2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > MDIV - Master Divinity > 500
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This course introduces and overviews the six praxis domains of the Master of Divinity curriculum: mission, congregational formation, congregational life, proclamation, worship, and leadership. It also presents the foundational components of each practical domain: biblical, theological, and historical. This course is a prerequisite for all subsequent praxis courses.
This course develops the two-fold skills of 1) reading the Bible in context and 2) reading it with the eyes of a Christian. The classic tools of inductive Bible study are presented alongside strategies for appropriating the Bible today.
This course explores the most relevant contexts in which a person?s ministry takes place, including the unity and diversity of local contexts, social and cultural contexts, denominational contexts, national and global contexts, as well as the kingdom context. Special attention is given to the broader Christian context of the cohort, such as the roots of American denominationalism for North Americans.
This course reviews the historic beliefs of orthodox Christianity, including the nature of revelation, God, Christ, the Spirit, creation, humanity, sin, salvation, the church, and the end of the age.
This course surveys the progress and development of Christianity around the world from its inception to the present day, with special attention to the rise and anticipated dominance of two-thirds world Christianity in the southern hemisphere.