2021-2022 Catalog



FIN-420 Introduction to Financial Planning

The course introduces the principles of financial planning. The student will learn the financial planning process, how to analyze a client's situation, create financial and cash flow statements, and develop an appropriate strategy within a financial plan, via a case study written for this course. Additional topics include learning the CFP Code of Ethics, the role of financial institutions and their services, financing strategies, economic concepts, and the impact of business and consumer protection law. Throughout this course, the student will integrate biblical wisdom and the Virtuous Business Model into a review of personal financial planning.


FIN-421 Risk Management Foundations

The course incorporates a unique case situation to learn how the foundations of risk management impact the financial planning process. The student will analyze and evaluate risk exposure to develop strategic solutions for health care cost management, disability income insurance, long-term care insurance, life insurance, taxation of life insurance, business uses of insurance, insurance needs analysis, and insurance company and policy selection. Throughout this course, a biblical perspective of risk management will be applied.


FIN-422 Biblically Based Investment Planning

The course incorporates a unique case to learn the investment planning process. Students use various quantitative measures to analyze and evaluate the characteristics, returns, and risks of investment vehicles, client portfolios' formulation, and diversification to recommend sound investment strategiess. Throughout the course, the student will develop a comprehensive, biblical perspective of investing. The student will also evaluate and apply the Virtuous Business Model to their career in financial planning.


FIN-423 Introduction to Income Tax Planning

This course incorporates a unique case situation to learn the income tax system for individuals, trusts, estates, and business entities. The student will review income tax law fundamentals and calculations, tax compliance, income taxation of trusts and estates, basis, tax reduction management techniques, and charitable contribution rules to develop sound tax plans for clients. Additional topics include the Alternate Minimum Tax, passive activity, at-risk rules, business entity selection and the tax implications of special circumstances. Throughout this course students apply biblical principles to income tax planning.


FIN-424 Retirement and Benefits Planning

The course incorporates a unique case situation to analyze client retirement and benefit needs and the impact of social security to recommend strategic solutions. The student will differentiate between retirement plans, evaluate the rules and tax implications of retirement plans, recommend retirement plans for businesses, and select suitable client investments. Additional topics include regulatory considerations, distribution rules and taxation, retirement income and distribution strategies, and business succession planning. Throughout this course, the student will develop a comprehensive, biblical perspective of retirement and benefits planning.


FIN-426 Creating the Financial Plan

This course synthesizes the principles and practices of financial planning. Students create and present a comprehensive financial plan for a unique case situation that considers the fundamentals of financial planning, risk management, income tax, retirement, employee benefits, investment, and estate planning. Creating and presenting a comprehensive financial plan is a requirement to take the CFP exam. Students will also integrate biblical principles of leadership, discipleship, stewardship, decision-making, question-asking, and goal-setting involved in the financial planning process. Prerequisite: FIN-420


FIN-427 Rethinking Wealth: Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer

This course incorporates a unique case situation to learn estate planning. The student will consider property titling mechanisms, tax implications, sources of estate liquidity, types, features and taxation of trusts, wealth transfer strategies, gift and estate tax compliance, and postmortem estate planning techniques to create an estate plan. Throughout the course, the student will develop a comprehensive, biblical perspective of wealth within the context of estate planning and wealth transfer.


FIN-430 Investment Management

An examination of additional investment alternatives available to individual and institutional investors including options, futures, and convertible securities. Technical analysis and portfolio management theory are examined. Prerequisites: ACC-201, ACC-202, BUS-100, ECO-211, ECO-212, FIN-340, and the appropriate major area gateway course(s).


FIN-440 Financial Management

An examination of capital budgeting under uncertainty, the capital asset pricing model, lease versus buy decisions, and mergers and acquisitions. The impact of these financial decisions on the firm's risk level is analyzed. Prerequisites: FIN-210 and Admission to the Business Division.


FIN-450 Investment Services: Series 7

This course is designed to move beyond a basic understanding of investment vehicles and focuses on using these vehicles in the area of financial planning for the present as well as for the future. Retirement and estate planning, legal considerations of investment vehicles, and an in depth understanding of various investment classes are only a few of the topics considered. A student who successfully completes this class should be well prepared to take the Series 7 brokerage licensing examination. Prerequisites: FIN-330 and Admission to the Business Division.


FIN-474 Independent Learning in Finance

An opportunity for advanced students to pursue further study in a finance field of interest in which they have exhausted catalog offerings. Prerequisites: FIN-210 and Admission to the Business Division.

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FIN-499 Finance Seminar - Presentation

A seminar course intended to develop the senior finance major's professional presentation skills as he/she prepares and delivers the results of the research in FIN-498 from the previous semester. Prerequisite: FIN-498.

Indiana Weselayan