2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > MIN - Ministry > 200
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Students will learn how to create an expository message, following the process from exegesis to the communication of the message or Bible study. The student will analyze the biblical text (using the tools learned earlier in hermeneutics and exegesis courses), and extract the main ideas and put them in the form of homiletical outline. Students will also give evidence of their knowledge of this process by preparing a sermon manuscript.
This course serves as an introduction to the principles and practices of the administration of the local church in a Latin American context. The course examines the pastor's role as administrator of the local church and provides preparation for achieving effective management of the church.
This course is a study of the principles and methods of evangelism and follow-up developed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The student learns to put into practice the best principles of evangelism. Not open to students with credit in REL-275.
The course introduces the principles of constructing and presenting sermons and/or teaching lessons. Students will apply Inductive Bible Study skills with a focus on the Old Testament book of Jonah. Students will craft a message focused to a particular audience. Issues for the ministry of the communicator of the gospel will be considered. Prerequisite: BIL-202