2016-2017 Catalog



LEAD-520 Communication and Leadership

This course will examine the communication skills needed for leaders in Christian non-profit and/or local church contexts. Students will explore multiple communication modalities, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of several forms of communication, and formulate a personal plan for effective leadership communication.


LEAD-540 Non-Profit Management

This course explores key non-profit management principles and skills, particularly those that are unique to churches and faith-based organizations. It will deal with the planning missteps that bring growing non-profit organizations, including churches, to a halt. It will also address strategic issues such as: when and how to introduce new ideas, meeting organizational needs without stifling spiritual needs, how and when to add multiple celebration experiences, prayer strategies to maintain focus, why building too soon or too big will stunt organizational growth, planning realistic budgets for growth without overestimating potential, and how to "cell" a growing organization. (Practical)


LEAD-545 Strategic Leadership and Management

This course is a strengths-based approach to strategic leadership and management, with parallel assignments for both para-church and church leaders. Students will identify their own leadership strengths, learn how to develop leadership strengths in others, and learn how to meet the needs of followers. The course also develops strategic management expertise through meeting needs, diversifying and uniting, as well as innovating and adapting.


LEAD-550 Intergenerational Leadership

This course addresses appropriate leadership to all generations present in the Christian non-profit and/or local church context. The course examines the different generations' needs, strengths and challenges, values, influencers, and expectations. The course content asks in light of these insights, what are the appropriate leadership responses, how can generations connect across generations and intergenerationally, and how are core and peripheral values determined and conveyed so as to embrace all generations?


LEAD-558 Missional Growth and Multiplication

This course is a comprehensive and integrative approach to organizational growth and diversification that participates in the missio Dei. Students will research, compare, and synthesize a strategic plan for expansion and diversification of their organization from varying multiplication models including (but not limited to): birthing a new organization (e.g. new church plants, non-profit start-ups), ministering to new or emerging cultures (e.g. multi-ethnic or multi-site approaches), and/or relocation to new geographies (e.g. satellite campuses or partnerships). The course includes biblical and theological foundation/boundaries for multiplication as well the tools required to grow and diversify an organization's missional impact. This course also allows the student to further customize their learning experience by choosing from three different tracks (Non-profit Leadership, Church Leadership, and Church Planting), which allows crosspollination of ideas and strategies from three closely related fields.


LEAD-560 Power, Change, and Conflict Management

This course examines several theories of the nature of change and change management as they interface with church management and administration. The course particularly examines the nature of power structures within the congregation and how to facilitate constructive change while maintaining fidelity to the mission of the group. (Practical)

Indiana Weselayan