2024-2025 Catalog



REL-500 Philosophy and Christian Thought

This course examines the major Christian theological and philosophical traditions. Students will examine core doctrines including the Triune God, Christology, soteriology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Students will critically assess major philosophical movements and thinkers as they contribute to or challenge a Christian worldview.


REL-501 Formation in Christian Practices

This course introduces students to spiritual formation through communal and individual Christian practices. The course focuses on practices of devotion and practices of compassion that have been historically understood in the Christian church to be means of grace. Students are guided in the initial development of lifelong practices for Christian growth.


REL-502 Formation through Spiritual Direction

This course introduces students to the practice of spiritual direction. Ministers enrolled in the course will experience spiritual direction for their own lives and learn introductory concepts of spiritual direction for pastoral ministry to others.


REL-510 History of the Global Christian Church

This course introduces the student to the key events, individuals, and debates of global Christian history from the time of Jesus to the present day. Special attention is given to the worldwide church, as well as the development of Christian doctrines and practices in specific contexts.


REL-515 History of Christianity

This course provides an overview of the history of Christianity from the first century AD until the twentieth century, with emphasis on the development of the Church in its socio-political context, and the development of theology in the midst of pagan philosophies and heresies.


REL-520 Congregational Care

A study of the biblical and theological framework of congregational care. The course will provide an examination of the essential skills and predispositions that a pastor needs to care for a congregation in a manner that inspires spiritual formation, including: active listening, conflict resolution, effective use of prayer and Scripture in care settings and problem-solving.


REL-521 Discipleship Ministries

This course is designed to introduce students to the principles, procedures, guidelines, and available resources for discipleship strategies within the local church. Students will also practice evangelism and discipleship in a local church context.


REL-525 Spiritual Counseling and Care

This course will examine techniques and theories regarding how to be provide pastoral counsel and care for individuals and communities. Particular focus will be given to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of an individual as well as how pastors can walk alongside individuals in a manner that encourages faith and spiritual growth.


REL-530 Old Testament World

This course studies the historical, literary, and socio-cultural background of the Old Testament. Background literature and inscriptional evidence relevant to the Old Testament will be examined, as well as key historical events, figures, and locations. A possible timeline for the writing of the Old Testament books will be developed, engaging key critical theories. Prerequisite: BIL-101 and BIL-102; or BIL-500.


REL-531 American Christianity

This course equips students with a working understanding of the rise and influence of North American Christianity including its socio-cultural contexts. Discussions will include Christian denominational movements in North American addressing their doctrinal, ecclesiological, and ethical differences. Spanning four centuries (from the early 1600's to the early 2000's), this course develops a historical understanding of the diversity of American Christianity by engaging in current ecclesiological discussions and case studies. Prerequisite: REL-510

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REL-540 New Testament World

This course studies the historical, literary, and socio-cultural background to the New Testament. Beginning with intertestamental Jewish literature and Jewish history in the Maccabean period, the course proceeds to the New Testament's first century Jewish and Greco-Roman context. A possible timeline for the writing of the New Testament books will be developed. Prerequisite: BIL-101 and BIL-102; or BIL-500.


REL-545 Contextualized Educational Ministries

This course explores the principles and practices of faithful and effective Christian education programs in cultural context. Students are grounded in a biblical understanding of contextualization and equipped to take into account religious, social and demographic variables in a diversity of cultural contexts when developing programs and strategies to teach the Bible and its Christian principles.


REL-555 Practical Theology of Ministry

This course explores the nature of practical theology as a discipline: its history, methods and relevance for Church and society. Students will consider the work of various practical theologians; use varied models of theological reflection; and integrate social science methods into their ministry as practical theologians in residence. A key component of the course will involve the practicing of theology through reflection upon lived practical wisdom.


REL-560 Leading a Church

A study of the principles of leadership and management for the pastor or other professional Christian worker in relation to local churches or other Christian organizations. Contemporary leadership theory is critiqued in view of the church's mission. Students develop personal skills in leading change, self-management, budgeting, planning, recruiting and supervising volunteers, discerning vision for ministry and leading deliberative bodies.


REL-565 Homiletics

A theoretical study and practice-based instruction for constructing and delivering scripture-centered sermons, homilies, and devotionals. Primary focus is on the discipline of homiletics and best practices for practical implementation in church settings. Students will craft, present, and evaluate sermonic work for hands on integration of previous theological training into preaching ministry. Prerequisite: BIL-202 or BIL-510.


REL-569 Pastoral Care

This course teaches the art of pastoral care as it relates to the psychological and theological needs of persons and Christian communities. Theories of pastoral care, its ethical context, the healing functions of rituals, and specific interventions for predictable human needs such as birth, death, illness, trauma, marriage, divorce, and life passage celebrations will be considered. In addition, theological responses to the question of theodicy will be articulated. The class presents historical perspectives and practice through case studies and modeling. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: REL-501.


REL-570 Strategic Pastoral Counseling

This course explores pastoral counseling from a frame of reference which limits both the number of sessions and the scope of the objectives for the counseling relationship. Students will engage in responsible use of faith-based and spiritual resources as well as articulate the benefits and limitations of counseling in a pastoral setting. Each student will gain familiarity with an overarching structure for pastoral counseling sessions as well as signs of necessary referral. Prerequisite: REL-525.


REL-575 Mentoring, Spiritual Direction, and Discipleship

This course trains active ministers in the three most common forms of spiritual formation: mentoring, spiritual direction, and discipleship. Students analyze the theological and theoretical backgrounds, cultural implications, as well as strengths and weakness of each model of spiritual formation. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or higher in REL-521 or REL-270. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: REL-501.


REL-585 Mission and Witness of the Church

This course examines models of the mission of the church, paying special attention to recent missional movements and models of evangelism, and their characteristics, theological commitments, and perceived trajectory/impact. Students will evaluate church health in relation to the mission and witness of the church and will develop skills and dispositions necessary for leading a healthy church. Prerequisite: REL-525.


REL-588 Special Topics in Christian History

This course covers a specialized and advanced topic in Christian history. The course focuses on advanced historical perspective for the sake of a better-informed and more faithful ministry. Prerequisites: THE-525, REL-331 and REL-332 or their equivalent.


REL-590 Philosophy for Ministry

This course appraises key philosophical concepts and questions for the sake of thoughtful congregational ministry. Ethics, logic, epistemology, as well as major current philosophical options are analyzed for their implications for congregational ministry. Though philosophical concepts are discussed in detail, ministerial implications of philosophy and practical application is the aim. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or higher in REL-500, or PHL-280 and THE-101.


REL-591 Thesis Project I

This course is the first in a sequence of potentially three courses in which the student engages in a self-directed, researched-based treatment of a topic relevant to the master's program in which the student is enrolled, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member.


REL-592 Thesis Project 2

This course is the second in a sequence of potentially three courses in which the student engages in a self-directed, researched-based treatment of a topic relevant to the master's program in which the student is enrolled, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: REL-591.


REL-593 Thesis Project 3

This course is the third in a sequence of potentially three courses in which the student engages in a self-directed, researched-based treatment of a topic relevant to the master's program in which the student is enrolled, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisites: REL-591 and REL-592.


REL-595 Research Language

This course is an independent or directed study of a research language relevant to the master's program in which the student is enrolled, conducted under the supervision of a faculty member, culminating in a competency examination.

Indiana Weselayan