2021-2022 Catalog



DES-100 Workshop Studio 1: Score, Cut, Fold, and Chop

This workshop is designed to teach the basics of craft to comply with industry standards in the design field.


DES-101 DC1: Fundamentals Design Studio

Design Core 1: Fundamental Design Studio provides freshman design students with an introduction to critical design concepts and methods representative of creative practice across all design disciplines. This 3-credit semester course encourages entering freshman to think critically and act creatively about and upon design, the world around them as they secure a skillful level of craftsmanship in the conception, development, and making of all studio-based work. Semester work focuses on key design issues such as process, method, technique, technology, and the production of visual and physical items necessary for the envisioning and development of design.


DES-150 Workshop Studio 2: Print and Proof

This workshop is designed to teach the basics of the print process compliant with design industry standards. Prerequisite: DES-100.


DES-151 DC2: Human Centered Design

This introductory course will expose the student to the human centered design thinking. Developing an approach to design that listens, connects and then creates design solutions. This class involves students in a social design process which includes these steps...Empathy-Define-Ideate-Prototype-Test.

Indiana Weselayan