2024-2025 Catalog



ECO-410 Economics for Healthcare Administrators

Students in this course will learn foundational theories of economics and apply them to complex problems in the healthcare industry. Students will examine economic influences on healthcare policy, and evaluate the bearing healthcare policy has on the management of organizations. The impact of legal structures on providers is explored. Finally, students will apply concepts of the Virtuous Business Model to the implementation of economic healthcare policy in organizations.


Cross Listed Courses


ECO-444 Money and Banking

Discusses the theory of money and banking with specific analysis of the value of money, the nature of inflation, the reappearance of business cycles, and the problem of sound and unsound money. Money supply, interest rates, foreign exchange, and the problems of competition between banking and non-banking financial institutions are examined. Gives credit for majors in Economics or Business. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-213.


Cross Listed Courses


ECO-454 International Economics

A study of international trade, the international monetary system, and international trade agreements as a means of broadening an understanding of the American economic system within the context of the world economy. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-213.


Cross Listed Courses


ECO-463 Economic Thought

An analysis of the derivation of economic doctrines from Smith and Ricardo; through Marshall and Schumpeter; to Keynes and Hayek; Samuelson and Knight; Friedman, Lucas, and Buchanan. Includes a critical examination of the theories of mercantilism, physiocracy, classicism, Marxism, neoclassicism, and contemporary economics. Gives credit toward majors in Economics or Religion/Philosophy. Prerequisite: ECO-211 or ECO-213.


Cross Listed Courses


ECO-473 Independent Learning in Economics

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue further study in an economic field of special interest after catalog offerings have been exhausted. Prerequisites: ECO-212, ECO-213 and consent of the Division.

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Cross Listed Courses


ECO-483 Economics Practicum

An opportunity for advanced Economics majors to obtain valuable work experience and gain expertise in relating classroom material to actual business endeavor. A professional-quality paper analyzing one or more business applications will be prepared under departmental faculty supervision. May be repeated. Prerequisites: ECO-212, ECO-213 and consent of the Division.

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Cross Listed Courses


ECO-498 Economics Seminar - Research

A seminar course intended to develop the senior Economics major's research skills and professional writing skills in anticipation of a major seminar presentation to be delivered publicly the following semester. Prerequisite: Senior status and ECO/POL-322.


Cross Listed Courses


ECO-499 Economics Seminar - Presentation

A seminar course intended to develop the senior Economics major's professional presentation skills with the preparation and oral presentation of the results of the research in ECO-498 from the previous semester. Prerequisites: Senior status and ECO-498 .


Cross Listed Courses

Indiana Weselayan