2022-2023 Catalog


NRA - Nursing Administration

NRA-513 Introduction to Professional Development for Advanced Practice in Nursing Administration

This course establishes the process by which students will demonstrate that they have met the objectives and outcomes of the graduate nursing program and administration track requirements. It will introduce students to the professional roles and expectations of the administrator.


NRA-640 Introduction to Interprofessional Collaboration

This course will emphasize the importance of collaboration among nursing, business, and other healthcare professions. The relationship of emotional intelligence in the development of collaborative ethical practice is stressed.


NRA-670 Interdisciplinary Professional Development

Collaboration across the disciplines in health care will be a major focus for this course. The development of systems and processes to become an effective nurse leader will be pursued.


NRA-671 Professional Role Development for the Nurse Administrator

Provides an understanding of the professional role of the nurse administrator, including the ability to collaborate effectively in diverse settings with interprofessional partnerships. It prepares the nurse administrator to lead and manage the administration of health care services. Although various roles will be analyzed, an emphasis will be placed on decision maker and servant leader. Management and business theories/practices will be introduced. Biblical perspectives will be integrated throughout the course. 35 practica hours required.


NRA-672 Management of Healthcare Delivery Systems

Prepares the student to apply theoretical foundations of nursing, business, and marketing to the administration of health delivery systems; an emphasis on quality improvement, risk management, and public relations will be evident. Interprofessional collaboration will be enhanced through communication and team building skills. 35 practica hours required.


NRA-673 Nursing Leadership and Human Resources

Explores human resource management practices in a health care setting with a focus on developing knowledge and skills required of nurse leaders. Topics such as recruitment, selection, performance development, employment law, maintaining a positive work environment, labor relations, compensation, and training will be included in the course.


NRA-674 Organizational Behavior

Prepares the student to effectively apply organizational behavior theories and concepts in an administrative role; biblical concepts will be integrated throughout the course material. 35 practica hours required.


NRA-675 Innovative Strategies for Nurse Leaders

This course will provide innovative strategies to strengthen nursing leadership skills. Interprofessional collaboration, informatics, and professional presence in health care will be the major foci for this course.


NRA-676 Organization and Finance of Healthcare

This seminar course will assist the student in applying financial management/administrative practices to healthcare organizations. The course will provide a foundation for the role of Christian principles in stewardship of resources. Students will develop the ability to perform basic financial functions such as creating a budget, analyzing the financial statements, and developing a business plan. 35 Practica hours are required.


NRA-678 Advanced Nursing Management

This course provides the opportunity to partner with a nurse manager/administrator to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a supervised practicum setting. A practicum project integrating administrative skills is required.


NRA-680 Transformative Leadership

Based on the science and theory of nursing, an emphasis is placed on nursing knowledge and professional identity. The professional and ethical values foundational to the nursing profession are explored and applied to the skills, behaviors, and attitudes of a nurse leader. Personal and professional development are studied with resulting professional maturity.


NRA-680P Transformative Leadership Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will occur in this course related to the science and theory of nursing, professional identity, personal and professional development, and interprofessional leadership. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisites: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P Corequisite or Prerequisite: NRA-680


NRA-681P Practicum Continuation

Continued clinical experiences will occur, providing an opportunity to partner with a nurse leader to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a supervised practicum setting. Graded on a CR/NC basis. This course may be repeated as necessary within the defined program time parameters. Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529P


NRA-682 Practice Leadership

Provides an evidence-based, population-focused leadership practice developed through a research-driven approach. Environments of communities, individual patients, and employees will be analyzed for safety. Quality, person-centered care for individuals and systems will be explored. Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P


NRA-682P Practice Leadership Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will be explored related to population-focused care, evidence-based practice, and the development of safe, quality-driven work environments. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P Corequisite or Prerequisite: NRA-682


NRA-684 Collaborative Leadership

Prepares students to lead person-centered care that is evidence-based, collaborative, and empowering. There is an emphasis on team building and dynamics. Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P


NRA-684P Collaborative Leadership Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will occur related to interprofessional partnerships, person-centered leadership, team development, and collaboration across professions and work environments. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P Corequisite or Prerequisite: NRA-684 (with the exception of the dual MSN/MBA)


NRA-686 Systems Leadership

Prepares students to lead in complex systems of healthcare. Resource management will be emphasized with a focus on finance, human resources, and technology. Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P


NRA-686P Systems Leadership Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will occur related to resource management with a focus on finance, human resources, and technology. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P Corequisite or Prerequisite: NRA-686


NRA-688P Capstone Practicum

Provides an immersion practicum experience with an emphasis on applying and integrating knowledge, attitudes, and skills from the entire course of study. Experiential learning and application of project management will occur with the design and implementation of an evidence-based project that provides a solution to an identified problem. Practicum hours are required (130 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501, GNUR-529, GNUR-529P, GNUR-532, GNUR-532P, NRA-680, NRA-680P, NRA-682, NRA-682P, NRA-684, NRA-684P, NRA-686, NRA-686P


NRA-690 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Administration I

This course expands on the knowledge gained in GNUR-530. Students demonstrate the scholarship of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) through further identification and analysis of an identified nursing administration problem and subsequent literature review.


NRA-691 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Administration II

This course will allow students to expand on the knowledge gained in GNUR-530, and further developed in NRA-690. Students demonstrate the scholarship of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) through further development of methods to collect and analyze evidence based information. Methods used may be case study, critical literature review, or concept analysis.


NRA-692 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Administration III

This course is the third in the sequence and further builds upon knowledge gained in GNUR-530, NRA-690, and NRA-691. Students demonstrate the scholarship of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) through knowledge gained and conclusions drawn from collected information. Synthesis of evidence will inform recommendations for further study and best practices in nursing administration.


NRA-693 Integration of Theory Into Nursing Administration Practice

In this course, students demonstrate achievement of program and administration track outcomes. Students synthesize and evaluate evidence of having acquired the knowledge, dispositions, and skills to be an effective "Agents of Change."

Indiana Weselayan