2023-2024 Catalog



PHO-460 Filmmaking

This course builds on the skills and concepts of Foundations of Cinema and covers basic filmmaking techniques, specifically camerawork, lighting, and audio. Students will experience a variety of on-set roles and will work together to create a festival-level short film. Prerequisite: PHO-360.


PHO-461 Contemporary Issues in Photography

A seminar course that will examine contemporary issues and movements within photography. Specific course content will vary by semester and student interest. Students are expected to read and write on photographic critical theory and evaluate specific topics within the current discourse. Prerequisite: ART-286.


PHO-470 Concept-Based Photography

This course will introduce students to conceptual assignments, contemporary issues and key debates about critical theory in photography. Emphasis will be placed on preparing students and their portfolios for entrance into graduate photography programs and expand personal vision. Prerequisite: PHO-370.


PHO-480 Business Practices for Photographers

Course covers the development of a photographic small business venture including startup, growth, and management. Topics will include, business structures, taxes, marketing, and industrystandard practices such as estimating and invoicing, day rates, and preproduction. Students will also focus on personal branding and print/ digital marketing. Prerequisite: PHO-110.


PHO-490 Senior Thesis Project

PHO-490 is the photo program capstone course. As such, the course exists not merely to provide an opportunity for students to showcase their current portfolio of work, but to expect students to be more intentional and theoretically engaged when developing the stylistic and formal concepts of their final project. Prerequisite: PHO-290. May be repeated up to 6 credits.

Indiana Weselayan