2016-2017 Catalog



PHY-101 Physical Science of Everyday Phenomena

This course introduces physical science concepts and their larger place in society. Intended for non-science majors, the course emphasizes a conceptual understanding of major concepts of physical science, whereby the student can relate these concepts to real-world topics, societal issues, and modern technology. Basic mathematical skills in algebra are reinforced and utilized. Not open to students with credit in PHY-120.


PHY-120 Physical Science

An introductory course in the physical sciences designed for the non-science major. Emphasis is placed upon understanding the major principles and concepts of the physical sciences. Mathematical skills are not emphasized. Co-requisite: PHY-120L. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement. Required for Science Minor for Education Majors.


PHY-120L Physical Science Lab

Lab to be taken as a co-requisite to PHY-120.


PHY-140 Astronomy

A descriptive survey of the basic concepts of astronomy. Topics to be studied will include the sun and its family of planets, the properties of stars and galaxies, and the structure of the known universe. Math skills are not emphasized. Optional co-requisite: PHY-140L. This course with its co-requisite laboratory fulfills the general education lab science requirement (PHY-140 and PHY-140L taken concurrently). Considered an elective in the Science Minor for Education Majors if taken with PHY-140L. Prerequisite: high school algebra.


PHY-140L Astronomy Lab

This course is an optional lab which can ONLY be taken concurrently with PHY-140. Laboratory sessions will include several outdoor sessions, weather permitting, using IWU portable telescopes to observe and photograph craters on the moon, the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus, brighter nebula and star clusters. Other topics to be covered include the basic operation and handling of telescopes, use of celestial coordinates and setting circles, and an introduction to the visible constellations. The remaining labs will be performed indoors, incorporating laboratory studies of optics, spectral emission lines, Doppler shifts and other astronomy related topics. This course will fulfill the general education lab science requirement ONLY if it is taken concurrently with PHY-140.

Indiana Weselayan