2016-2017 Catalog



CHE-330 Inorganic Chemistry

A more advanced course which explores the properties of the transition elements. Topics will include the Schrodinger wave equation, states of atoms, crystal field/molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Prerequisite: CHE-235.


Cross Listed Courses


CHE-350 Analytical Chemistry

An introduction to the theory and methods of chemical separations and quantitative determinations. An emphasis is placed on understanding chemical equilibria of all forms. The first half of the course will focus on statistical treatment of data, equilibrium theory, or titrimetric analyses. The second half of the course will focus on instrumental techniques involving electrochemistry, spectrometry, and chromatography. Prerequisites: CHE-126. Co-requisite: CHE-350L.


Cross Listed Courses


CHE-350L Analytical Chemistry Lab

A laboratory experience coordinated carefully with CHE-350 to expose students to hands-on applications of chromatography, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and titrimetric methods of analysis as they are used to solve problems typically dealt with in modern laboratories. Manipulation and interpretation of the data obtained from the laboratory experiments will result in a variety of deliverables tailored to the scenario in the problem. Taken as a co-requisite to CHE-350.


Cross Listed Courses


CHE-399H Honors College Thesis- Chemistry

Work with a faculty mentor and in cooperation with an Honors College advisor, producing a research thesis or creative project.

Indiana Weselayan