2022-2023 Catalog


GNUR - Graduate Nursing

GNUR-501 Evidence Based Communication

Prepares the graduate nursing student to demonstrate advanced writing skills in written communication and formal research coursework.


GNUR-505 Advanced Nursing Seminar

Provides students with an understanding of the Graduate Nursing Program (GNUR) and the mission of Indiana Wesleyan University, expectations of graduate level education, policies, and available student services. Students will also begin a personal and professional integration of evidence-based practice.


GNUR-507 Introduction to Nursing Administration

This course will proved an introduction to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Administration degree with an overarching Christian worldview. Management and business theory/practice, orientation to IWU, MSN administration resources, MSN research process, time management principles, and overall online success techniques will be emphasized.


GNUR-509 Interdisciplinary Professional Development

Collaboration across the disciplines in health care will be a major focus for this course. The development of systems and processes to become an effective nurse leader will be pursued.


GNUR-510 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice

Explores the philosophical and theoretical foundations for nursing practice. Interrelationships among nursing theory, research, and practice are emphasized. Focuses on the critique, evaluation, and utilization of nursing and other relevant theories. Includes an evaluation of nursing theories in relationship to a biblical worldview.


GNUR-512 Theoretical Perspectives for the Nurse Educator

Explores the philosophical and theoretical foundations for nursing practice. Interrelationships between nursing theory, research, and practice are stressed. Emphasis is placed on the critique, evaluation, and utilization of nursing, education, and other relevant theories for application in nursing education. Nursing theories are evaluated from a biblical worldview. Competencies required for scholarly work will be included, and a system established to demonstrate accomplishment of progressive outcomes across the graduate program.


GNUR-513A Professional Development for Advanced Practice - A

This course establishes the process by which students demonstrate that they have met the objectives and outcomes of the graduate nursing program. To satisfy completion of program requirements students must assemble evidence that they have acquired the knowledge, dispositions, and skills that will enable them to become "Agents of Change" in advanced nursing practice.


GNUR-513B Professional Development for Advanced Practice - B

This course establishes the process by which students demonstrate that they have met the objectives and outcomes of the graduate nursing program. To satisfy completion of program requirements students must assemble evidence that they have acquired the knowledge, dispositions, and skills that will enable them to become "Agents of Change" in advanced nursing practice.


GNUR-521 Trends and Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing

Analyzes the impact of contemporary issues on health care and advanced practice nursing in diverse settings, integrating biblical Christian perspectives.


GNUR-523 Foundations of Adult Education

Examines various adult education and learning theories with application to learning and management within diverse health care environments.


GNUR-525 Ethics and Health Policy

This course emphasizes ethical decision making in the stewardship of resources and the process of implementing change in health policy in institutional, community, and cross-cultural settings.


GNUR-526 Applied Research

This course lays the foundation for the final research project. Introduces the relationship of theory-research-practice and emphasizes conceptual understanding and practical application of design, methodology and analysis to an identified problem. The incorporation of Christ's compassion and integrity from a global perspective is introduced as an integral part of the research process. Prerequisite: GNUR-528


GNUR-528 Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Focuses on examination and application of statistical methods, research designs, and epidemiologic principles used in healthcare research. Application will be made to disease prevention and health promotion.


GNUR-529 Epidemiology & Care of Populations

Focuses on using population-health data and epidemiological research to address community-level problems. The application will be made to health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management. A collaborative approach will be used to achieve course outcomes. Prerequisite: GNUR-501


GNUR-529P Epidemiology & Care of Populations Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will occur in this course related to using population-health data, epidemiological research, and evidence-based practice to address health promotion, disease prevention, chronic disease management, and health inequalities at the community level. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501 Corequisite or Prerequisite: GNUR-529


GNUR-530 Utilization of Research for Evidence Based Practice

Examination of the research process, statistical analysis, and evidence based practice with applicability to advanced nursing practice. Attention is given to critical research methods, analysis, and ethical aspects of scholarly inquiry. Emphasis on how research contributes to the development of nursing knowledge, improves nursing practice, supports the design of nursing systems, and enhances the education and professional accountability of nurses.


GNUR-532 Synthesis of Advanced Pharmacology, Physical Assessment, and Pathophysiology

Focuses on evidence-based practice and the synthesis of principles in advanced pathophysiology, physical assessment, and pharmacology. The information derived from the synthesis supports clinical judgment in decision-making for patients, families, communities, and populations. Prerequisite: GNUR-501


GNUR-532P Synthesis of Advanced Pharmacology, Physical Assessment, and Pathophysiology Practicum

Experiential learning and application of concepts will occur related to the principles of advanced pharmacology, physical assessment, and pathophysiology. Experiences will advance the development of clinical judgment in decision-making for patients, families, communities, and populations. Practicum hours are required (65 hours). Prerequisite: GNUR-501 Corequisite or Prerequisite: GNUR-532


GNUR-544 Health Policy: Process and Analysis

Examines the process of public policy information in health care and provides techniques for analysis. The focus is on application of knowledge to specific health policy issues.


GNUR-557 Ethics in Health Care

Assists the student in applying ethical theories to decision-making within the scope of practice for nurse managers, educators and administrators in institutional, community, and cross-cultural settings. Students will develop an ethical decision-making model and an ethical code of conduct which is compatible with Christian values.


GNUR-559 Research Methods

Considers research in the field of nursing, health, and human services and the relationship of research to knowledge and practice, including cross-cultural research in national and international communities. Emphasizes conceptual understanding of design, methodology, and the development of a structural investigation of a problem. Prerequisite: GNUR-528.


GNUR-562 Professional Role Development for the Nurse Educator

Provides understanding of the professional role of the advanced practice nurse educator, including the ability to collaborate effectively in diverse interdisciplinary partnerships. Fosters professional role development necessary to provide leadership in the delivery of health care education. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Core Courses.


GNUR-564 Curriculum Design and Evaluation

Prepares the graduate nursing education student to develop and revise curriculum in order to facilitate student learning and enhance program effectiveness.


GNUR-566 Program Evaluation and Assessment

Emphasizes the process of analysis and modification of educational programs to promote compliance with relevant standards, criteria for evaluation, and accountability. Prerequisite: GNUR-564.


GNUR-568 Teaching and Learning Strategies

Introduces the analysis and application of various teaching techniques and strategies in diverse learning settings. Students will explore various methods and theories of instructional assessment and classroom management. Prerequisite: GNUR-566


GNUR-569 Advanced Nursing Instruction

Provides the opportunity to partner with a professional educator to apply acquired knowledge and skills in a supervised educational setting. Prerequisite: GNUR-568.


GNUR-569C Practicum Continuation

Continued clinical experiences will occur providing an opportunity to partner with a nurse educator to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a supervised practicum setting. This course is a continuation of GNUR-569. Graded on a CR/NC basis.

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GNUR-570 Professional Role Development for the Nurse Administrator

This course provides an understanding of the professional role of the nurse administrator, including the ability to collaborate effectively in diverse settings with interdisciplinary partnerships. Prepares the nurse administrator to lead and manage the administration of health care/services. Although various roles will be analyzed, an emphasis will be placed on the roles of educator, decision maker, and servant leader. Biblical perspectives will be integrated throughout the course. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all Core Courses.


GNUR-572 Management of Health Care Delivery Systems

Prepares the student to apply theoretical foundations of business, health law, marketing and human resources to the administration of health delivery systems. Prerequisite: GNUR-570.


GNUR-574 Organizational Behavior

Prepares the student to effectively apply organizational behavior theories and concepts in an administrative role. Biblical concepts will be integrated throughout the course material. Prerequisite: GNUR-572.


GNUR-576 Organization and Finance of Health Care

Prepares the student for efficient stewardship of resources and organizational management within diverse health care settings. Prerequisite: GNUR-574.


GNUR-578 Advanced Nursing Management

This course provides the opportunity to partner with a nurse manager/administrator to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a supervised practicum setting. A practicum project integrating administrative skills is required. Prerequisite: GNUR-576.


GNUR-578C Practicum Continuation

Continued clinical experiences will occur providing an opportunity to partner with a nurse manager administrator to apply acquired knowledge, skills, and dispositions in a supervised practicum setting. This course is a continuation of GNUR-578. Graded on a CR/NC basis.

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GNUR-590 Nursing Investigation

Designs an applied nursing project for a specific educational, administrative, or primary care practice setting. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all courses.


GNUR-592 Applied Nursing Capstone Project

Conducts a structured investigation of a research problem pertinent to advanced practice nursing in an educational, administrative, or primary care practice setting. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all courses.


GNUR-595 Nursing Investigation Continuation

This course is a continuation of the process involved in completing the requirements for GNUR-590 Nursing Investigation. It is designed to assist students with making steady progress toward earning a Master of Science in Nursing degree. Students will prepare a plan of action, engage in regular discussions with faculty and fellow students, and submit a weekly progress report. Prerequisite: GNUR-590

Indiana Weselayan