2024-2025 Catalog



PHY-440 Astrophysics

This is an introductory course in astrophysics which serves as an elective for the Physics major and Physics minor program. Other science or math majors may take this as a simple general elective. Three class periods per week are required. The class provides the student with an introduction to most of the major concepts and principles of the workings of observational and theoretical astrophysics. We will discuss current thoughts on modern cosmology, and investigate major revisions of our ideas concerning the workings of the universe, the solar system, stars, galaxies, and cosmology; including recent discoveries about the planets, moon, sun, pulsars, quasars, space explorations and radio astronomy, and blackholes. Prerequisites: PHY-222 and MAT 254 Calculus II or equivalent.


PHY-475 Independent Learning-Physics

Individually arranged study and/or research in physics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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PHY-488 Special Topics in Physics

A course that covers advanced topics of current interest in Physics.

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PHY-488L Special Topics in Physics Lab

A course that covers advanced topics of current interest in Physics.


PHY-490 Physics Senior Seminar

This course is intended to help science majors to synthesize, integrate, and apply their scientific understanding. The course will focus on advanced topics and on ethical and social implications of science. Some emphasis will be given to research and to written and oral communication skills as used in the sciences. The major Field advancement Tests in physics will be administered as a part of this course. The course is required of all majors. Prerequisite: Senior standing, physics major or minor.


PHY-495 Research in Physics

Students will engage in original research under the direction of a faculty member. This course may be repeated but only two credits total may be applied toward the physics minor. Specific areas of physics research may include but are not limited to astronomy, atomic physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics, mathematical physics, medical physics, physics education, to name a few. Prerequisites: PHY-212 or PHY-222 (or equivalent) and permission from instructor.

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Indiana Weselayan