2021-2022 Catalog



SPIR-711 Spiritual Formation Seminar 1: Practical Theology of Person-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of persons from the perspective of practical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to soteriology, with special reference to the restoration and perfection of the imago Dei. Students will engage various biblical, historical, and contemporary voices for the sake of a deeper understanding. Special attention will be given to the practice of personal Sabbath keeping toward the appropriation of the graces of faith.


SPIR-712 Spiritual Formation Seminar 2: Historical Theology of Person-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of persons from the perspective of historical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to soteriology, with special reference to Christian traditions of eremitic monasticism. Students will engage relevant texts within their original historical context, with a roughly equal emphasis being given to ancient, medieval and modern voices. Historic practices of selfawareness, such as the Ignatian Examen, will be woven into the course experience, with an eye toward cultivating the graces of faith in the personal life of the student.


SPIR-713 Spiritual Formation Seminar 3: Practical Theology of Community-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of communities from the perspective of practical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to ecclesiology, with special reference to becoming and abiding-in the body of Christ. Students will engage various biblical, historical, and contemporary voices for the sake of a deeper understanding. Special attention will be given to the practice of communal Sabbath keeping toward the appropriation of the graces of love.


SPIR-714 Spiritual Formation Seminar 4: Historical Theology of Community-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of communities from the perspective of historical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to ecclesiology, with special reference to Christian traditions of coenobitic monasticism. Students will engage relevant texts within their original historical context, with a roughly equal emphasis being given to ancient, medieval, and modern voices. Historic practices of discernment, such as Spiritual Direction, will be woven into the course experience, with an eye toward cultivating the graces of love in the personal life of the student.


SPIR-715 Spiritual Formation Seminar 5: Practical Theology of Society-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of societies from the perspective of practical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to eschatology, with special reference to embracing and embodying the missio Dei. Students will engage various biblical, historical, and contemporary voices for the sake of a deeper understanding. Special attention will be given to the practice of social Sabbath keeping toward the appropriation of the graces of hope.


SPIR-716 Spiritual Formation Seminar 6: Historical Theology of Society-Forming

This course is a doctoral-level exploration of the formation of societies from the perspective of historical theology. Students will examine and deploy concepts related to eschatology, with special reference to Christian traditions of secular monasticism. Students will engage relevant texts within their original historical context, with a roughly equal emphasis being given to ancient, medieval, and modern voices. Historic practices of compassion, such as the Visitation and Hospitality, will be woven into the course experience, with an eye toward cultivating the graces of hope in the personal life of the student.

Indiana Weselayan