2021-2022 Catalog
2021-2022 Catalog > Courses > HSC - Health Sciences
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This course introduces kinesiological concepts relating to human movement. Students will learn classification of motion, biomechanical degrees of freedom, kinematic chains, arthrokinematics, vectors, biomechanical levers, and theories of motion.
Introduces students to the basic principles of pharmacology within the context of health sciences. Included topics are drug classification, administration, metabolism as well as patient safety.
This course will explore spirituality in healthcare and healthcare services. This course will investigate the impact of spirituality upon the physical, emotional, and spiritual health from the perspective of the patient. Embedded in the course will be a survey of Christian values and those of other religions along with social and cultural influences upon spirituality in healthcare.
This course will survey selective historical and current trends in public, private, and nationalized healthcare systems. This course explores US legislation supporting the historical and current health delivery models in the United States along with payment structures including Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, and private pay models.
This is an overview course of research methodology germane to healthcare involving both quantitative and qualitative designs. Topics include research design and common statistics used in healthcare research such as basic research, repeated measures, case control, and randomized controlled study designs and their commonly related statistics.
This course will introduce students to health and safety management in the healthcare environment. This course will explore the basic principles of law and ethics and their effect on healthcare decisions. Included will be a survey of Judeo-Christian foundations upon which the study of ethics is based.
This course focuses on the basics of epidemiological definitions and concepts associated with population health. The course will emphasize the social determinants of health for diverse populations.
This course will introduce concepts of management and leadership within the context of leading healthcare organizations. Best practices for managing individuals, teams, and organizations will be discussed. A focus on synthesizing leadership and managerial skills needed for change management implementation while integrating a biblical framework into managerial decision-making will be included.
This course involves a culminating project representative of accumulated learning in the Bachelors of Science in Health Sciences major. The project will address an area(s) specific to the student's career goals and professional healthcare inclination. Germane to the project will be the knowledge, skills, and attitudes accrued throughout the BSHSC program. Prerequisites: HSC-300, HSC-305, HSC-310, HSC-315, HSC-400, HSC-405