2024-2025 Catalog



BIO-301 Ecology

An introduction to the principles and methods of plant and animal ecology in the physical environment. Prerequisite: BIO-125. Core course for Biology Majors.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-302 Entomology

A study of the anatomy, physiology, identification, classification, life cycles, habits, and adaptations of insects. Prerequisite: BIO-125.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-303 Marine Ecology

Introduction to marine life, biological communities and ecology. Marine ecosystems will be studied in preparation for the field component in coastal waters. Throughout the course, the ecological and economic importance of marine systems will be discussed. Society's role as stewards of creation is an integral part of class discussion. Course includes lecture and field trip to a coral reef. Prerequisites: BIO-125.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-311 Mammalian Anatomy

A study of the anatomy of mammals with emphasis on the anatomy of man. The laboratory work includes the dissection of a mammal. Prerequisites: BIO-125. Core course for Biology Majors.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-312 General Physiology

A study of the basic physiological processes. Consideration is given to all the organ systems of man with special emphasis in the laboratory on the neuromuscular, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Prerequisite: BIO-125. Core course for Biology Majors.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-313 Environmental Microbiology

This course is an introduction to environmental microbiology and includes discussions of the structure, functional and metabolic diversity, genetics, and growth of microorganisms. The essential roles of microorganisms, especially the Bacteria and Archaea, in the environment are emphasized throughout, including their key function as drivers of nutrient cycling in all ecosystems. In addition, the endosymbiotic roles of microorganisms in living systems, including other microbes, plants, and animals, are discussed. Laboratory activities include sample collection, enrichment culture strategies, staining techniques, and characterization of isolates. Prerequisite of C or above in BIO-213/213L.


BIO-317 Advanced Crops and Society

This is a course designed for majors in biology to study the contribution of crops to society and society's development. The course will cover cereal crops, legumes, herbs, spice, fibers, medicinal plants, tropical and temperate fruits and nuts. Soil and water conservation will be covered. Emphasis will be on agriculture in developing nations and development policies that affect agriculture, stewardship, the poor and malnourished. A research project involving lab work will be required. Prerequisite: BIO-125 or equivalent. Open to majors in biology. Course cannot be taken if credit has been awarded in BIO-107.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-323 Medical Microbiology

This course is designed for biology and pre-healthcare science majors interested in further understanding infectious disease, pathogenesis, and modes of transmission. Although human disease will be the focus of the course, several zoonotic and insect-borne diseases related to veterinary medicine will be covered. There will be some in-class laboratory exercises and demonstrations integrated into the lecture materials. Prerequiste: BIO-213.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-325 Sustainable Tropical Agriculture

This course offers practical, hands-on field experience in sustainable tropical agriculture. Students will learn about different plants, agricultural systems, soil management and appropriate technology that is used to help small scale farmers in very poor areas. Students will learn aspects of poverty and community development in an international setting. Course content is presented from a biblical perspective. Students will work with missionaries/development workers who are doing community development and agricultural missions in a developing nation. This intensive course involves academic rigor and physical rigor on the farms. Prerequisite: Permission of course professor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-330 Histology

This course highlights normal histology and the functional significance of micro anatomical structures. The lab and lecture portions of the course are completely integrated; the amount of time devoted to lecture or lab will vary depending on the particular topic. Prerequisites: BIO-125 and BIO-351.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-351 Cellular Biology

An in-depth study of the anatomy and function of animal and plant cells. The elegance and complexity of God's design for this smallest living unit will be revealed through lectures, in-class activities, and various assignments. Prerequisites: BIO-125, CHE-125 and CHE-126. Core course for Biology Majors.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-390 Directed Individual Study

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. (At Au Sable)

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Cross Listed Courses


BIO-395 Professional Observation

Observation by the pre-professional student of the professional practice of a medical doctor, dentist, optometrist, or related medical professional. Prerequisites: Junior classification and permission of pre-professional advisor.


Cross Listed Courses


BIO-396 Advanced Topics in Biology

A course in advanced topics in biology of current interest. See schedule for specific content. Can be repeated up to 12 hours.

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BIO-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.

Indiana Weselayan