2016-2017 Catalog



CED-450 Leading a Children's Ministry in a Local Church

In this capstone course, the student will explore how those involved in children's ministry may effect change in the lives of children and in the parish setting as a whole. The student will learn how to plan, organize and lead an effective children's ministry. Instruction will be given regarding leadership and service on boards and committees, relationships with children, parents, peers and supervisors, and the recruiting and training of lay volunteers.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-455 Christian Education in the Family

A study of the relationship of the church and the home in the joint enterprise of strengthening the family, nurturing children and bringing them to mature Christian discipleship. Attention is given to current problems facing the family and to strategies that Christian parents and Christian educators can employ in an attempt to resolve these issues. Prerequisite: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses


CED-490 Leading Christian Education

Leading Christian Education is the capstone course focusing on leading and managing the local church's Christian education process. The course focuses on recruiting, training and supervising volunteers, organizing and motivating volunteers, budgeting, managing finances in the local church, curriculum planning, office administration, designing and furnishing learning facilities and working with other professional staff. Open to Christian Education majors and minors. Prerequisites: CED-255.


Cross Listed Courses

Indiana Weselayan