2022-2023 Catalog



EDL-700 Superintendent Internship

The six-month long internship involves supervised transformational learning practices supervised by a sitting school superintendent in a school setting along with coursework and projects to maximize an intern's knowledge, performance, and dispositions as aligned with ELCC Professional Standards for District-Level Administrators. Candidates and superintendent mentors will be expected to participate in scheduled video conferences with the course instructor during the clinical experience.


Cross Listed Courses


EDL-701 Applied Superintendent's Internship Practicum - 2nd Semester

This course analyzes theories on collaborative curriculum development at the district level and focuses on assessing curriculum for vertical articulation and alignment with a district's vision based on community input and goals provided by the school board. Students document the process for creating curriculum that meets the needs of all students. The course reviews and explains the Superintendent's role in working with the school board to create policy on curriculum development, best instructional processes, and implementing best practices and processes, while documenting needed resources.


Cross Listed Courses


EDL-702 Curriculum Leadership Processes

This course explores multiple theories on curriculum development at the district level and focuses on assessing curriculum for vertical articulation and alignment with a district's vision based on community input and goals provided by the community and faculty. Students document the elements of a well-aligned and rigorous curriculum that can meet the needs of all students in, and implementing state mandated topics, while documenting needed resources.


EDL-703 District-level Assessment

This course examines the superintendent's role in collaborating with various stakeholders in designing, supervising, and revising a school wide measurement system that validates student progress towards district goals and performance expectations and their place in staff evaluation. The characteristics and requirements for valid and reliable standardized assessments will be studied and documented as will the process of writing high-level assessments. Prerequisite: EDL-702


EDL-704 Culturally Responsive Leadership

The course reviews the methods used by leaders to be culturally responsive in all settings. The course will cover other areas of diversity for Urban, Suburban, and Rural settings. The prospective leader will use an evaluation tool called the school district Taxonomy of Cultural Responsiveness evaluation. Future district leaders will build recognition of how to develop the board's understanding of what diversity looks like in the candidate's district. Future leaders will create a plan to assess the needs of their school district community and use this data to develop a plan for healthy school and community relations.


EDL-705 Standards Based Research

This course prepares students for a doctoral degree in educational leadership. Students learn about the strengths and limitations of various research strategies. They apply this understanding by analyzing current problems of specific interest to district administrators, with the goal of proposing several potential solutions that take a studied approach, including generating and analyzing data to inform decisions. The process includes concepts such as problem definition, evaluation of appropriate methodologies, research design, reliability, and ethical considerations. The course research project will present the family of proposed solutions. The course will be offered concurrently with EDL-700.


Cross Listed Courses


EDL-706 District Talent Management and Labor Law

This course is designed to prepare district leaders to address the human resources and labor contract law that school corporations must follow. The prospective district leader will be exposed to multiple areas with an emphasis on legal pitfalls related to benefits administration, unemployment, and insurance risk management. The legal labor contract negotiations process and its very detailed timelines are also studied.


EDL-707 Advanced Scholarly Writing in Educational Leadership

This course is intended to help students grow as scholars through the planning, writing, and revising of written documents. Students will review standard English writing conventions and synthesize academic sources within the contexts of their specific areas of interest. A focus will be placed on writing and preparing manuscripts according to APA formatting guidelines.


EDL-708 District Facilities Management

This course will include an examination of strategic planning for the basic requirements and development of school facilities, and the inclusion of stakeholders from the greater school community when making decisions about facilities' needs. Candidates will investigate shared processes and procedures from facility needs and assessments through actual renovation and new construction. Renovation strategic planning processes, ADA requirements, and energy savings, along with preventative maintenance planning will also be included. The class requires a major assessment where candidates assess district facilities and processes for cost savings analysis.


EDL-709 Educational Leadership Theory and Practice

In this course, students will examine contemporary theories, models, concepts, and practices of leadership within an educational organization. Students will study how to effectively apply these concepts to educational settings. Students will examine the influence of leadership on organization culture and consider how data can inform leadership decisions. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-710 District Budgets and Finance

This course is designed to prepare aspiring district level administrators with integral knowledge of budgets, revenue projections, budget calendars, and skills for district and building level budgets and accounting. Candidates will utilize practical real world understanding of current school budgets based on the use of required state budget forms for local property taxes. The course includes major projects that simulate actual school corporation capital project planning. The course requires students to complete budget cut simulations planning for times when overall revenue does not support expenditures.


EDL-711 Cultural Responsiveness in an Educational Setting

The course reviews the strategies used by leaders to be culturally responsive in educational settings. The course will examine strategies for successfully working in areas of diversity for urban, suburban, and rural settings. The student will be exposed to and apply theory in various areas to ensure they are prepared for a leadership position in a variety of educational settings. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-712 Politics and Current Issues

This course examines the source of all education policy and frameworks to address emerging local, state, and national issues and trends in district administration and supervision that have the potential to significantly influence the future direction of education in the candidate's state. It describes how the educational leader can influence the larger political, social, and economic issues and trends. The candidates build necessary leadership competencies to create stakeholder coalitions to respond to current issues. Concepts studied include running a referendum and building a coalition group to support the advocacy of school district's vision and mission.


EDL-713 Ethical Leadership in Education

This course examines multiple ethical frameworks, principles, and theories as they apply to the study and practice of leadership. Students will examine ethical decision-making, effective leadership, perspectives of moral reasoning, and their application to various personal, business, and civic responsibilities. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-714 Ethical Leadership and Change Theory

This course is designed to develop understandings and skills associated with creating an ethical school culture that is responsive to improvement needs. Students will research, discuss, and plan for the use of theories of organizational change and explore various strategies to bring these theories into practice by developing a collaborative vision that involves the success for all students based on collaborative input from diverse stakeholders. Students will create action plans that use community and stakeholder resources to assist in the implementation of the vision. Students will create a process for communicating the plan and suggest how to use technology to monitor systems to help manage the proposed improvement and change.


EDL-715 Change Theory and Educational Leadership

This course is designed to develop understandings and skills associated with creating a culture that is responsive to change. Students will learn practical contexts and approaches of change management that leaders can use to build innovative organizations. Students will research, discuss, and plan for the use of theories of organizational change and explore various strategies to bring these theories into practice. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-716 Research Methods, Topics and Review

This course prepares students for a doctoral degree in educational leadership. Students learn about the strengths and limitations of various research strategies. Candidates study the methods others have used to generate valid research on topics of interest. The process includes the study of the concepts such as problem definition, evaluation of appropriate methodologies, research design, reliability, and ethical considerations. The course research project will present the family of proposed solutions based on an in-depth literature review of the topic.


EDL-717 Collaboration in Educational Leadership: Groups and Teams

The purpose of this course is to develop interpersonal skills by analyzing group or team behavior and leadership effectiveness. The course equips students to lead with self-awareness, awareness of others, effective interpersonal communication, and to build a culture of trust relationships as a basis for effective leadership. Topics will include: Team formation and development, building, leading, organizing, and motivating teams, collaboration among cross-functional teams, and interpersonal relationship dynamics in small groups. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-718 Supervised Internship

The six month-long internship involves supervised learning practices based on the application of the NELP standards and skills supervised by a sitting school superintendent in a school setting. Seven large projects are implemented throughout the course. Candidates must collect data, train staff, create policy recommendations, and solve real world problems aligned with program standards and assigned by the school-based mentor to exhibit the required district level leadership skills. Candidates and superintendent mentors will be expected to participate in scheduled video conferences with the course instructor during clinical experiences to evaluate progress and completion. Prerequisite: EDL-716


EDL-719 Conflict Resolution in Educational Leadership

This course focuses on the critical skills associated with handling difficult people and situations. Students will gain skills in managing interpreting conflict and identifying options that result in a favorable outcome for all stakeholders. Theory, self-reflection and enhancement of conflict management skills, cultural understanding, structure, and practice of collaborative and mediated negotiations are emphasized. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-720 Education Policy, Politics, and Current Issues

This course examines the source of all education policy and frameworks to address the emerging local, state, and national issues and trends in district administration and supervision that have the potential to significantly influence the future direction of education in the candidate's state. It describes how the educational leader can address emerging issues and trends, build the necessary leadership competence and local stakeholder coalitions to respond to these issues, and develop into a leader who can deal effectively with the pace of change and influence resolutions on current issues. Prerequisite: EDL-620


EDL-721 Current Trends and Issues in Educational Leadership

This course examines the current and emerging leadership issues and trends faced by educational organizations. Students will learn through engaging environmental scanning, discussion, and reviewing of literature (scholarly and other mediums) related to their area of interest. Prerequisite: EDL-707


EDL-723 Educational Leadership Capstone

This capstone course provides students the opportunity to apply skills related to their professional interests and goals in the Education field. Students will work with the instructor to develop a project appropriate to their goals. Projects can include working with an organization to develop a strategic plan, developing research projects or interning with an organization. Field partnership required. Prerequisite: EDL-716


EDL-760 Advanced Educational Change Theory

This course is designed to develop understandings and skills associated with creating a school culture that is responsive to change/reform and embodies the philosophical underpinnings of systemic change and improvement. Students will research, discuss, and plan for the use of theories of organizational change and explore various strategies to bring these theories into practice by developing a collaborative vision that involves the success for all students based on collaborative input from all stakeholders. Students will create action plans to implement the vision and a communication plan and monitoring systems to help manage the proposed improvement and change.


EDL-770A Advanced Leadership Seminar and Praxis for Educators

This course explores the impact of the school leader's character and competence on the organization. Students will be challenged to strengthen their level of moral leadership as they confront ethical and legal issues. Strategies for personal and spiritual development will be considered.


Cross Listed Courses


EDL-770B Advanced Leadership Seminar and Praxis For Educators

This course explores the theoretical foundations related to organizational theory and adult learning and its impact on the organization and the school's leader. Students will build a collaborative learning community that engages school leaders in knowledge management and continuous improvement strategies aimed at transforming people, units, and the organization.


Cross Listed Courses


EDL-770C Advanced Leadership Seminar and Praxis For Educators

This course explores the school leader's relationship to the change process and practices of international and intercultural leadership in organizations and the individuals that make up these organizations. Students will examine the change processes, innovation, entrepreneurship, barriers to change, and successful structures and strategies aimed at improving the total organization, groups, and individual. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding multicultural globalization and its impact on how leadership is exercised in today's world.


Cross Listed Courses

Indiana Weselayan