2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > GRE - Greek
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The course teaches how to exegete Bible passages with the use of the Greek language tools. Discusses basics of the Greek language, the steps of exegesis, and the use of computer programs as aids. Student with credit in GRE-201 cannot receive credit for GRE-101.
This course presents an overview of the categories of Koine Greek syntax with an emphasis on translation. With the help of Greek tools, students will acquire the basic translation skills needed to read the Greek New Testament.
A continuation of GRE-201, this course assumes knowledge of basic Greek syntax and completes the student's knowledge of Greek forms and basic vocabulary, diminishing the need for auxiliary aids in translation. Prerequisite: GRE-201.
A study of selected New Testament passages in the original Greek. This course expands vocabulary and builds depth in one's understanding of Greek morphology, syntax, and semantics. Prerequisite: Beginning Greek competence or permission of department. Can be repeated.
Individually arranged reading, research, and issues relating to the Greek language. Prerequisite: GRE-201, GRE-202 or its equivalent.
This course teaches the fundamentals of biblical Greek, the use of linguistic tools, and the steps to produce an exegesis of a New Testament passage.
The study of intermediate Greek grammar through the reading and exegesis of selected New Testament passages. Prerequisites: GRE-201 and GRE-202. (Biblical)
Intermediate Greek - second semester. See GRE-521. (Biblical) Prerequisite: GRE-521.