2016-2017 Catalog



THE-201 Survey of Biblical Doctrine

A synthesis of Christian doctrine that will help students become familiar with the key teachings of the Word of God that form the foundation of evangelical faith.


THE-231 Doctrine of Scripture and Doctrine of God

This course examines the doctrine of revelation and inspiration of scripture, the doctrines of predestination, creation, and providence, and the doctrine of God with special attention given to His attributes and decrees.


THE-232 Basic Christian Doctrine

This course examines the basic beliefs of historic Christianity as summarized in the Apostles' Creed and connects them to Christian practices. Specifically, the doctrines of revelation, God, creation, fall, and sin, the person and work of Christ, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the church, salvation, and human destiny will be covered. Focus will be placed on the common understanding of Christian theology in the major Christian theological traditions, while also taking note of their distinctive beliefs.


THE-233 Christian Theology I

This intermediate theology course further develops the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith introduced in THE-101. Special attention is given to the doctrine of God, Christology, Biblical Authority and Eschatology. Wesleyan/Arminian perspectives are compared with other traditions of Christian faith. Prerequisite: THE-101.


THE-235 Doctrine of Humanity and Doctrine of Christ

This course presents an analysis of the doctrine of man and examines Christology. Students reflect on the practical importance of both of these doctrines. Discussion of egalitarian and complementarian views of human relationships will be explored.


THE-238 Doctrine of Salvation: Soteriology

A study of soteriology, including the doctrines of sin, prevenient grace, justification, sanctification, and glorification from a biblical, historical, and practical perspective. The Wesleyan Arminian tradition provides the theological framework for this course and other theological views will be examined from this perspective. Not open to students with credit in REL-424.

Indiana Weselayan