2021-2022 Catalog



UNV-500 Health and Well-Being for the Transitioning Veteran

This course equips students, who are transitioning veterans, with the information and resources necessary to move beyond the stresses of deployment and reintegration and embrace the opportunities available both in the community and through earned benefits for veterans.


UNV-501 Graduate CPT Seminar/Externship

The Graduate Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Seminar/Externship course provides students with an opportunity to gain practical work experience while linking those experiences to graduate level course outcomes. Students will describe a process change, procedural innovation, or another enhancement proposed to their employer based on learning in the course curriculum. Students must work at least 21 hours per week in a paid or non-paid position, which may include: current employment in a full or part-time position, participation in job shadowing or an internship, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Students may only enroll in one section of this course per term. Course may be repeated unlimited times, and must be taken concurrently with courses related to program requirements.

Indiana Weselayan