2016-2017 Catalog



LDR-200 Foundations of Leadership

This course presents the paradigm of servant leadership within a study of the historical and theoretical models of leadership. Leadership will be defined and the Servant Leadership Model presented and contrasted to traditional views.


LDR-210 Introduction to Leadership Development

Provides an introduction to student development theory and practice and how residence hall living impacts college students. The course concentrates on developing self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills that are needed and useful to residence life. Emphasis is given to integrating current trends and theories of student development with residence life on a Christian university campus. The course is open to all students but is offered mainly to students anticipating working as a resident assistant.

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LDR-225 Student Leadership Practicum

This course is designed for those who are in student leadership positions. It is an applied course that relates servant leadership theory directly to various student leadership roles. An emphasis will be placed on developing and implementing program plans, dealing effectively with student conflict and learning to appreciate the field of student development leadership.

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LDR-235 High Adventure Leadership Experience

This course involves high adventure experiential learning (backpacking, canoeing, rappelling) with a focus on developing leaders through mentoring, self-discovery and personal challenge.


LDR-245 Peer Leader Practicum

This course focuses on developing students in the understanding and practice of leading their peers, both individually and as a group. The participants will minister and serve freshmen students in their breakout group through small group meetings, individual contact, mentoring, and community service projects. The student's experience will be facilitated by purposeful reflection, group discussion, interaction with faculty, and class assignments.


LDR-246 Mentoring Practicum

Provides an introduction to basic theory and skill development for peer leadership and mentoring. The participants will serve as a peer mentor for 2-3 first year students to assist in making a successful transition to college, and foster growth in character, scholarship and leadership. Experiences will be facilitated by purposeful reading and reflection, group discussion, and class assignments. No prerequisites are required for this course. May be repeated up to 4 credits.


LDR-255 Honors Leadership Practicum

This course introduces students to servant-leadership concepts and facilitates the practical application of such concepts to student leadership roles within the Honors College. The course is restricted to students currently serving in a leadership capacity within the Honors College. The course will challenge students to develop as reflective servant leaders and assist students in the assessment of their leadership style and effectiveness. This course may be used to meet Leadership electives in the Leadership Major.

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LDR-265 International Servant Leadership Experience

This course provides an experiential learning process that introduces leadership concepts and development based on a servant-leadership paradigm. Students will utilize a learning cycle to combine concrete experiences with reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation as a way of developing as leaders. This course is conducted in an international setting.

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LDR-280 Leadership Seminar II

The Leadership Studies major, as an interdisciplinary study program, must be studied in the context of another major. This seminar enables students to modify or improve their own study plans for a double major by intergrating the curriculum of Leadership Studies with another major. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and disposition to prepare them to meet the academic standards of the Leadership Studies program. Prerequisite: LDR-180.

Indiana Weselayan