2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > INT - Intercultural Studies > 300
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This course is designed to acquaint students with recurring social, political, and religious issues that individuals encounter in cross-cultural settings. Concerns arising out of current events and the personal experiences of the students may also be topics of discussion.
A study of ministry to and by women, including biblical foundations for roles of female missionaries in the home, church, society, and principles for evangelizing, discipling, and counseling women of other cultures.
This course explores the fields of theologizing and communication from a cross-cultural perspective. The student should learn how to think theologically and then communicate that into a new cultural context. Significant time will be spent observing and interacting with those from a different culture. Prerequisite: SOC-225,THE-232.
The student will be involved in a significant cross-cultural experience overseas under the supervision of a professional in the student's area of academic interest. Direct exposure involving observation and practical service that relates to classroom instruction will be required. Prerequisites: INT-220.
This course is to be taken on site at an urban ministries center. The student will be provided a foundation for understanding urban cultures, systems, and people through an individually tailored internship and course of study. 1-4 week experience: 3 hours; 5-8 week experience: 6 hours; 9-14 week experience: 9 hours. Open to juniors and seniors. Prerequisite: ICD-260.
This course covers the key principles and processes of transformational development rooted in the tradition and values of self-determination, empowerment, and social justice. The course focuses on direct practice and advocacy for the socially and economically disempowered groups in the society and on bringing the church and the community together to address the problematic social conditions. It is designed to build the students' analytical, political and interactional skills necessary to mobilize the community for collective action and social justice.
Students will work under a faculty mentor in their major and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.