2022-2023 Catalog


CHE - Chemistry

CHE-104 Chemistry and Artists' Colors

An introduction to the principles of chemistry with specific applications to the materials and methods used by artists. Topics will include: the nature of light and its interaction with matter in producing color; a study of chemical bonding with application to light absorbing molecules found in the composition of artists' dyes, paints, and pigments; the chemistry of ceramics and glazes; and the chemistry of photography. Other topics may include the chemistry of art restoration, dating of art works, and chemical hazards in the studio. This course is primarily intended for those majoring in art or a related discipline. Co-requisite: CHE-104L. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement.


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CHE-104L Chemistry and Artists' Colors Lab

Lab taken as a co-requisite to CHE-104.


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CHE-105 Exploring Chemistry

A non-majors lab science course fulfilling the general education requirement; not meant for those going on to higher level chemistry courses. This course is intended for students with majors outside of the sciences who have had little science or math in high school. The concept is to examine the chemistry of a variety of technology-based issues in the context of their social political, economic, ecological and ethical ramifications. The objective is to help students develop critical thinking ability, to better understand how to assess technological risks and benefits and to explore skills that will lead to informed decisions on scientific issues throughout their lives. No prerequisites. Co-requisite: CHE-105L. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement. Considered an elective in the Science Minor for Education Majors.


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CHE-105L Exploring Chemistry Lab

Laboratory study intended to amplify material covered in CHE-105. The experiments allow the student to experience science at a basic level using simple chemical equipment and procedures. This lab is taken as a co-requisite to CHE-105.


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CHE-110 Introduction to Chemistry

An introduction to the principles of chemistry. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, chemical reactions, kinetics, equilibrium, stoichiometry, solutions, intermolecular interactions, gases and other related topics. CHE-110 is a beginning course for students with weak or no previous chemistry and who expect to take CHE-120 or CHE-125. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement. Foundational elective in the Science Minor for Education Majors. Students taking this course should have a basic proficiency in math. A math SAT above 460, or RSAT 500 or above; or ACT above 19 or a grade of "C" or above in MAT-101 is highly recommended but not required. Co-requisite: CHE-110L.


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CHE-110L Introduction to Chemistry Lab

Relatively simple laboratory experiments are used to facilitate the learning of chemical principles covered in CHE-110. Co-requisite: CHE-110.


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CHE-120 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry

An introduction to the structure and reactions of organic compounds. The function and metabolism of compounds of importance to biological systems will be emphasized. Prerequisite: High school chemistry (1 year) and Math SAT 440 or above, or RSAT 480 or above; ACT 19 or above OR completion of CHE-110 with a grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-120L. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement.


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CHE-120L Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry Lab

Lab taken as a co-requisite to CHE-120. Prerequisites: High school chemistry (1 year) and Math SAT 400 or above, SATI 440 or above, ACT 19 or above OR completion of CHE-110 with a grade of "C" or better.


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CHE-125 General Chemistry I

A study of the fundamental principles and concepts of chemistry and their relations to representative elements and their compounds. This course starts with atoms, builds atoms into compounds, and then begins talking about the way in which elements and compounds behave. Foundational elective in the Science Minor for Education Majors. Prerequisite: CHE-110 with grade of "C" or better; Math SAT 480 or above, or RSAT 510 or above; ACT 21 or above, AND high school chemistry (1 year). Co-requisite: CHE-125L.


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CHE-125L General Chemistry I Lab

Laboratory study of basic principles such as stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and spectrophotometry. The experiments will aid in the understanding of common laboratory techniques, data analysis and legal/ethical issues of laboratory record keeping. This lab is taken as a co-requisite to CHE-125.


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CHE-126 General Chemistry II

A study of the fundamental principles and concepts of chemistry with an emphasis on solutions and equilibria. Topics covered include acid/base chemistry, oxidation/reduction reactions, thermodynamics, and nuclear chemistry. Prerequisite: CHE-125 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-126L.


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CHE-126L General Chemistry II Lab

Laboratory study exploring topics in parallel with lecture course along with a multi-week qualitative analysis experience. The experiments use techniques from 125L to assist in application of chemical concepts. This lab is taken as a co-requisite to CHE-126.


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CHE-130 Chemistry I with Lab for Health Sciences

The fundamental study of general chemistry, organic chemistry, and basic biochemistry will be discussed with regards to how they relate to the health sciences. In addition, essential principles including atomic structure, chemical periodicity, terminology, equations, kinetics, energy relationships, nuclear and descriptive chemistry will be addressed. The overall terminology of the subject matter will be reviewed along with an understanding of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of organic functional groups. This course does not meet general education requirements for IWU Marion students.


CHE-131 Chemistry II with Lab for Health Sciences

Chemistry II is a continuation of Chemistry I and encompasses a basic understanding of chemical equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, acid-base theory, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, the basics of coordination chemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. This course further develops the concepts of chemical bonding along with the chemical and physical behavior of elements and compounds, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis. Prerequisite: CHE-130


CHE-232 Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry

This course will focus on principles and analysis of chemical movement and distribution in natural environments. Sampling and analytical methods are included for water, soil and air. Consideration of the influence of man on the chemistry of the environment will be addressed. Prerequisite: BIO-125 and CHE-125 with "C" or better.


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CHE-235 Organic Chemistry I

A study of the fundamental principles and concepts in organic chemistry. The course begins by focusing on molecular structure, acidity, physical properties of functional groups, and organic nomenclature. These topics form the basis for understanding and planning nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions, which are then applied to both synthesis and reactivity of numerous functional groups. The concepts are subsequently applied to addition reactions of alkenes and alkynes. Prerequisites: CHE-126 with grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-235L.


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CHE-235L Organic Chemistry I Lab

Laboratory study explores the basic operations of organic synthesis and purification as well as natural product isolation. Chemical products are analyzed both by determination of physical properties as well as spectrophotmetric analysis. Co-requisite: CHE-235.


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CHE-236 Organic Chemistry II

A study of all the major classes of carbon compounds. First-semester emphasis is on structure and nomenclature with an introduction to elementary reactions and reaction mechanisms. Second-semester emphasis is on reactions, synthesis, and analysis. Prerequisite: CHE-235 with grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-236L.


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CHE-236L Organic Chemistry II Lab

Lab taken as a co-requisite to CHE-236.


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CHE-330 Inorganic Chemistry

A more advanced course which explores the properties of the transition elements. Topics will include the Schrodinger wave equation, states of atoms, crystal field/molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Prerequisite: CHE-235 with grade of "C" or better.


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CHE-350 Analytical Chemistry

An introduction to the theory and methods applied in the field of analytical chemistry. Focuses on the development of quantitative description of chemical equilibria in both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Emphasis includes acid-base and complexometric titrations, separations, electrochemical probes, and statistical analysis of data. Prerequisites: CHE-126 with grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-350L.


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CHE-350L Analytical Chemistry Lab

Introduces and develops laboratory skills in qualitative and quantitative analyses including acid-base and complexometric titrations as well as gravimetric and volumetric analyses. Emphasis will also include statistically analyzed data and professional communication of findings. Co-requisite: CHE-350.


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CHE-370 Analytical Instrumentation

Detailed study of analytical instrumentation, including electrochemical, spectroscopic, and mass spectroscopic chemical analysis as well as analytical separations, including various types of chromatography. Prerequisite: CHE-350 and CHE-350L or equivalent with a "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-370L


CHE-370L Analytical Instrumentation Lab

In-depth study of instrument operation, application, and calibration. Focus will be a hands-on experience operating spectrometers, electrochemical analyzers, and chromatography equipment. Prerequisite: CHE-350 and CHE-350L or equivalent with a "C" or better. Co-requisite: CHE-370.


CHE-399H Honors College Thesis- Chemistry

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.


CHE-330TU Inorganic Chemistry

A more advanced course which explores the properties of the transition elements. Topics will include the Schrodinger wave equation, states of atoms, crystal field/molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Prerequisite: CHE-235.


CHE-430 Biological Chemistry I

A study of the chemistry of life processes. The first half of the course will focus on the structure and function of macromolecules and primary metabolites. Topics will include amino acids, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids. The second half of the course will focus on major metabolic pathways and their regulation. Designed for chemistry and biology majors who intend to do graduate work related to this area. Prerequisite: CHE-236 with grade of "C" or better (or CHE-235 and permission of instructor).


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CHE-430L Biological Chemistry Laboratory

Lab course to accompany CHE-430 that is required of Biochemistry BS majors. Provides experience with a broad range of techniques used to study proteins, in particular enzymes. Prerequsite: CHE-236. Co-Requisite: CHE-430.


CHE-432 Biological Chemistry II

A continuation course which builds on the fundamental concepts from Biological Chemistry I. Topics will include biosynthesis of different classes of biological molecules including lipids and amino acids as well as nucleic acids and DNA. Protein synthesis, gene regulation and recombinant DNA technologies will also be emphasized. Prerequisite: CHE-430 with grade of "C" or better. Co-requisite CHE-432L.


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CHE-432L Biological Chemistry II Lab

Lab taken as co-requisite to CHE-432. Provides experiences with some of the techniques used to study proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.


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CHE-440 Physical Chemistry I

This course covers the basic laws of thermodynamics and their application to various systems (pure substances, mixtures, and multiple phases). Electrochemistry and kinetics is also covered at a basic level. Prerequisites: PHY-222, MAT-254, and CHE-126 with grade of "C" or better.


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CHE-450 Physical Chemistry II

An introduction to quantum mechanics and applications to atomic and molecular structure. Topics include rotational, vibrational and electronic spectroscophy as well as methods for solving the Schrodinger equation. Prerequisite: CHE-440 with grade of "C" or better.


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CHE-461 Physical Chemistry Lab

An introductory laboratory experience in methods and instrumentation used in the determination of physical and chemical properties of matter. This course includes experiments that are applicable to thermodynamic, kinetic and quantum mechanical properties of chemical systems. Co-requisite: CHE-450.


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CHE-475 Independent Learning in Chemistry

Individually arranged reading, problem solving, or research in advanced chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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CHE-488 Special Topics in Chemistry

This course covers one or more special topics in Chemistry that is not covered in the normal curriculum. It is always offered with a subheading describing the specific topic(s) to be covered and is repeatable under a different subheading. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.

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CHE-490 Chemistry Senior Seminar

This course is intended to help science majors to synthesize, integrate, and apply their scientific understanding. The course will focus on advanced topics and on the ethical and social implications of science. Some emphasis will be given to research and to written and oral communication skills as used in the sciences. The Major Field Achievement Test in chemistry may be administered as a part of this course. The course is required of all majors. Prerequisite: Senior standing, science major, and completion of at least one course in the major at or above the 300 level with grade of "C" or better.


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CHE-495 Research in Chemistry

Students will engage in original research under the direction of a faculty member. This course may be repeated but only two credits total may be applied toward a chemistry major or minor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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Indiana Weselayan