2013-2014 Catalog



EDUT-512 Observation, Assessment and RT1 in the Early Childhood Profession

This course will explore the need for observing and assessing children's behavior and the development of skills essential for evaluating behavior. Emphasis will be placed on the appropriate usage of summative assessment and the diagnostic features of the formative assessment to enhance teaching and learning. Classroom-based education will assist in understanding how to best implement observation and assessment objectively, efficiently, and successfully for data gathering, analysis, and data-driven decision-making. Candidates will utilize teacher-created and ready-produced item analysis and assessment materials. The course requires a ten-hour, embedded field experience.


EDUT-520 Foundations in Phonics and Language Structure

This course provides the tools to implement phonics reading instruction using scientifically-based reading research (SBRR). Topics include phonemes, phonemic awareness, graphemes, phonics, and the structure of our language. Instructional strategies for teaching each of these are modeled. Candidates will assess a single student who has been identified as reading below grade level and implement phoneme-based phonics instruction in a tutoring setting.


EDUT-521 Diagnostics in Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary Classroom

This course provides practical classroom experiences in diagnosing challenges in reading and language arts. It covers techniques, methods, and materials involved with prescriptive intervention. Included in the course is an investigation of Response to Intervention as it pertains to reading and language arts instruction. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-522 Foundations in Phonics and Language Structure for Early Childhood

This course provides a foundation for teaching reading to children in P - 3 classrooms. Using a reading framework of scientifically-based reading research (SBRR), candidates will learn how to both teach and assess literacy skills in young children. Topics include print awareness, the alphabet, phonemic awareness, graphemes, phonics, and the structure of our language. Instructional strategies for teaching each of these are explained and modeled. Candidates will assess a single student in Grades 1 - 3 who has been identified as reading below benchmark.


EDUT-530 Culturally Responsive Teaching: Accessing and Building Competencies

This course examines the role of multicultural education in teaching and provides a comprehensive study of models for building cultural competencies. Worldviews and the impact of diversity on education will be analyzed. The course further emphasizes diversity issues in education as related to instruction, assessment, and learning differences of students.


EDUT-532 Reading and Writing in Early Childhood

This course focuses on the development of reading comprehension and writing skills of young children using scientifically-based reading research (SBRR). Topics include selection of appropriate reading materials, development of thematic units around texts, reading comprehension, vocabulary instruction, text structure, grammar, and the writing process. Candidates will design a literature-based lesson to teach in a P-3 classroom during their field experience.


EDUT-540 Introduction to 21st Century Education For Elementary Teachers

This introductory course examines the history of elementary education in American Schools and provides a comprehensive study of 21st century education and the need for classroom teachers to provide P-12 learning experiences that emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. The course further emphasizes the needs to use technology as an effective teaching and learning tool and emphasis is given to serving diverse P-12 student populations.


EDUT-541 Innovative Teaching for the 21st Century for Elementary Classrooms

The course introduces the elementary teaching candidate to innovative teaching by integrating 21st Century skills in with the national, state, professional, and technology teaching standards. P-12 learning theories are integrated in the course with an emphasis on using best practices to improve elementary classroom teaching and learning.


EDUT-542 Scientifically-Based Reading Research and the Sociocultural Context

This course provides foundational knowledge and skills related to the impact of the sociocultural context on SBRR-focused instruction and assessment for P-3 students. A knowledge of Scientifically-based Reading Research (SBRR) is used to design reading units that incorporate SBRR-compatible texts and instructional materials, both digital and non-digital. The sociocultural context required for effective teaching in diverse learning environments and communities is examined, including cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity.


EDUT-545 Assessment and Learning in the Elementary Classroom

Elementary candidates will study the need to use assessment experiencing for learning. The course emphasizes the diagnostic nature of formative assessment and the appropriate use of summative assessment to improve teaching and learning. Candidates will complete classroom-based learning activities in order to understand how to best implement assessments fairly, appropriately and effectively for data collection, analysis, and data-driven decision making. This will include ready produced and teacher created assessments and item analysis. This course contains a 10 hour field experience.


EDUT-548 Researched-Based Behavior Interventions And Elementary Classroom Management

The focus of this course involves researched-based methodologies for managing the elementary classroom, emphasizing theories of learning and instruction. An examination of human, social, and intellectual development for diverse populations of students is integrated with concepts of classroom management and behavior intervention. Emphasis is given to legal mandates associated with classroom management that impact student learning and the learning environment. This course contains a 10 hour field experience.


EDUT-550 Methods of Teaching the Elementary School Curriculum

This course examines constructivist approaches to teaching and learning in elementary education. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to align elementary instruction to Common Core Standards as exhibited through the development of an elementary unit of instruction. This course emphasizes the role of the elementary educator as a reflective practitioner who is capable of differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners through an emphasis on higher-order thinking, technology, and the application of instructional best practices. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-552 Methods and Assessment in Literacy for Early Childhood

This course focuses on implementation of assessment and instructional strategies used to teach literacy to young children. It provides foundational knowledge and skills related to literacy integration in core content areas. Multiple methods are explored, including simulations, cooperative learning, group and individual learning, and direct instruction. Three actual units are created: one only dealing with reading skills, one only dealing with writing skills, and one integrated literacy unit. Units are designed using a standard lesson plan format. Self-evaluation is also considered via professional reflection and goal writing.


EDUT-560 Content Reading and Literacy for Adolescents

This course examines strategic reading for adolescents in the content areas. The following reading techniques are emphasized: questioning, reading expository text, analyzing textbook material, and interpreting diverse materials. The course prepares teachers to develop metacognitive readers in their classrooms. Included in the course is an investigation of the process of Response to Intervention as it influences reading and content area instruction. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-562 Content Pedagogical Methods for Integrated Subject Areas

This course prepares students to implement techniques for the successful integration of specific subject content in the early childhood learning environment. Utilizing pedagogical methods of teaching within the early childhood classroom, students will develop strategies of collaboration and integrative curriculum building with a greater focus on theory. A strong emphasis is placed on child-initiated and culturally inclusive approaches with differentiation. The study of verbal and nonverbal communication, reading, writing, numeracy, sciences, social awareness, creative arts, and e-technology learning serve as an appropriate foundation toward a knowledge base for teaching diverse populations of young children.


EDUT-570 Introduction to 21st Century Education For Secondary Teachers

This introductory course examines the history of secondary education in American Schools and provides a comprehensive study of 21st century education and the need for classroom teachers to provide P-12 learning experiences that emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration. The course further emphasizes the needs to use technology as an effective teaching and learning tool and emphasis is given to serving diverse P-12 student populations.


EDUT-571 Innovative Teaching for the 21st Century For Secondary Classrooms

The course introduces the secondary teaching candidate to innovative teaching by integrating 21st Century skills in with the national, state, professional, and technology teaching standards. P-12 learning theories are integrated in this course with an emphasis on using best practices to improve secondary classroom teaching and learning.


EDUT-572 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Interventions in Early Childhood

This course examines what social, emotional, and behavioral interventions are, and how these interventions relate to the effective management of a diverse classroom. Worldviews and the impact of the teacher's role on social, emotional, and behavioral interventions will also be analyzed. This course also examines the importance of and how to identify appropriate resources that provide intervention services for students with diverse needs. Legal mandates associated with classroom management and research-based intervention methods will be examined as well. A ten-hour embedded field experience is required for this course.


EDUT-575 Assessment and Learning in the Secondary Classroom

Secondary candidates will study the need to use assessment experiences for learning. The course emphasizes the diagnostic nature of formative assessment and the appropriate use of summative assessment to improve teaching and learning. Candidates will complete classroom-based learning activities in order to understand how to best implement assessments fairly, appropriately, and effectively for data collection, analysis, and data-driven decision making. This will include ready produced and teacher created assessments and item analysis. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-578 Secondary Teaching Methods and Resources

This course examines constructivist approaches to teaching and learning in secondary education. Candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to align secondary instruction to state academic standards and national Common Core Standards as demonstrated through the development of a content area unit of instruction. This course emphasizes the role of the secondary educator as a reflective practitioner who is capable of differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners through an emphasis on higher-order thinking, technology, and the application of content-area best practices. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-580 Researched-Based Behavior Interventions And Classroom Management for Adolescents

This course emphasizes theories of learning and instruction, and involves research-based methods for managing a secondary classroom. An examination of human, social, and intellectual development for diverse populations of students is integrated with concepts of classroom management and behavior intervention. Emphasis is given to legal mandates associated with classroom management that impact student learning and the learning environment. An embedded field experience is a requirement of this course.


EDUT-582 Student Tchg: Early Childhood

Student teaching is a demonstration of practical applications of program knowledge, skills, and dispositions in facilitating P-3 students' learning. Authentic assessments documenting candidates' professional growth are exhibited and measured through the use of a Teacher Work Sample. Quality learning experiences in P-3 classrooms are required. All core program of study courses must be successfully completed prior to student teaching.


EDUT-590 Student Teaching: Elementary Education

Student teaching is a demonstration of practical applications of content and program knowledge, skills, and dispositions in facilitating elementary students' learning. Authentic assessments documenting candidates' professional growth are exhibited and measured.


EDUT-595 Student Teaching: Secondary Education

Student teaching is a demonstration of practical and content applications of program knowledge, skills, and dispositions in facilitating improvement in secondary students' learning. Authentic assessments documenting candidates' professional growth are exhibited and measured.

Indiana Weselayan