2016-2017 Catalog



BIL-101 Old Testament Survey

A study of the Old Testament, highlighting the cultural background underlying the books of the Old Testament. Topics include major archaeological finds, Old Testament culture as it relates to today's culture, and the foundational relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-102 New Testament Survey

This course covers the literature of the New Testament. Special attention will be given to the life of Christ and the history of the early church, including the life of Paul.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-103 Bible Land Tour

This course comprises daily lectures on a tour to the Near East with Israel as the main focus. It involves a study of actual Biblical sites, especially those revealed by archaeological excavations. While the major emphasis will be the biblical history in its geographical setting, much will be learned about the religions of Judaism and Islam, the present social structures of society in Israel, and the existing tensions between Jew and Arab.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-105 Bible Lands Geography

The course is a physical and topographical study of the lands of the Old and New Testament with a blending of historical and ethnic backgrounds. Although the concentration of study will be on Canaan or Israel proper, a general survey of the Semitic and Mediterranean world will be included. Prerequisites: BIL-101 and BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-107 Psalms and Proverbs for Life

This course engages the Old Testament books of Psalms and Proverbs with a view to personal and corporate spiritual formation. Prerequisite: BIL-101.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-109 Introduction to the Bible

This course is a general introduction to the Bible. Topics to be covered include a general survey of the content of the Bible, the significance of the Bible with reference to the concepts of inspiration, revelation, canonicity, and infallibility, and a review of the history of Spanish versions of the Bible.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-111 Introduction to Old Testament

This course presents an overview of the Old Testament. The authorship, date, historical background, design, and redemptive theme of each book along with associated map studies will be addressed. Not open to students with credit in BIL-101.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-112 Introduction to New Testament

This course is an overview of the New Testament with emphasis on key people, events, dates, and themes of the various sections. Included in this is a historical review of the intertestamental period which helps define the spiritual, political, and sociological matrix of the New Testament. The major themes of each book will be discussed along with map studies of major geographic features, towns, and political boundaries. Not open to students with credit in BIL-102.


Cross Listed Courses


BIL-120 Themes in Biblical Literature

This course will explore Biblical passages which exemplify major themes of the Bible in order that the student will gain an overall understanding of the message of this significant historical, literary, and religious text. Themes which will be explored include the nature of God, creation, sin and human nature, covenant, the Messiah, atonement, faith, eternal life and the resurrection, hope, and the ethic of love. The impact of these themes on history and current life will be emphasized.


Cross Listed Courses

Indiana Weselayan