2016-2017 Catalog



NUR-201 Professional Skills in the Academic Environment

Designed to acquaint the returning professional with skills necessary for academic success. Philosophy and procedures for the IWU Division of Nursing will be introduced. Other topics include scientific writing (APA style), computer literacy, personal time management, and other key elements for professional success.


NUR-205 Nursing's Role in the Health Care System

Designed to acquaint the practicing nurse with a perspective on the unique role of nurses in the health-care system. Content includes role theory, change theory, and political advocacy. Presents the efforts of nursing to help create a health-care system that assures access, quality, and services at affordable costs.


NUR-211 Enhanced Quality Unique Intervention

An individualized comprehensive course designed to equip students with necessary skills for success in the pre-licensure program. This course refines time management, study, critical thinking skills. Components of mentoring, self-efficacy and test taking strategies provide for a comprehensive approach supporting academic success. Prerequisite or co-requisite: NUR-221.


NUR-215 Global Health

This course will focus on international health issues. Students will develop a global perspective of the international community, political structures, and health issues. Cooperative, culturally appropriate strategies to international health issues will be discussed and developed. An introduction to global health issues: environmental health, global malnutrition, primary health care, maternal and child health, comparative health care systems, and epidemiology. A specific country/area of study will be chosen by students in order to synthesize specific international health issues and develop potential solutions. There are no prerequisites.


NUR-221 Principles of Intervention

This course is designed to guide application of theory and principles for basic nursing interventions. It includes didactic and guided skills practice, and must be taken during the first semester in the nursing program. Co-requisite: NUR-245 or NUR-253 and NUR-257, and NUR-221L.


NUR-221L Principles of Intervention - Lab

Laboratory experiences in performing nursing procedures. To be taken concurrently with NUR-221. Graded on a CR/NC basis.


NUR-224 Nursing Informatics

The course is designed to provide nursing students with an opportunity to acquire and apply knowledge and skills from information systems and computer technology. The focus will be on the considerations and impact of computer technology and information systems in nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.


NUR-232 Advanced Principles of Intervention

This course is designed to guide application of theory and principles for advanced nursing interventions. It includes didactic content and guided skills practice. Must be taken during the second semester in the nursing program. Prerequisite: Successful completion of NUR-221. Co-requisite: NUR-245 or NUR-253 or NUR-257, and NUR-232L.


NUR-232L Advanced Principles of Intervention Lab

Laboratory experiences in performing nursing procedures. To be taken concurrently with NUR-232. Graded on a CR/NC basis.


NUR-235 Perspectives on Poverty and Health

Designed to examine the concepts of poverty and vulnerability from a variety of sources. Poverty will be considered from a cultural and spiritual perspective, as well as a socioeconomic phenomena. A brief history of society's view of poverty will be surveyed. Service learning is expected as an integral part of the course. Of particular interest to criminal justice, health promotion and wellness, ministry, missions, nursing, pre-professional health fields, social work, sociology majors, and others. No prerequisites.


NUR-237 Complementary and Alternative Therapies

This course is designed to examine a variety of nontraditional (outside of the accepted mainstream) healing medicines and therapies. It includes a brief historical survey of health seeking behaviors and modalities from antiquity to the modern era. An analysis of the efficacy of various treatments, as well as potential harm will also be considered. This course will be of particular interest to students in the fields of health promotion and wellness, missions, nursing, pre-professional health fields, social work, psychology, and others. No prerequisites.


NUR-242 Nutrition

Study of the fundamental principles of nutrition and their relationships to health and disease within the context of cultural congruence. Prerequisite: CHE-120 or by Pre-licensure Nursing approval.


NUR-245 Adult Health I

Application of the nursing process to clients unable to satisfy their basic needs due to a pathological condition. Focuses on nursing care of adults with common health problems and includes clinical experience. Co-requisite: NUR-221 or NUR-232.


NUR-250 Pharmacology

Designed to introduce the student to principles of pharmacology and their relationship to heath care. Included are classification of drugs, basic mechanisms of drug interaction, and drug administration. Prerequisite: Admission into Sophomore Nursing studies OR approval by Pre-licensure Nursing.


NUR-253 Maternal/Newborn Nursing

This course is a theory and clinical course that focuses on the provision of nursing care to normal and at risk childbearing families. Normal pregnancy, labor, deliver, and care of the newborn are studied and physiological and psychological complications are presented. The course content is presented within a context of Christian values and ethics. The clinical component of the course provides the student with learning experiences related to nursing care of normal and at risk maternal/newborn clients and their families. Co-Requisite NUR-221 or NUR-232.


NUR-257 Nursing Care of Children

Provides the foundation for entry-level competence for nursing care of children, includes clinical experience. Emphasis is on the application of Neuman Systems Model to family centered health and well being of infants, children, and adolescents.


NUR-260 Physical Assessment

The focus of this course is the application of nursing knowledge and techniques to the process of physical assessment across the lifespan with emphasis on normal findings. Prerequisites: Admission into sophomore nursing studies or approval by Pre-licensure Nursing. Co-requisite: NUR-260L.


NUR-260L Physical Assessment Lab

Laboratory experiences in nursing skills. To be taken concurrently with NUR-260. Graded on a CR/NC basis.

Indiana Weselayan