2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > MDIV - Master Divinity
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This course introduces and overviews the six praxis domains of the Master of Divinity curriculum: mission, congregational formation, congregational life, proclamation, worship, and leadership. It also presents the foundational components of each practical domain: biblical, theological, and historical. This course is a prerequisite for all subsequent praxis courses.
This course develops the two-fold skills of 1) reading the Bible in context and 2) reading it with the eyes of a Christian. The classic tools of inductive Bible study are presented alongside strategies for appropriating the Bible today.
This course explores the most relevant contexts in which a person?s ministry takes place, including the unity and diversity of local contexts, social and cultural contexts, denominational contexts, national and global contexts, as well as the kingdom context. Special attention is given to the broader Christian context of the cohort, such as the roots of American denominationalism for North Americans.
This course reviews the historic beliefs of orthodox Christianity, including the nature of revelation, God, Christ, the Spirit, creation, humanity, sin, salvation, the church, and the end of the age.
This course surveys the progress and development of Christianity around the world from its inception to the present day, with special attention to the rise and anticipated dominance of two-thirds world Christianity in the southern hemisphere.
This course examines how change takes place in individuals. In addition to theories of personal change, special attention is given to historic examples of personal change.
This course focuses on self-discovery and personal appraisal through a variety of personal and professional assessment tools. Prerequisite: MDIV-610
This course begins the process of change in previously identified areas of need through goal setting and accountability. Prerequisite: MDIV-611
This course involves the connection of the minister with a spiritual mentor to whose spiritual direction they are willing to submit. The process of growth through mentoring is learned and implemented. Prerequisite: MDIV-612
This course covers the classical inward, outward, and corporate spiritual disciplines, which are carefully placed within the context of an overall process of change. Prerequisite: MDIV-613
This course focuses on the accomplishment of change and the goals set at the beginning of the spiritual formation sequence, with particular attention to recovery and or deliverance from obstacles to healthy spiritual growth. Prerequisite: MDIV-614
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to missional Christianity, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to facilitate mission, church multiplication, and service in the church today. Topics range from the classical fields of evangelism, church growth, and global missions to volunteerism and service to the world in its economic and social dimensions. The course involves contextually appropriate missional ministry and so requires that a student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: MDIV-500
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to the leadership and management of a congregation, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to lead in the church today. Topics range from the recruitment of staff and volunteers to managing conflict. The course involves problem based case studies from the student's context and so requires that the student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: MDIV-500
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to Christian worship, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to facilitate it in the church today. Topics range from administration of the historic sacraments and ordinances of the church to the use of music and media arts in contemporary worship. The course involves problem based case studies from the student?s ministry context and so will require that the student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: Pastor, Church, and World.
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to Christian proclamation, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to communicate effectively in specific settings. Topics range from a theology of revelation to sermon preparation and various kinds of sermon. The course involves the practice of proclamation and so requires that a student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: MDIV-500
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to the education and transformation of a congregation, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to educate and transform a congregation into a holy people today. Topics range from developmental theories to pedagogical techniques. The course involves the practice of education and formation and so requires that a student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: Pastor, Church, and World.
This course is a comprehensive, integrative approach to the care and fellowship of a congregation, beginning with biblical foundations and ending with the tools needed to facilitate wholeness in individuals and groups today. Topics will range from counseling theories to facilitating healthy relationships and assimilation in a congregation. The course involves problem based case studies from the student's context and so requires that the student currently be in an approved ministry setting. Prerequisite: MDIV-500
This course completes the Master of Divinity degree with an assessment of the progress made in the program, the collection of materials into a ministerial portfolio, and the creation of a five year plan for future ministry and personal development. Prerequisite: Completion of all six praxis courses.