2013-2014 Catalog
2013-2014 Catalog
> MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
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Indiana Wesleyan University at a Glance
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Adult and Professional Studies (CAPS)
School of Nursing
School of Health Sciences
Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University
The Graduate School
ACC - Accounting
ACCT - Accounting
ACSI - ACSI Credential Program
ADC - Addictions Counseling
ADM - Administration
ART - Art
ATR - Athletic Training
BADM - Business Administration
BIB - Bible Lit-Taylor Co-op ACSI
BIBL - Bible
BIL - Biblical Literature
BIO - Biology
BIS - Business Information Systems
BUS - Business
CCU - CCU Co-Operative Program
CED - Christian Education
CH - Chemistry Competency
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Mandarin Chinese
CHN - Community Health Nursing
CHST - Church History
CIS - Computer Information Sciences
CIT - Computer Informatn Technology
CNS - Counseling
COM - Communication
COMM - Communications
COMP - Competency Requirements
CON - Continuing Education
CONG - Congregational Formation
CRJ - Criminal Justice
DNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice
DOL - Doc Org Leadership
EAR - Earth Science
ECED - Early Childhood Education
ECO - Economics
ECON - Economics
EDCE - Education - Christian Educ
EDCS - Grad Educ Continuing Studies
EDEL - Education - Engl Lang Learners
EDHA - Education - High Ability
EDL - Educational Leadership
EDOL - Education - Online Learning
EDRE - Education - Reading
EDSE - Education - Special Education
EDS - Special Education
EDTL - Education - Teacher Leadership
EDU - Education
EDUE - Graduate Education Elective
EDUT - Graduate Education - TTT
ELE - Elective
ENG - English
ENS Environmental Sci Taylor
ENT - Entrepreneurship
FINA - Fine Arts
FINC - Finance
FIN - Finance
FRE - French
GEN - General Education
GEO - Geography
GNUR - Graduate Nursing
GRE - Greek
HBR - Hebrew
HCAD - Health Care Administration
HCA - Healthcare Administration
HCM - Health Care Management
HMSR - Human Services
HNR - Honors College
HRM - Human Resources Management
HRMT - Human Resources Management
HST - History
ICD - Intl and Comm Development
INR - International Relations
INT - Intercultural Studies
IPE - Interprofessional Education
LANG - Language
LAT - Latin
LDR - Leadership
LEAD - Leadership
LIT - Literature
MAT - Math
MDIV - Master Divinity
MED - Master of Education Program
MGMT - Management
MGT - Management
MIN - Ministry
MISS - Missions
MKG - Marketing
MKTG - Marketing
MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
MNG - Management
MOL - MA Organizational Leadership
MPH - Public Health
MSC - Military Science
MUS - Music
NRA - Nursing Administration
NRE - Nursing Education
NUR - Nursing
OTD - Doctor of Occupational Therapy
PBP - Public Policy
PCRE - Pastoral Care
PHE - Physical Education
PHL - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PLS - Paralegal Studies
PMD - Pre-Medical Science
POL - Political Science
PREP - Preparatory Requirements
PROC - Proclamation
PSY - Psychology
PTH - Practical Theology
PYC - Primary Care Nursing
REC - Recreation Management
REL - Religion
SCI - Science
SDC - Student Development Counseling
SOC - Sociology
SOS - Social Sciences
SPA - Spanish
SPIR - Spiritual Formation
STAT - Statistics
SWK - Social Work
TC - Teaching Certificate
THEO - Theology
THE - Theology
TSL - Tchng English As Second Lang
UNV - University Studies
WAIV - Waivers
WOR - Worship
WRI - Writing
WSHP - Worship
YTH - Youth
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MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Technology Clinical Experience
1 to 16
Medical Technology Clinic Experience II
1 to 16