2016-2017 Catalog


LDR - Leadership

LDR-120 Exploration of Life Purpose and Individual Uniqueness

This course will lead students to develop an understanding of their unique design as a key to discovering their life purpose and calling. Students will then explore how to work with this uniqueness in maximizing their college experience and life beyond college. A major focus of this course concentrates on the discovery of one's God-given strengths, passions and life experiences as a basis for this calling. Students are then led to understand how education, work, and other relationships in life are best understood and developed from this life calling perspective. Cannot take if earned credit in LDR-150.


LDR-150 Introduction to Life Calling

This course focuses on students developing an understanding of the concept of life calling and the discovery of one's God-given design as a basis for this calling. Students then are led to understand how work and individual leadership is best understood from the life calling perspective. Students will evaluate values, spiritual gifts, interests, abilities, personality traits, and experience. Students will combine each component in an in-depth self-assessment paper, and will integrate this into a life and leadership plan. Additional fees required.


LDR-180 Leadership Seminar I

The Leadership Studies major, as an interdisciplinary study program, must be studied in the context of another major. This seminar introduces how the curriculum of the Leadership Studies major, developed around a three-dimensional conceptual model exploring of leading, following, and organizational context, will enable students to design their own study plans for a double major by intergrating the curriculum of the Leadership Studies major with another major. The seminar will also guide students on how to articulate a servant-minded paradigm of leading and following from biblical-theological and research-findings perspectives. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and disposition to prepare them to meet the academic standards expected in the first and second year of the Leadership Studies program.


LDR-200 Foundations of Leadership

This course presents the paradigm of servant leadership within a study of the historical and theoretical models of leadership. Leadership will be defined and the Servant Leadership Model presented and contrasted to traditional views.


LDR-210 Introduction to Leadership Development

Provides an introduction to student development theory and practice and how residence hall living impacts college students. The course concentrates on developing self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills that are needed and useful to residence life. Emphasis is given to integrating current trends and theories of student development with residence life on a Christian university campus. The course is open to all students but is offered mainly to students anticipating working as a resident assistant.

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LDR-225 Student Leadership Practicum

This course is designed for those who are in student leadership positions. It is an applied course that relates servant leadership theory directly to various student leadership roles. An emphasis will be placed on developing and implementing program plans, dealing effectively with student conflict and learning to appreciate the field of student development leadership.

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LDR-235 High Adventure Leadership Experience

This course involves high adventure experiential learning (backpacking, canoeing, rappelling) with a focus on developing leaders through mentoring, self-discovery and personal challenge.


LDR-245 Peer Leader Practicum

This course focuses on developing students in the understanding and practice of leading their peers, both individually and as a group. The participants will minister and serve freshmen students in their breakout group through small group meetings, individual contact, mentoring, and community service projects. The student's experience will be facilitated by purposeful reflection, group discussion, interaction with faculty, and class assignments.


LDR-246 Mentoring Practicum

Provides an introduction to basic theory and skill development for peer leadership and mentoring. The participants will serve as a peer mentor for 2-3 first year students to assist in making a successful transition to college, and foster growth in character, scholarship and leadership. Experiences will be facilitated by purposeful reading and reflection, group discussion, and class assignments. No prerequisites are required for this course. May be repeated up to 4 credits.


LDR-255 Honors Leadership Practicum

This course introduces students to servant-leadership concepts and facilitates the practical application of such concepts to student leadership roles within the Honors College. The course is restricted to students currently serving in a leadership capacity within the Honors College. The course will challenge students to develop as reflective servant leaders and assist students in the assessment of their leadership style and effectiveness. This course may be used to meet Leadership electives in the Leadership Major.

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LDR-265 International Servant Leadership Experience

This course provides an experiential learning process that introduces leadership concepts and development based on a servant-leadership paradigm. Students will utilize a learning cycle to combine concrete experiences with reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation as a way of developing as leaders. This course is conducted in an international setting.

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LDR-280 Leadership Seminar II

The Leadership Studies major, as an interdisciplinary study program, must be studied in the context of another major. This seminar enables students to modify or improve their own study plans for a double major by intergrating the curriculum of Leadership Studies with another major. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and disposition to prepare them to meet the academic standards of the Leadership Studies program. Prerequisite: LDR-180.


LDR-300 Leadership and Followership

This course explores the key relationships between leaders and followers with a focus on mutual learning, mutual influence, and mutual empowerment that enable them to value and develop each other. Students will learn about leadership and followership types and how the leader-follower dyad works in organizational setting. Students will also explore historical models of leadership and followership styles across cultural, philosophical and faith traditions. Prerequisite: LDR-200.


LDR-310 Lifeskills, Career and Leadership

This course helps prepare upper division students of any major to transition into the workforce following graduation. The course focuses on preparing for a life of leadership after college by understanding how to develop life skills that will allow them to integrate their unique life calling into work environments and career interests. Four broad areas will be addressed: 1) Job Search, 2) Professional Development, 3) Personal Financial and Time Management, and 4) Lifelong Leadership and Learning. Students will prepare a personal portfolio and develop a strategic life and leadership plan.


LDR-325 Leadership Internship

This course provides a supervised practical leadership experience in a professional work environment. Students will provide leadership under the mentorship of a more experienced leader to develop and reinforce learning from the Leadership program. Prerequisites: LDR-200 and advisor approval. Instructor consent may be required.

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LDR-335 Independent Study in Leadership

This course allows a student to assist in ongoing research projects being conducted through the Servant Leadership Research Center at IWU. Students will conduct a literature review in a specific leadership research area while being actively involved in a research project. Prerequisites: LDR-200 and advisor approval.

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LDR-350 Leadership and Teams

This course explores the leadership of teams. Students will learn how to build community among the people they lead by building relationships, working collaboratively and valuing differences. Students will also learn to view work and results from the perspective of partnership as opposed to competitive individualism. Students will learn to respect the unique contribution of diverse individuals who make up teams and organizations. Prerequisite: LDR-200.


LDR-360 Leadership and Theological Anthropology

This course introduces biblical-theological and anthropological foundations of leadership and development (a Trinitarian model) grounded in the Scriptures and theological traditions of Trinitarian theology, Christological Anthropology, and Pneumatology. The New Testament model of Christ-like leadership and development is discussed. A special attention is given to (a) the role of the Triune God, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, in followership and leadership making and (b) current challenges of leadership development are addressed in light of Christ's "discipling the twelve," a universally applicable and cross-culturally relevant model for developing Christ-like followers and leader.


LDR-380 Leadership Seminar III

The Leadership Studies major, as an interdisciplinary study program, must be studied in the context of another major. This seminar enables students to continuously improve their own study plans for a double major by intergrating the curriculum of Leadership Studies major with another major. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and disposition to prepare them to meet the academic standards of the Leadership Studies program. Prerequisites: LDR-180 and LDR-280.


LDR-390 Leadership and Organization

This course introduces the nature of organizational leadership, classical and contemporary theories of organizations, organizational types, development, communication, and strategies. Students explore topics and issues relating to human resource theory, structural organization theory, organizational culture theory, theories of organizations and environments, learning organizations, and the dynamics of organizational communication. Through individual and group activities, students learn about organizational ethics, effective organizational culture, shared organizational vision, and value-based strategic planning.


LDR-400 Leadership and Change

This course focuses on the leader as a transforming agent of change. Students will learn to understand the dynamics of personal and organizational change and how to best serve others through the change process. This course explores various change models while focusing on the servant organizational culture as the best foundation for effective change. Prerequisite: LDR-200.


LDR-420 Leadership and Authenticity

This course explores the leader's relationship to self and the unique demands of authenticity and character to leadership. Students will be guided to see that authentic leaders are open and accountable to others, are willing to learn from others and maintain the highest integrity and ethics. Prerequisite: LDR-200.


LDR-430 Leadership and Conflict

This course is an introduction to the scope and nature of leading self and others through conflict. Students will learn about their personal communication and conflict styles, will be introduced to biblical principles and prominent theories on conflict, as well as various techniques of managing conflict (with a focus on conflict coaching, negotiation, and mediation). Students will develop skills reflecting sensitivity to intercultural and diverse population contexts and needs. In addition, students will explore concepts of nonviolent social change. Students will have opportunity to develop and practice skills through in-class experiential activities, assignments, and observational coaching/evaluation.


LDR-450 Leadership Capstone Seminar

In this course students will be asked to focus on a particular field of leadership (political, organizational, community, educational, etc.) and interact together around current issues in that field with an emphasis on ethical issues and how to be a change agent within that leadership area. Prerequisite: LDR-200. This course is designed to be taken later in the program when most, if not all, leadership courses have been taken.


LDR-470 Current Issues in Leadership

This course is designed for students who are interested in undergraduate collaborative research, conference presentations, new topic explorations, and publications in the field of leadership studies. Current topics are chosen for leadership scholarship discussions either hosted by the department of Leadership Studies or by national and/or international visits. Students through peer or faculty collaborations will engage in field research, cross-cultural contexts assessment, conference attendance and presentations. Students will explore current topic or issues in leadership studies relevant to their needs and the mission of the Leadership Studies program. The instructor will develop a specific course description based on the chosen topic in leadership.

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LDR-475 Leadership Project (Leading for Community Improvement)

In this course students will conduct an individual field project providing leadership to a community improvement project that they identify and implement through mobilizing others. Students will utilize the learning gained from the leadership major and put that learning into action in a true service-learning design. This course is available to students who are majoring in Leadership and have completed most, if not all, the other leadership courses.


LDR-475H Leadership Project (Leading for Community Improvement) Honors College Thesis

In this course students will conduct an individual field project providing leadership to a community improvement project that they identify and implement through mobilizing others. Students will utilize the learning gained from the leadership major and put that learning into action in a true service-learning design. This course is available to students who are majoring in Leadership and have completed most, if not all, the other leadership courses.


LDR-480 Leadership Capstone Seminar

In this course students will be asked to focus on a particular field of leadership (political, organizational, community, educational, etc.) and interact together around current issues in that field with an emphasis on ethical issues and how to be a change agent within that leadership area. Prerequisite: LDR-200. This course is designed to be taken later in the program when most, if not all, leadership courses have been taken.

Indiana Weselayan