2024-2025 Catalog



WRI-350 The Autobiographical Impulse

An intensive writing course that will help students intentionally incorporate autobiographical material into original poetry and prose. Students will study key autobiographical writers as well as write extensively in various genres: autobiographical fiction, memoir, confessional poetry, and creative non-fiction. Prerequisite: WRI-235.


WRI-352 Writing for Children

An intensive study of the craft of writing for children in various genres and for various age groups. Students will study key children's literature and theory as well as write extensively for each age group (2-6, 7-11, and 12-18). Prerequisite: WRI-235.


WRI-353 Magazine Writing

Involves study of theory, practice, and marketing of magazine articles for print and online magazine publication. Prerequisite: COM-224 or WRI-234 or permission of the Division.


WRI-354 Writing the Short Story

Advanced work in the writing of short stories. Principles of plot construction, character delineation, and descriptive setting are considered. Prerequisite: WRI-235 or permission of the Division.


WRI-355 Prose Style

An advanced study of prose style, involving analysis of styles both literary and journalistic, and practice in various techniques. Prerequisite: WRI-234 or permission of the Division.


WRI-356 Technical Writing

Expository writing which concentrates on clarity and orderliness. Includes the preparation of reports, studies, proposals, and manuals for technical subjects such as those dealt with in the sciences, engineering, industry, and government. Prerequisite: Permission of the Division.


WRI-358 Poetry

An intense study of the craft of poetry writing. Through the study of excellent models (especially good contemporary poetry), through experimentation with both traditional forms and free verse, and through peer evaluation, students learn to find their own poetic voice. Prerequisite: WRI-235 or permission of the Division.


WRI-360 Writing Internship

Systematic and supervised practicum in a business or organization. Application of technical and writing skills. Credit varies, depending on time involved on-site. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: WRI-234 or permission of the department.

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WRI-368 Writing Specialties

Designed to provide opportunity for an occasional course emphasizing a particular writing specialty such as writing for children, travel writing, writing about spirituality, nature writing, etc. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENG-120 or Advanced Standing in English or Permission of the Division. May be repeated under different topics.


WRI-370 Travel Writing

An intensive writing course combined with a cross-cultural travel course that will help students learn the skills and writing techniques needed for travel writing. Students will study key travel writers and travel writing works as well as write extensively in various genres: guidebook, review, research, and literary travel writing. Prerequisite: ENG-120 and application and reference.


WRI-390 Teaching Writing: Composition Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice

This course focuses on the practice and pedagogy of writing composition, grounding them in core composition theories. Students will explore how composition theory, practice and pedagogy are informed by, and influence such cultural issues as gender, race, politics, etc.; will experience writing as a social act through which we learn and teach; and will learn to select instructional and assessment techniques to serve a variety of learners. Prerequisite: Successful completion of a 3 hour WRI course.


WRI-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.

Indiana Weselayan