2024-2025 Catalog



MAT-304 Applied Statistics II

A continued study of estimation and hypothesis testing procedures from Applied Statistics I. Topics include simple, multiple, and logistic regression analysis of variance; nonparametric procedures; and time series. Prerequisite: BUS-320, MAT-204 or MAT-305.


MAT-305 Statistics for Social Sciences

This is an upper-division course for the Social Sciences. Topics include measures of central tendency and dispersion and graphical representation of data. Other topics include inferential statistical theory and hypothesis testing for statistical significance. Bivariate and multivariate measure of statistical relationship include chi square, nominal and ordinal measures of association, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, and multiple correlation and regression techniques. Factor analysis and analysis of covariance are briefly introduced. Primarily for students concentrating in psychology, sociology, social work, criminal justice, or political science. Prerequisites: Math preparatory requirement (MAT-101 or equivalent).


MAT-322 Mathematical Modeling I

An introduction to the principles and process of mathematical modeling. This course incorporates several projects in which students model open-ended scenarios from various disciplines. Relevant mathematical and statistical techniques, such as curve-fitting and optimization, and Monte Carlo methods, are included on an as-needed basis. Various software packages and lab experiments are also incorporated. Prerequisite: MAT-130 or MAT-253.


MAT-324 Mathematical Modeling II

The development and extension of the modeling process using higher level mathematical concepts in calculus and differential equations. Problem-solving techniques for finding solutions to open-ended scenarios are discussed, developed, and demonstrated by the students using the modeling process, and statistical computer software. Interdisciplinary applications beneficial to both mathematics and science majors. For some students, an opportunity to participate in COMAP contest. Prerequisite: MAT-254 or equivalent.


MAT-333 Modern Geometry

A critical study of the foundations of geometry in which Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries are explored and compared. A sound logical basis is then built for Euclidean geometry within the framework of Hilbert's postulates. Prerequisite or co-requisite: MAT-282 or permission of the Division.


MAT-342 Number Theory

A study of the theory of numbers that includes concepts about the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of prime numbers, Diophantine equations, congruences, Euler's Theorem, and number theoretic functions. Prerequisite: MAT-223.


MAT-344 Modern Abstract Algebra

An introductory study of significant algebraic structures and their properties. Introduction to group theory including cyclic groups, permutations, Lagrange's Theorem, product groups, First Isomorphism Theorem, and Finite Abelian Groups. Introduction to rings and fields, including polynomial rings and factorization. Prerequisite: MAT-282.


MAT-351 Financial Mathematics I

An introduction to financial mathematics with emphasis on the theory behind formulas for present and accumulated values of cash flows. Topics include simple and compound interest, the time value of money, cash flows, yield rates, annuities, loans, and bonds. Also includes an introduction to financial economics, examining mathematical formulas for forwards, futures, options, hedging and swaps. This course prepares students for the second required examination (FM/2) in the Actuarial Profession. Prerequisites: MAT-253 and MAT-223.


MAT-353 Differential Equations

A study of ordinary differential equations including classification, theory and common solution techniques of linear equations, basic numerical and qualitative methods, power series solutions, Laplace transform methods, linear systems, and applications. Prerequisites: MAT-254 and MAT-280.


MAT-354 Introduction to Operations Research

An introduction to linear programming, integer programming, and dynamic programming. This course will be offered as needed. Prerequisite: MAT-280.


MAT-363 Mathematical Statistics I

An introduction to the theory of probability and statistics using basic concepts of probability and its laws, probability distributions for discrete and continuous random variables, mathematical expectation, and sampling theory. Multivariate probability distributions are examined, along with methods of distribution functions, transformations and moment-generating functions. Prerequisites: MAT-255 and MAT-282.


MAT-364 Mathematical Statistics II

A continued study of the theory of probability and statistics covering sampling distributions, The Central Limit Theorem, methods of estimation, and hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance and chi-square will be derived theoretically and then applied to various designs of experiments. Prerequisite: MAT-363.


MAT-370 Statistical Research Design I

An introduction to experimental design using statistical inference as the basis for applying statistical tests to various parameters. Design of experiments will include single factor experiments using analyses of variance, randomized block and Latin Square Designs. Factorial experiments will be explored in depth, and regression techniques will be extended to include multiple regression. Prerequisite: MAT-304.


MAT-371 Statistical Research Design II

A continuation of experimental design reinforcing elementary models and including complex design methods. Topics will include fixed, random and mixed models, nested experiments, and covariance analysis. A survey of factorial experiments will include split-plot designs, confounding and replication. Prerequisite: MAT-370.


MAT-373 Numerical Analysis

A study of the operation, efficiency, and accuracy of numerical algorithmic processes. Topics include rates of convergence, analysis of error, solution of equations, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, solution of linear systems, and approximation/curve-fitting. Prerequisites: MAT-254, MAT-280 and CIS-125.


MAT-391 Directed Studies in Math

This course prepares students to perform basic research in which they learn to use Off Campus Library Services (OCLS), electronic periodical indexes, and information resources. Students will identify and select appropriate material for inclusion in a college level research project which will be submitted at the conclusion of the course. (1 or 2 credit hours)

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MAT-396 Advanced Studies in Mathematics

A course in advanced topics of current interest in mathematics. Specific content varies term by term but will be announced before registration begins for the semester of offering. Prerequisite: Permission of Division Chair.

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MAT-399H Honors College Thesis/Project

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.

Indiana Weselayan