flute Ensemble

The flute ensemble is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-186 Chamber Music

The string quartet is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-187 Trombone Ensemble

The Trombone Ensemble is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-188 Woodwind Ensemble

The woodwind ensemble is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-189 Honors Brass Quintet

The honors brass quintet is an auditioned ensemble that provides chamber music as well as a variety of musical styles from classical, hymn arrangements, and lighter selections.

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MUS-190 Opera and Musical Theater

Opera/Musical Theater is a course designed to give students practical experience in preparing and performing the opera genre or musical theater culminating in the presentation of an opera or musical. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. This course may be taken for 0-3 credits and may be repeated.

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MUS-192 University Chorale

The University Chorale is a mixed choral ensemble of SATB voices. Repertoire consists of sacred classics, hymns, spirituals and contemporary compositions, in addition to major choral/orchestral works. The Chorale represents the University in concert at various community and university events. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. This ensemble meets three times each week. The course meets the large ensemble requirement for music majors and minors. Participants enrolled in first semester are expected to enroll the second semester

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MUS-193 Campus Choir

The IWU Campus Choir is a non-auditioned SATB choir open to every student on campus regardless of major. This choir assists in various campus and community programs and represents the university in concert. Rehearsals take place once a week. This ensemble may meet the requirement for large ensemble credit for music majors and minors.

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MUS-194 Chamber Singers

Chamber Singers is a mixed ensemble of approximately 18-20 voices. Repertoire consists of chamber music from all periods of Western Music History along with contemporary compositions. The Chamber Singers represent the University in concert at various community and university events. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. This ensemble meets two times each week. Participants enrolled in the first semester are expected to enroll the second semester.

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MUS-195 Percussion Ensemble

Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and other instrumental ensembles are offered. These organizations assist in various school and community programs and represent the university in concert. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. Meets two times a week.

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MUS-196 Wind Ensemble

Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and other large instrumental ensembles are offered. These organizations assist in various school and community programs and represent the university in concert. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. Meets four times a week. Participants enrolled in the first semester are expected to enroll the second semester.

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MUS-196C Concert Band

The Concert Band rehearses and performs wind band literature focusing on the early British Band works, orchestral transcriptions, hymn arrangements, popular styles, as well as sacred literature. This organization gives one concert per semester and may perform on occasion with the IWU Wind Ensemble. The groups meets two times a week. This course meets the large ensemble requirement for those individuals whose major is in the area of brass, woodwinds, or percussion. All students should have training on brass, woodwind, or percussion through high school or should have taken Woodwind, Brass, or Percussion Techniques. Prerequisite: All students will audition for the ensemble or have permission of the director.

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MUS-197 Jazz Ensemble

Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and other instrumental ensembles are offered. These organizations assist in various school and community programs and represent the university in concert. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. Meets two times a week.

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MUS-198 Orchestra

Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and other instrumental ensembles are offered. These organizations assist in various school and community programs and represent the university in concert. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. Meets two times a week. Participants enrolled in the first semester are expected to enroll the second semester.

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MUS-199 Brass Choir

Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and other instrumental ensembles are offered. These organizations assist in various school and community programs and represent the university in concert. Admittance is by audition and approval of the director. Meets one to three times a week.

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Indiana Weselayan