2016-2017 Catalog


MGMT - Management

MGMT-500 Applied Management Theory

This course focuses on the functions of management, along with a conceptual framework and the practical skills necessary for managing effectively in the global business environment. Particular emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking skills and enhanced cultural awareness to analyze and develop creative solutions to challenging management dilemmas.


MGMT-512 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Management

In this course students will examine business ethics and social responsibility as deliberate organizational development strategies in a competitive global environment. Students will engage in decision-making exercises that take into account biblical standards, ethical theories, business law, and regulatory compliance as the bases of professional conduct.


MGMT-520 Organizational Behavior

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand the roles of leaders in affecting people behaviors in a diverse global environment. Students will apply a biblical worldview to concepts of organizational behavior on topics that include employee characteristics, technological influences, diversity, and cross-cultural competency.


MGMT-522 Business Strategy and Policy

This course contextualizes the functions of business within a framework of strategic management that considers the direction and goals of an enterprise; social, political, technological, economic, and global factors; industry and market structures; and organizational strengths and weaknesses. Emphasis is placed on the critical analysis of businesses from a general management perspective and the development and evaluation of biblically based business policies and ethical business strategies tailored for specific industry and organization situations. Additionally, students will consider the role of social responsibility in creating value and ensuring sustainable organizational success.


MGMT-528 Global Management

This course focuses on technological, social, political, ethical, and organizational issues and opportunities resulting from globalization. Students will develop the global management competencies that are required for organizations to achieve strategic success and sustainable growth. By participating in a cross-cultural service learning project, students will increase multi-cultural competence and develop skills in cross-cultural negotiation and communication.


MGMT-532 Leadership and Organizational Change

This course examines the roles managers play in implementing change, the challenges associated with managing planned and unplanned organizational change, and approaches to the implementation and anchoring of change. Students will study change interventions that drive organizational renewal while paying careful attention to ethical communication and communication management, employee care, positive work culture, and strategic alliances.


MGMT-533 Personal and Professional Competencies for Leadership

Research reveals that leaders with a firm grasp on their identity are more effective than those who do not possess this knowledge. This course is designed to assist students in the self-discovery of their strengths, personality types, and conflict management styles. It will also examine the importance of Godly character and how individuals make decisions that stem from their character. By exploring these personal attributes in conjunction with the spiritual reality of their identity in Christ, the participants in this course will gain a greater understanding of how they can manage effectively.


MGMT-534 Management Theory for Constituent Engagement

Researchers are constantly producing new and rich information to increase the effectiveness of managers. This class will inform students of "best practice" techniques in management theory so managers can better inculcate their vision and values to the organization and its constituents. To that end, leveraging technology for value creation is highly important to engage one's audience, because new technologies can promote causes and inform both the organization and the general public of relevant events. By employing current social media tools to engage their constituents, this class can inform managers how to best build a platform to communicate their goals.


MGMT-540 Non-Profit Development and Advancement

Candidates in this course evaluate non-profit development strategies and assess the market structure and environments to determine the crucial factors impacting development. Candidates create advancement strategies for donor development, donor relations, grants, network development, branding, and corporate sponsorships that result in sustainable funding. Candidates use a biblical framework to develop an integrated marketing communication strategy to all stakeholders incorporating emerging media.


MGMT-541 Innovation Management

Candidates in this course evaluate organizational cultures and structures that support innovation, continuous improvement and provocation, and assess leadership and motivational theories for adaptability and visioning within a biblical framework. Candidates create project plans utilizing organizational resources to accomplish desired change, and develop communication, collaboration, and human capital strategies for innovation and change.


MGMT-590 Applied Management Capstone

This course presents opportunities for students to demonstrate an integrated understanding of sound business principles, biblical and ethical standards, and best practices in management. Students will complete a previously approved project that involves a product, service, or organizational unit as the focus for development of an idea or resolution of a business problem. Working in close consultation with the course instructor, students will formulate and defend a plan of action for the identified opportunity or problem and prepare a formal presentation of the completed project.

Indiana Weselayan