2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > SPIR - Spiritual Formation > 5000
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This course examines how change takes place in individuals. In addition to theories of personal change, special attention is given to historic examples of personal change.
This course focuses on self-discovery and personal appraisal through a variety of personal and professional assessment tools. Prerequisite: MDIV-610
This course begins the process of change in previously identified areas of need through goal setting and accountability. Prerequisite: MDIV-611
This course focuses on the inflow and outflow of a deepening spiritual life which results in difference-making leadership.
This course involves the connection of the minister with a spiritual mentor to whose spiritual direction they are willing to submit. The process of growth through mentoring is learned and implemented. Prerequisite: MDIV-612
This course covers the classical inward, outward, and corporate spiritual disciplines, which are carefully placed within the context of an overall process of change. Prerequisite: MDIV-613
This course focuses on the accomplishment of change and the goals set at the beginning of the spiritual formation sequence, with particular attention to recovery and or deliverance from obstacles to healthy spiritual growth. Prerequisite: MDIV-614