2016-2017 Catalog


INT - Intercultural Studies

INT-120 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Engagement

This course will introduce students to the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-cultural engagement. It is recommended for all students who plan to live, study and/or serve in another cultural context either at home or abroad. Meets General Education intercultural requirement when taken in combination with INT-124 or INT-222.

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INT-122 Short-Term Missions (orientation)

This course will introduce students to the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-cultural engagement. It is recommended for all students who plan to live, study and/or serve in another cultural context either at home or abroad. Meets General Education intercultural requirement when taken in combination with INT-124 or INT-222. Prerequisite: INT-220 or INT-222.


INT-124 Cross Cultural Exposure Trip

The purpose of this course is to facilitate greater understanding of what is involved in cross-cultural ministries. It is available to students who will be entering into significantly different cultural setting for at least three weeks, and is designed to equip and prepare them to engage that culture in ways that are transformational, appropriate and effective. Prerequisite: INT-120 or INT-220.


INT-220 Intercultural Relationships

This course examines the theology of diversity, and specific ways that Christians deal with cultural differences. We develop strategies for effectively relating to people in cultural settings other than our own and working in the church to minister to various people groups in our society. Meets General Education intercultural requirement.


INT-222 Intercultural Leadership for Transformation

This course provides an introduction to the intercultural and multicultural leadership and followership, and logistical foundations for developing effective intercultural teams. Special emphasis will be placed on pre-field planning and team preparation, on-field operations, and post-field debriefing, follow-up, and next steps. Servanthood and stewardship paradigms serve as the biblical and theological bases for intercultural leadership/followership. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: INT-120 or INT-220.


INT-229 Essentials of Non-Profit Management

This course introduces the student to the spectrum of management issues in which leaders of non-profit organizations must be involved giving attention to the special nature of non-profit enterprises. The course will introduce students to essential management areas such as the legal framework for non-profit organizations, organizational governance, the role of the chief executive officer, strategic planning, finance, and human resource development. In addition students will be introduced to the fundamental principles of organizational effectiveness and capacity building. Finally the course will provide an opportunity to examine the contributions of the non-profit sector in the broader social and economic environment.


INT-262 Issues in Urban Ministry

Students will learn the basic knowledge of a variety of urban church planting methodologies. They will gain appropriate church growth principles; a knowledge of the urban church planting process from beginning to end, and a knowledge of how to build competent urban leaders in the new urban church plant.


INT-280 Intercultural Communication

Explores intercultural communication theory and practice within interpersonal, group and public contexts. Topics include similarities and differences in values, language, nonverbal, interethnic/intergroup communication, identity, and adaptation. Students will enhance flexibility with such encounters. Meets General Education requirements for Intercultural Competency.


INT-302 Contemporary Global Issues

This course is designed to acquaint students with recurring social, political, and religious issues that individuals encounter in cross-cultural settings. Concerns arising out of current events and the personal experiences of the students may also be topics of discussion.


INT-310 The Role of Women in Missions

A study of ministry to and by women, including biblical foundations for roles of female missionaries in the home, church, society, and principles for evangelizing, discipling, and counseling women of other cultures.


INT-315 Cross-Cultural Communication of Faith

This course explores the fields of theologizing and communication from a cross-cultural perspective. The student should learn how to think theologically and then communicate that into a new cultural context. Significant time will be spent observing and interacting with those from a different culture. Prerequisite: SOC-225,THE-232.


INT-322 Intercultural Internship

The student will be involved in a significant cross-cultural experience overseas under the supervision of a professional in the student's area of academic interest. Direct exposure involving observation and practical service that relates to classroom instruction will be required. Prerequisites: INT-220.

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INT-323 Urban Ministries Internship

This course is to be taken on site at an urban ministries center. The student will be provided a foundation for understanding urban cultures, systems, and people through an individually tailored internship and course of study. 1-4 week experience: 3 hours; 5-8 week experience: 6 hours; 9-14 week experience: 9 hours. Open to juniors and seniors. Prerequisite: ICD-260.

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INT-350 Transformational Development Principles

This course covers the key principles and processes of transformational development rooted in the tradition and values of self-determination, empowerment, and social justice. The course focuses on direct practice and advocacy for the socially and economically disempowered groups in the society and on bringing the church and the community together to address the problematic social conditions. It is designed to build the students' analytical, political and interactional skills necessary to mobilize the community for collective action and social justice.


INT-399H Honors Thesis/Project

Students will work under a faculty mentor in their major and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.


INT-402 Contemporary Global Issues

This course is designed to acquaint students with recurring social, political, and religious issues that individuals encounter in cross-cultural settings. Concerns arising out of current events and the personal experiences of the students may also be topics of discussion.


INT-410 Islam: Understanding and Dialogue

This course is designed to develop a basic understanding of Islam. Some attention will be given to its birth and development, the variety of expressions found today around the world and the implications these things hold for Christian witness. We will look at the facts of Islam, the text, the anthropological and sociological make up of the faith and its people in a variety of cultural settings. Strategies for engaging in meaningful dialogue and effective Christian witness will be explored. Not open to students with credit in HST-321. Pre-requisites: PHL-180, ENG-180, HST-180, UNV-180, BIL-101, and BIL-102.


INT-422 Intercultural Leadership for Transformation

This course provides an introduction to the focuses on intercultural and multicultural leadership and followership, and logistical foundations for developing effective intercultural teams. Special emphasis will be placed on pre-field planning and team preparation, on-field operations, and post-field debriefing, follow-up, and next steps. Servanthood and stewardship paradigms serve as the biblical and theological bases for intercultural leadership/followership. Prerequisite: INT-220.


INT-480 Intercultural Capstone

This seminar will provide a forum for the interdisciplinary integration of students' course work and for the integration of students' academic, personal, and ministry development. Studies in the cultural and religious backgrounds, historical development, and present situation in a country of the student's selection are also discussed in relation to how they affect the preaching of the Gospel and the development of the church. Restricted to seniors with a major or minor in Intercultural Studies.

Indiana Weselayan