2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > PHL - Philosophy > 400
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This course covers a specialized and advanced topic in philosophy that is not covered in the normal curriculum. It is always offered with a subheading and is repeatable under a different subheading up to 12 hours. Prerequisite: PHL-180 and junior or senior classification.
An investigation of the characteristics and significance of the nature of humanity and human religious experiences. Consideration will be given to the evidences for the nature of theism, the major challenges to the Christian faith, the persistent problems of naturalism versus supernaturalism, the existence of the non-Christian religions, and of evil in God's world. Prerequisite: PHL-180.
A careful study from the philosophical perspective of the great oriental religious systems and the more recent cults that have emerged from these systems. Comparisons and differences will be noted and their major influence upon their respective cultures will be assessed. Especially recommended for missionary candidates. This course may be counted toward an Intercultural major or minor. Prerequisite: PHL-180. Meets General Education intercultural requirement.
Individually arranged reading, problem solving, or research in philosophy. Prerequisite: PHL-180.
This integrative seminar is structured to facilitate students' analysis and synthesis of the accumulation of learning gleaned throughout their undergraduate program in the Division of Religious and Ministerial Studies. Aside from introducing processes for integration of learning, there is no new content in this course. The culmination of the course is an integrative project demonstrating the students' applied competency and integration of his/her philosophical, theological training, biblical, and/or religious training.
This course covers one or more special topics in Philosophy that is not covered in the normal curriculum. It is always offered with a subheading describing the specific topic(s) to be covered and is repeatable under a different subheading. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.