2016-2017 Catalog


CED - Christian Education

CED-230 Teaching the Bible to Children

This course will provide theoretical foundations and practical strategies for teaching children in the church. Based on current research and models of effective teaching, students will design lessons and engage in practice teaching under the supervision of the professor. Critiques and suggestions for improvement will be provided by the professor and by fellow students.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-240 Teaching the Bible to Youth and Adults

A course exploring the methods of teaching the Bible to youth and adults seeking life change. The course content includes learning theory, teaching methods, and small group leadership skills. As part of the course each student completes a segment of practice teaching both in and out of the classroom which is evaluated professionally with an eye toward improvement. Prerequisites BIL-101 and BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-252 Introduction to Christian Education

An investigation of the history, philosophy, and psychology of Christian Education and an examination of methodology, equipment, and materials needed for effective implementation in the local church (or similar setting). The course addresses the changing role of the Christian education worker in the church today, introduces the student to career options in this field, and provides a foundation for other courses in the Christian Education major.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-255 Local Church Education

An investigation of the history, philosophy, and psychology of Christian Education and an examination of the methodology, equipment, and materials needed for effective implementation in the local church. The course addresses the role of the pastor in enhancing education in the local church, administering a program of Christian Education, and recruiting and training volunteers. Various models of Christian education in the contemporary church are also considered. Co-requisite: CED-255P.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-255P Local Church Education Practicum

Each student will be involved in practical experiences in a local ministry setting providing the student with a "laboratory" for the application of Christian education principles taught in the co-requisite course. Co-requisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-256 Christian Education in the Local Church

This course will explore the history and philosophy of Christian Education as well as the equipment and materials needed for effective implementation in the local church. Students will examine various models and methods of Christian Education in the contemporary church for a range of demographic groups. The course addresses the role of the pastor in enhancing education in the local church, administering a program of Christian Education, and recruiting and training volunteers. Each student will participate in a ministry practicum applying the Christian Education principles taught in this course.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-350 Teaching Children in the Church

This course will provide theoretical foundations and practical strategies for teaching children in the church. Based on current research and models of effective teaching, students will design lessons and engage in practice teaching under the supervision of the professor. Critiques and suggestions for improvement will be provided by the professor and by fellow students.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-354 Working With Children

A study of the characteristics of various age levels of children and some of the methods, materials, and programs for ministering to them through the local church. Prerequisite: CED-255


Cross Listed Courses


CED-357 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. Prerequisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-358 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) throughout the course of this practicum. Prerequisite: CED-357.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-359 Christian Education Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of Christian Education ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional Christian Education worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) and to gain experience in additional areas of leadership which were not included in CED-357 and CED-358. Prerequisite: CED-358.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-360 Curriculum Theory and Development

This course explores the curriculum design process for Christian education of children, youth, and adults. We consider methods for assessing needs, developing a scope and sequence, projecting outcomes, and objectives. Writing of actual curriculum sessions is included as well. Prerequisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-361 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. Prerequisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-362 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) throughout the course of this practicum. Prerequisite: CED-361.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-363 Children's Ministry Practicum

The student will complete twelve weeks of children's ministry in a local church (or similar setting) with mentoring by a professional children's ministry worker and supervision by a professor from the university. The student will be expected to teach or give leadership to a significant group (or ministry) and to gain experience in additional areas of leadership which were not included in CED-361 and CED-362. Prerequisite: CED-362.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-450 Leading a Children's Ministry in a Local Church

In this capstone course, the student will explore how those involved in children's ministry may effect change in the lives of children and in the parish setting as a whole. The student will learn how to plan, organize and lead an effective children's ministry. Instruction will be given regarding leadership and service on boards and committees, relationships with children, parents, peers and supervisors, and the recruiting and training of lay volunteers.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-455 Christian Education in the Family

A study of the relationship of the church and the home in the joint enterprise of strengthening the family, nurturing children and bringing them to mature Christian discipleship. Attention is given to current problems facing the family and to strategies that Christian parents and Christian educators can employ in an attempt to resolve these issues. Prerequisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-490 Leading Christian Education

Leading Christian Education is the capstone course focusing on leading and managing the local church's Christian education process. The course focuses on recruiting, training and supervising volunteers, organizing and motivating volunteers, budgeting, managing finances in the local church, curriculum planning, office administration, designing and furnishing learning facilities and working with other professional staff. Open to Christian Education majors and minors. Prerequisites: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-630 Christian Education of Children and Families

This course builds upon prior introduction to Christian Education in the church to focus specifically on the intentional discipleship of children and their families. Students will critically compare educational philosophies, cultural norms, and theories related to faith formation in children and families. Prerequisites: REL-501, REL-502 and REL-555 or their equivalent.


CED-635 Christian Education of Youth and Families

This course builds upon prior introduction to Christian Education in the church to focus specifically on the intentional discipleship of youth and their families. Students will critically compare educational philosophies, cultural norms, and theories related to faith formation in youth and families. A professional ministry position is required for the completion of the course. Prerequisites: REL-501, REL-502 and REL-555 or their equivalent.


CED-690 Philosophy of Christian Education

This course presents fundamental concepts of the philosophy of Christian Education from the Bible, significant figures in the history of Christian Education, and contemporary theories of learning.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-690ES Philosophy of Christian Education

This course presents fundamental concepts of the philosophy of Christian Education from the Bible, significant figures in the history of Christian Education, and contemporary theories of learning.


CED-690FR Philosophy of Christian Education

This course presents fundamental concepts of the philosophy of Christian Education from the Bible, significant figures in the history of Christian Education, and contemporary theories of learning.

Indiana Weselayan