2016-2017 Catalog
2016-2017 Catalog > Courses > ADM - Administration > 400
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The investigation and application of techniques used in personal, professional, and educational assessment. Development of lifelong learning principles; preparation of prior-learning portfolio an optional outcome.
The student will examine the types and approaches of current business leaders from different approaches including servant leadership. Through evaluation of the servant leadership approach, the student will appraise relationship building of leaders through a biblical worldview. Developing global leadership perspectives affecting leadership effectiveness are studied by students in this course.
A review of the legal requirements facing business enterprise including bailments, bankruptcy, sales, negotiable instruments, and key points in the development of modern business and commercial law.
Students will develop or improve skills in the critical areas of applied organizational research and managing the planning process with a focus on strategic and operational planning.
An introductory course designed to relate economic theory and current economic theory and current economic events to the problem of effective managerial decision-making. Graded on a CR/NC basis.
The acquisition, analysis, and reporting of accounting information is examined from the perspective of effective management decision-making with special emphasis on the planning and control responsibilities of practicing managers.
This not-for-credit course surveys the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of accounting information from the perspective of effective management decision-making. It also touches on the planning and control responsibilities of practicing managers. Graded on a CR/NC basis. Must complete with a grade of "CR" in order to proceed to ADM-514.
An overview of the fundamentals of financial administration emphasizing the development of the issues and techniques involved in the cost of capital, capital budgeting, cash budgeting, working capital management, and long-term sources and uses of funds.
An overview of financial management emphasizing the development of the issues and techniques involved in cost of capital, capital budgeting, cash budgeting, working capital management, and long-term sources and uses of funds. Graded on a CR/NC basis. Must complete with a grade of "CR" in order to proceed to ADM-537.
This course is designed to integrate the content of core courses into an applied management framework. Elements of this course include decision-making in a wide variety of areas based on advanced level case analyses. Substantial reading of various managerial perspectives and applications of those perspectives to the student's work setting is required.