2013-2014 Catalog


MKG - Marketing

MKG-210 Marketing Principles

This courseemphasizes the principles of marketing and will focus on the social process that directs an economy's flow of goods and services from producers to consumers in a way that accomplishes the goals of society. This course also examines marketing from the perspective of the organization. Prerequisite: BUS-100.


MKG-346 Consumer Behavior

A study of major factors that influence consumer purchase behavior. Such factors as cultural, social, personal, and psychological are studied. Special emphasis is given to the buyer decision-making process. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-348 Service Marketing

A study of the marketing of services as opposed to the marketing of products. Topics include distinct aspects of service marketing, management of service marketing systems, and positioning the service organization. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-353 Selling and Relationship Management

A study of sales effectiveness, management of sales activities, the character of the marketplace, and development of creative selling skills. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-357 Advertising and Promotion

An in-depth study of the administration of advertising, consumer advertising, industrial advertising, and professional and trade advertising. Actual advertisements are developed and tested for effectiveness. MKG210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-370 Digital Marketing

The course is an introduction to Digital Marketing that explores the field and provides an understanding of basic tools needed to be a successful digital marketer. This course examines the role of digital marketing within the larger organization. Prerequisites: Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-386 Marketing Practicum

An opportunity for advanced students to obtain valuable work experience and gain expertise in relating classroom material to actual business endeavor. A professional-quality paper analyzing one or more business applications will be prepared under departmental faculty supervision. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-398 Marketing Research

An in-depth study of the various methods of marketing research. Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be taught in the course. Students will be involved in the development of an actual marketing research project. Prerequisite: MKG-210 and admission to the CAS Business Division or permission of the instructor, or admission into the CAPS BSMK program.


MKG-399 Service Learning

Service-Learning is an educational experience in which students participate in organized service activities that meet identified community and/or university needs. Prerequisite: Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-411 Healthcare Marketing

Students in this course analyze basic marketing principles and apply them to health care, and compare and contrast the marketing needs of individual patients versus corporate America as a customer, recognizing the diversity of the healthcare consumer's perceptions of care and wellness. Students investigate the various healthcare delivery models as changers of healthcare marketing. Students determine advancement strategies for donor development, donor relations, grants, network development, branding, and corporate sponsorships that result in sustainable funding. Students develop a biblically based integrated marketing strategy that guides communications with all stakeholders.


MKG-424 Strategic Marketing

The planning and administration of marketing programs is the primary emphasis of this course. This course centers on the analysis of marketing opportunities and the development of strategies for achieving marketing plan goalsand objectives. Prerequisites: Two upper-level Marketing courses and Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-444 Branding

This course explores the branding process by creating a long-term branding solution for a "firm's brand." Students will also develop their own "individual brand." The branding process will involve the evaluation and development of brand: meaning, objectives, target markets, barriers, packaging, pricing, rebranding and promotion. Prerequisites: Admission to the Business Division.


MKG-476 Independent Learning in Marketing

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue further study in a marketing field of interest in which they have exhausted catalog offerings. Prerequisites: MKG-210 and Admission to the Business Division.

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MKG-496 Marketing Seminar

A seminar for senior marketing students focusing on current issues and special marketing topics. Student-led discussions and presentations, as well as guest speakers, are used extensively in the classroom portion of the course which provides two hours of credit. Students prepare two presentations, one oral and one written, to satisfy the third credit hour.


MKG-498 Marketing Seminar - Research

A seminar course intended to develop the senior marketing major's research skills and professional writing skills in anticipation of the major seminar presentation to be delivered publicly in the following semester. Prerequisites: ACC-201, ACC-202, BUS-100, BUS-362, ECO-211, ECO-212, FIN-340, MKG-210, MNG-280 and either senior classification or written permission of the Business Division.

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MKG-499 Marketing Seminar - Presentation

A seminar course intended to develop the senior marketing major's professional presentation skills as he/she prepares and delivers the results of the research in MKG-498 from the previous semester. Prerequisite: MKG-498.

Indiana Weselayan